
Would you like it to have many daoc players arround u in WARHAMMER?

  • yes!!!

    Votes: 161 85.2%
  • OH HELL NO!!!!!! (state why pweassee;)) xD

    Votes: 28 14.8%

  • Total voters


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Research? What planet are you on?

He was making a point (not a quantitative analysis), a very valid point about the vocal minority (perhaps on forums, perhaps not) not being a true representation of the general population, thats not a generalisation as such, more an observation, you chose to take it to mean something other than what it was intended to mean, hence out of context.

You really should consider things before you post them and refrain from trying to flame those who are obviously more intelligent and have a better general understanding of things than you.

It beggars belief that someone would go out of their way to attempt too flame someone like this who is making a valid point and a constructive contribution to a topic, I guess it's the way of the forum troll?

well your kinda missing the point. his post was qouted to eble's post which set out a certain character type.
that is the generalisation that such a person would most likely be a child.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
It's more an example than a generalisation and I can see nothing wrong with comparing those who act like naughty, spoilt children to naughty, spoilt children. There is no real difference, your actions define you.

Anyway, thats not even the point, I was responding to Eble's post, which as has rightly been said, you have taken out of context. The point is that in every online game there is a vocal minority who are often heard screaming to the gods on forums or QQing in-game at other players. While a lot of DAoC players do this and indeed a lot of excali/pryd players do act like this, this is by no means confined to DAoC or to Euro gaming servers in general. You'll get this no matter where you play or what game you play. You just have to learn to ignore it and accept some players like wallowing in the anonymity afforded to them by an online persona.

I felt I was making a constructive comment, I can't really help if it's been misunderstood, but I guess everything is open to interpretation.

Im confused. Is it the abuse or the fact that someone might actually want somewhat equal grounds when fighting that makes them naughty and spoilt?
And my post was regarding ur views of his post, I still can't see how it is out of context.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
well your kinda missing the point. his post was qouted to eble's post which set out a certain character type.
that is the generalisation that such a person would most likely be a child.

Ok, at the risk of getting a nice fat ban, i'll try one last time to explain :)

He basically said that Eble was making a generalisation, and that not all DAoC players are muppets but there are a few who act like kids and as such should be treated like kids (once again, he is not saying these players are all children (hence the use of the word "mainly" in what is clearly a flippant comparative context), he is saying these players act like spoilt kids (aka throwing a tantrum) and as such should be treated like spoilt kids regardless of wether or not they are actually kids). The point, once again, is that these players are the vocal minority and that you'll find such players in all games, it's not just limited to DAoC or Euro servers in general.

It's more whats implied than whats actually posted (as Tallen clears up in the last post).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Ok, at the risk of getting a nice fat ban, i'll try one last time to explain :)

He basically said that Eble was making a generalisation, and that not all DAoC players are muppets but there are a few who act like kids and as such should be treated like kids (once again, he is not saying these players are all children (hence the use of the word "mainly" in what is clearly a flippant comparative context), he is saying these players act like spoilt kids (aka throwing a tantrum) and as such should be treated like spoilt kids regardless of wether or not they are actually kids). The point, once again, is that these players are the vocal minority and that you'll find such players in all games, it's not just limited to DAoC or Euro servers in general.

It's more whats implied than whats actually posted (as Tallen clears up in the last post).

you're proving my point


Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
I remember far back, a LONG time ago, I was in Blood Eagles on Excalibur and if there's anyone I'd like to play with, it's them. Even if they don't remember me:(


i cant agree with you

you may be have some wrong idear with the game . i like the game and often play it. i think there are something can interested me.
my chr name is inoo
if you want to make a friend with me . you can link to me by the msn .:england:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Me, my gf and 2 norwegian friends are looking for a guild when this thing start to get closer to live :p we'll be playing teh greenskins! or dwarfs not sure which yet.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 29, 2007
I'll vote yes, i'd love to group up/kill many of my old realm mates and enemies.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
yes it's a bump, no not because its my own thread but because it's getting closer to on-topic everyday now.

so people who haventvoted yet, do so! really wanne see what u lads are thinking;).

i mean i dont see why ud vote no, if u hate daoc players, vote yes so u can kill us ingame. if u love us... vote yes so u can :wub: us ingame:D.


Oh please god no! Don't fill up your own server and leave us decent folk swarmed by WoW players! There's only so many Night Elf Hunter/Blood Elf Paladin players we can take!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
I'll be hogging all the nice community for myself! And no-one can join! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 16, 2007
I'd love to see some of the old Daoc players again, lost touch with most of them.

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