Server Setup.



Hi all,

I'm unsure if I have come to the right place to ask this question but I'd appreciate any help you may be able to offer nonetheless.

When I run a dedicated server on my computer it stays at the same map all the time. I dont see anywhere to modify it and the game didnt even come with commands that could be inputted into the console to change the server levels e.t.c

I'm aware that the game is based on the Quake III engine so I wondered if some quake commands may work for it?

Is there any pages on the internet that explain how to properly set up EF servers. Barrysworld seem to have it right as their servers do change. How is this done?




They did ship the server example config files, its just that they are buried in the PK3 file.

To get em out...

1) Goto BaseEF dir

2) Rename PAK0.PK3 to PAK0.ZIP

3) Using winzip or some such extract all the '*.config' files.

4) Rename PAK0.ZIP back to PAK0.PK3

You will find example configs for FFA, Team and CTF play. If you look in them you will find the map cycle stuff. Look for a bunch of lines like..

set d1 "map hm_borg1;set nextmap vstr d2"



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