News Serbia holds a gay pride festival!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Somehow I imagined an angry serbian war veterans zerg of poofs...

It gave me the shivers.... :eek6:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well they should stop these "pride" parades anyway.

*waits for some fumes to come down*

...BECAUSE you shouldn't flaunt these things in peoples faces anyway. So you're gay? Yei for you, nice that you know it, nothing wrong there, mind your own f*cking business.

Interrupting half a city to dance around on floats and shouting "We're queer, we're here" is not being equal(as these people want to be). It's actually annoying to some people and those people most likely didn't give two tosses in the first place.

What you do in your own bedroom is none of other peoples business, bi/gay/straight, don't make it such.

In short; be gay all you want, don't expect people to care.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I agree Thot, it is the flaunting of the fact that they are different that annoys me, not the fact that they are gay.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
I find it impossible to stomach that in this day and age there are still 'anti-gay' protests. Jesus yeah sure, and after we've done with the gay bashing lets all go home beat our wives and then string up a few black people from the nearest tree!!

It just does not make any sense to me how people can be so offended by someone else they are driven so such extreme lengths of...well, extremism. They want to dance about and snog in public, sure let them, go ahead have a field day!! I'd rather have that going on in my neighbourhood than a bunch of ignorant biggots on a violent rampage.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Toht and Cho you do realise the Gay pride marches started as a fight back against those that condemned the LGBT community? And that in many countries such condemning still occurs?

They are not 'flaunting their differences,' only notifying the world of the oppression they faced throughout the years and celebrating in many respects, the leaps we have made socially in terms of accepting LGBT into the community.

Toht said:
In short; be gay all you want, don't expect people to care.

BBC said:
Anti-gay protesters

Hmmm. Don't expect people to care but here's a whole group of people who do care?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Next they will be giving women the vote!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Toht and Cho you do realise the Gay pride marches started as a fight back against those that condemned the LGBT community? And that in many countries such condemning still occurs?

They are not 'flaunting their differences,' only notifying the world of the oppression they faced throughout the years and celebrating in many respects, the leaps we have made socially in terms of accepting LGBT into the community.

Hmmm. Don't expect people to care but here's a whole group of people who do care?

First; i'm not saying that demonstrations are bad, but parades are just that, parades. Parade in essence IS flaunting.

Second; Should i say "don't expect people who aren't biggoty a-holes care"? Or would that be implied.

This is, and this doesn't involve all of the gay community, that there are those who think they deserve some special treatment for being gay(talking gay-ok countries here). Same like women with children, of which the baby carriage is the biggest weapon in the arsenal.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The fact that there are "anti-gay protesters", that gay people are still being attacked (Russia, USA) and socially dismissed/isolated and that those parades are still worth a spot in the newspapers is more than enough justification for the parades, regardless how flaunting they might appear to you or other people. It´s their goddamn right to expect to be treated equally.
If religious or political organizations are allowed to walk around in the streets, showing their sacred altar bread or their banners to everyone, then why not these people?
The only thing I have to criticize about gay people is their tendency to focus their entire life on their sexual orientation, creating a sub culture. They have gay literature, gay parties, gay bars, gay sports events, gay music and what not. It´s tempting to say "it´s all right guys, we know you´re gay, but believe it or not: there´s more than just "gay" in this world, you know?" :)

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