Ebony Crusher (dyed gold) 100/100 - SOLD
16.5 dps, 3.3 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
+4 parry, +4 crush, +22 con, +15 str
95 pt targeted energy direct damage proc
2 x Staff of Pain and Servitude 100/100 - Necromancer 500g each
16.5 dps, 5.0 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
50 lvls death servant focus, 50 lvls painworking focus, +33 int, +13 power
10 charges of 331 pt targeted cold direct damage
Above items avaible from house 128
1x 100/100 unused Necro Epic - 1p
pm or post below with offers etc
16.5 dps, 3.3 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
+4 parry, +4 crush, +22 con, +15 str
95 pt targeted energy direct damage proc
2 x Staff of Pain and Servitude 100/100 - Necromancer 500g each
16.5 dps, 5.0 spd, 100% qua, 35% bon
50 lvls death servant focus, 50 lvls painworking focus, +33 int, +13 power
10 charges of 331 pt targeted cold direct damage
Above items avaible from house 128
1x 100/100 unused Necro Epic - 1p
pm or post below with offers etc