Selling my account

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Hi everyone,

I'm not selling my account, because strangely enough, GOA is not interested in gaining as much money as they can. And now that i will terminate my account normally, they won't receive money from this account. Might seem small, but if a lot of people didn't seel theirs but cancelled it, GOA might lose a lot of money. Well, regarding their average IQ, might make sense (lol @ u people, how's the event team ? going smooth eh <hasnt seen an event yet>).

Ok that's all,



Quoted from the EULA:
DaoC account is personal and individual. You cannot open an account in the name of a company, an association or any other legal entity without prior written consent from GOA. You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account, whatever the circumstances. No virtual object, character or money in the game may be the object of a pecuniary transaction, under any form or circumstances. Any activity of this kind may result in various sanctions being applied, including termination of the account.

Just so everyone know (this will be announced again in the next friday news with more details), you cannot sell your account.
No if, no but...
If you buy an account from someone else, you risk seeing it terminated some days later...


go patch some servers kemor :) and gimme that hammer u used on DC on gorre the other day mkay ^^


Personally I think GOA should just butt out of these things :rolleyes:

If someone wants to sell his/her account then let them... They worked hard for it...

Btw, how is GOA going to check if the account has been sold? If you buy the account and give a bit extra (so the CC stays the same too) then how is GOA going to be sure it's been sold?

Imho, too much work, and why would GOA want to stop this anyhow? They still get their monthly fee...

- Pathfinder -

I wonder if GOA would bother to investigate people who were reported for this. A hgih number of Pryd/Mids would probably dissapear then, cough :)


The problem is its open to fraud, and also to explotation.

GOA _COULD_ get sued when a transaction goes wrong.
GOA employees could make huge amounts of money by creating characters and selling them - ruining the game.

Its seems rife on ebay - not much with daoc but LOADS with everquest.

However I do think SWAPPING of accounts or GIVING AWAY of accounts should be fine - if a friend gives up his account why shouldnt I be able to take it over? If a someone in the US wants to switch to UK (and someone else vice versa) why not?


What's to stop someone "giving" you their account and you just ahppen to "give" them a big load of cash some time later... :D


It happens an awful lot in EQ and I suspect given enough time it will be rife in DAoC. That doesn't make it right though. From the point of view of selling a high level character whoever buys it will be badly stigmatised should they manage to evade getting banned by GOA. That isn't something anyone who is actually aware of how the game operates would want really.

No one likes associating with ebayed characters because it cheapens their own hard work. Besides which they tend to be pretty awful players when it comes down to it because they lack any sort of experience. No self respecting guild would recruit someone like that so the experience is likely to be a lonely one.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by -Wedge-
Personally I think GOA should just butt out of these things :rolleyes:

If someone wants to sell his/her account then let them... They worked hard for it...

You clicked on OK/ACCEPT when challenged with the EULA. You are legally bound to it. Bit late now to whine about it. This was craeted to stop exploitation and ruining of the game by people powerlevelling characters to L50, and then selling the account.

If you can't see past that, well...go on...sell your account...


[EDIT: Worked hard for it? How do you know that? Hmm? What about people who just sit there (minstrels playing powersong and theurgists with PBT) and get themselves levelled while they watch Pokemon. Did the EARN it? Pffft.]


...and this is posted by 'genius'. whats the world coming to :rolleyes:

<giggles hysterically>


What's to stop someone "giving" you their account and you just ahppen to "give" them a big load of cash some time later... :D
The EULA: "You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account" It's pretty straightforward.

I personally hate the idea of buying and selling high level characters. To me, it cheapens the achievement of building a character and climbing to level 50. It also opens the game for abuse by idiots, like the moron who bought a level 50 character and then spent his time running around killing low level realmmates exploiting the old charged weapon bug. I would not sell my characters under any circumstances (not that anyone would want to buy them).

However Mythic have said that as far as they are concerned, "It has been our policy to not take action against those wishing to sell entire accounts, only those attempting to sell items outside of the game." ( ) I can see the reasoning behind this, even if I don't personally like it, and I think that GOA's policy should be the same.


You're legally bound to follow the rules, it's unfortunate but true. Most people don't realise that because you don't have someone standing next to you in real life telling you it's the law, they think it doesn't really mean anything.

The trick is, (now this is the cunning part) don't advertise the fact that you're selling your account on Barrysworld forums. It's not wise to be honest.

For you legal people out there, who actually owns these characters we put all this effort into building up every day?

(btw/ Just searched for these kind of posts, they're frikkin' everywhere)


I think Mr. Brannor here missed the first three words... Personaly I think... E.g. my opinion...

I never said I would do such a thing, I'd probably just put my username + password on the guild forum and keep my account running till it expires...

But I see no harm in someone selling something he/she worked hard for... Whoot its against the EULA...

I just think that that on some points the EULA is a load of crap... It doesnt spoil my game play so I wont do anything against it...

But If I where at the point of stopping with this game, then it wouldnt stop me from selling my account either...

And, last but not least, in my country the "ok/accept" button isnt legaly binding... I could ask my brother to press that button, therefor I never accepted the EULA... Someone could have hacked my executable and I never get the message...

I could be under aged (below 16 in my country), then I'd have to ask my parents! to push the damn button each time I want to play the game... (I get the damn EULA box each freaking time for some reason)


Selling account sucks. Real life episode :-

Chesnor spots someone he levelled with LOTS after he had been away a while (lvl50 btw)

Chesnor : Hello _____ long time no see.
_______ : Err, I dont know you, I just bought this account

I then see this fool go to the frontiers and behave like a n00b.
Very depressing.

Technically your characters belong to GOA. End of story.

- Pathfinder -

The truth is parts of most EULAs are invalid in several countries (Sweden included), but this is as straightforward as it gets. As the character is stored on their servers, it does give them an advantage :)


Never said they couldnt do anything about it... ;)

I just think they shouldnt do something about it unless its obvious that someone is PL'ing chars to make loads of cash...

The only reason that they put it in the EULA (Imho) is for that purpose... I couldnt see why GOA (or Mythic) would want to stop the selling of an account that someone worked hard for to make...

And yes, I think even minstrels and theurgists have it 'hard' sometimes (although going AFK aint a real problem for some either ;))...


What was that thing about Mythic letting you sell your characters only if you'd started your account prior to that day they decided to stop it?

Or is this something else?


Wow, see the way people subtley come around when faced with the code of conduct?

Ok, well maybe I slightly changed his post. Mildly.

I'm a sucker that longs for personal reformation. People can learn damn it! They can!


while we're at it..

while we're at it, how about those 3rd party pieces of software which we are told are illegal, when is someone gonna do something about all that?

Is Goa not willing to lose 90% of it's player base, or is it untrue that goa can detect this software?

- Pathfinder -

Re: while we're at it..

Originally posted by svartalf
while we're at it, how about those 3rd party pieces of software which we are told are illegal, when is someone gonna do something about all that?

Is Goa not willing to lose 90% of it's player base, or is it untrue that goa can detect this software?

How will you prove that someone is using a 3rd party program? Supposedly you could track programs like WinAMP controllers by going through server logs (if the player can log, GOA probably can as well). Programs like Daox on the other hand, I'd think you'd have to use measures that aren't legal (Not by the acceptance of the EULA nor common law), as it'd require scanning of your files etc.


.....or people having more than one account and playing in different realms on the same server?

That to me is a bigger threat to the game than one person selling an account to somebody who is going to continue paying a subscription fee.

On the subject of these programs, GOA and Mythic have tools to detect them. Obviously they're not going to check your files or see what's running, although Mythic have already stated that they can do, they're just going to because it's a bit shitty.

For things like Odins eye, they can produce blips in the game world to represent would-be stealthers. If somebody they suspect of using Odins Eye keeps running to these spots to check that area out, they can be sure that the player is cheating. Either that or create a level 200 stealther with 200 stealth and run around to see if anybody sees them.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by [Cerebus]
.....or people having more than one account and playing in different realms on the same server?

That to me is a bigger threat to the game than one person selling an account to somebody who is going to continue paying a subscription fee.

That isn't illegal, as long as you're not caught spying. The chance of getting caught spying would be close to nil, as there's no way to prove you've been spying.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by [Cerebus]
.....or people having more than one account and playing in different realms on the same server?
You mean, people like me? :p
I think I've more than proven that I don't spy. Having two accounts and playing two realms on the same server is not against the EULA or CoC. However, spying is.



Originally posted by Alrindel

The EULA: "You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account" It's pretty straightforward.
Yes, I was responding to:

However I do think SWAPPING of accounts or GIVING AWAY of accounts should be fine - if a friend gives up his account why shouldnt I be able to take it over? If a someone in the US wants to switch to UK (and someone else vice versa) why not?

I'm not in favour of account selling as it not only cheapens the achievement, but also you get someone with little to no idea of how to play that character running about with a level 50.


Brannor, we know you do that because you enjoy playing the game to it's full potential.

There are a lot of people who would abuse this though, and I still think do, on a regular basis. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted though mate.


Hm didnt know that couldn't be done :/
Oh well nvm i'll just quit playing then hehe


And another thing,
it's a game, u have an account,
you dont wanna play no more but someone else wants to be able to play your character. What's wrong with that ?
It's like giving someone else a savegame...
Oh well it's just me i guess

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