Selling all my items for Realm change.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Mercenary Epic.
Full chain set AF102 99% with circlet.
Arcanium Guarded Rapier and Long Dirk 99%.
Scurceol's Belt - 7Str 7Con 10Energy 10Matter.
Adroit Gridle - 24Dex 12Qui 4Cold 24Hits.
Adroit Gridle - 21Dex 18Hits 15Str 5Matter.
Protector's Gridle - 5Shield 7Hits 9Str 9Con.
Toe Bone Belt - 6Thrust 4Dex 2Thrust 6Hits.
Fortifying Choker (Neck) - 10Con 16Dex 27Hits 5Slash.
Fortifying Choker (Neck) - 24Con 3Crush 6Thrust 29Hits.
Infernal Black Diamond Necklace (Neck) - 36Hits 6Body 6Energy 6Thrust.
2x Hooded Blades Cloak (Cloak) - 8Slash 8Energy 6Body 21Hits.
2x Cloak of the Shadow Embers (Cloak) - 16Qui 16Str 48Hits 6Cold.
Speedy Hooded Mantle - 9Str 22Qui 4Thrust 5Cold.
Perforator Hooded Mantle (Cloak) - 20Hits 2Dual Wield 3Thrust 12Qui.
Thrustbender Bracelet - 7Thrust 12Dex 5Body 16Con.
Ancient Copper Ring - 30Hits 4Pow 8Matter.
Plate Gauntlets AF102 99%

Full set (items and armor) for Paladin to leveling from 42 to Lv50 capped in skills and stats.

Price for all 7P. If you are interesed, you can pay me in Exc/Mid, Pryd/Alb or Pryd/Hyb.

You can easy sell this items for more than this, but I haven't got time.

PM Amiser (Pryd/Alb). PM Towbow (Exc/Mid). Or write to


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