See how i chuckle!



Originally posted by Pin
If he's standing there with engage on, not trying to hit you, why not just nuke him?

And if he IS trying to hit you, why not just QC mezz him? :p


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
'Shitty damage'?

Oh dear, i wish i never posted this now. Ah the joy of BW flaming, you've gotta love it.

With paladins or any other tank in fact, duels are dragged out anyway so the length aint really an issue. Well at least it aint as cheap as using IP in a duel.
In fact, by using engage it also allows for some nice combos to be let off, especially when fighting against classes that hit fast.

Oh, and Jilson, whats with the angst?

You evidently DO love it, because I disagreed with you and you told me to "swivel on your wet one" ;p
And absolutely no-one uses active RAs in duels, that would just be retarded imho :p


dunny has yet to find out that when he reaches magical 50 and goes to teh frontiers, everything he learned from pve goes down the toilet T_T


Hey LandShark..../cry me a river. Jeez you guys just dont give in. Oh BTW gunz, i have played alot of RvR thankyou very much, in bg's and in the 'big boys league' and i know where i stand.


Its lame because you've challanged someone to duel, where your meant to actually 'fight' not hide behind your shield lol. If all you want to do is hide behind your shield then don't bother challanging someone to a duel.

To many lame tactics used in duels these days, which are little more then exploiting game mechanics, which is a far cry from the nature of duels i.e pitting your characters stats against anothers, like circle strafing, running through people to give 'not in view' errors, hiding behind engage and running off (non caster classes obviously), whats the point? It doesn't prove you can beat the person, it only proves your willing to exploit more game mechanics then he is (note I said game mechanics, NOT bugs).

I often find I have more fair, honourable duels with mids these days then albs, ironic huh.


Right, lemme get this straight Kagato. In a duel with a scout i a meant to just stand there and accept my fate?When i cud be dodging and making his Line of sight difficult? All of this plays a part in the overall skill of your player, your awareness and how quick you are to respond...its not completely abouts the stats (although it mostly is).

Basically, engage is a tactic that lots of tanks use, and they use it rightly. I dont see any plausible arguement against the use of it. Its in the game so i use it. Its like saying i shudnt hide behind my chants or something. As i mentioned earlier i often set up combo's or stuns by using engage at the beginning of a fight, its a very good technique that has got me kills in the past. You may say that nobody with a brain wud use styles whilst i hit engage but, well, you'd be surprised;)


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
Right, lemme get this straight Kagato. In a duel with a scout i a meant to just stand there and accept my fate?When i cud be dodging and making his Line of sight difficult? All of this plays a part in the overall skill of your player, your awareness and how quick you are to respond...its not completely abouts the stats (although it mostly is).

Basically, engage is a tactic that lots of tanks use, and they use it rightly. I dont see any plausible arguement against the use of it. Its in the game so i use it. Its like saying i shudnt hide behind my chants or something. As i mentioned earlier i often set up combo's or stuns by using engage at the beginning of a fight, its a very good technique that has got me kills in the past. You may say that nobody with a brain wud use styles whilst i hit engage but, well, you'd be surprised;)


givz bunny hopping again

u use what u have but to a limit.

e.g. so setting my other comp to download a big file while i duel is good? so the other guy has 0 chance of hitting me cos i am warping everywhere?


'you use what you have but to a limit'

hmmm..oh dear, better cut down on the rezzing then.


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
'you use what you have but to a limit'

hmmm..oh dear, better cut down on the rezzing then.

best not... I think that's gonna be your only source of rps for a good long while.


Pin think what you like, its worked, ive proven it...fullstop.


Originally posted by Ekydus
Bah Paladins aren't gimps.

Most Paladin duels are long.

In response to Heinrich, I duelled an orange con 2-Handed Paladin once, he only managed to hit me once.
Doubtful it would work against a level 50, they have high parry. ;)

Anyhoo, just thought I should comment, being a Paladin myself and what-not. :)

Paladins are for sure not gimps ;> if u ask me Farek is the hardest char to beat in duel on this server, have yet to meet a harder opponent anyways.

Paladins dont need to use engage to win they win anyways.


engage ownz for RvR
especially when protecting/guarding a caster
it is just plain ass uber
had tijl(Pally) guarding me last night against LA
ozi was all over me for a change
but with tijl next to me he didnt had any chance
for some reason ozi couldnt hit me whatever he tried except a few occasional hits
so even after moc was down i still could drain him till he dropped

think tijl must have blocked over 70%of his attacks on me thanks to guard/intercept and engaging ozi as soon as he charged me

i vote Tijl for best guardpall on the server!!!


engage just dont work v a reaver, guess you where just lucky.

with pbaoe damage chant, dot and lifetap heal chant doesnt keep up.

that and the fact that as soon as u come off of engage your slammed and whipped a new A hole with leviathan.


hmmmm imho duells sux major ass ....

the outcome between good players are easy to forseer ... or at least if they do several duels..

some points about duels..

- Some class's will dominate others allways
- On even class terms SC > Epic
- Why cant the guy who bougth Active RA's not use em ? cuase the guy who bougth passive RA's use em all the time ??
- playing good in RvR is so different than beening good in duels (unless it is solo char vs some1)

imho duells is like playing vs the computer in RTS games ..

DONT EVER EVER EVER DO IT !!! you just become a BAD player..

if you get a new RTS game install /skip 1 player part and log on the internet sektion part of the game and learn it the hard way..

same with duels ... im sure you get some bad habbits from duelling to much ... if it becomes a sport for you (and you not solo char) you are on the wrong track ...

ouiisss :) bring on the flames :p

Minser of HB


Well no flame but i pretty much disagree on every point.

Personally i don't see the link between RvR and duels and i doubt anyone else who enjoys duelling makes that link either so the fact lots of people keep saying how duels is nothing like rvr is a bit pointless as we all already know.

I for one enjoy duelling very much and i realise that some classes are going to repeatedly kick my ass so i enjoy it even more when i beat them or even get close to beating them. I look at duels as a standalone part of the game, i don't see them as an extension of rvr or an extension of PvE, as far as i am concerned its as close to PvP server as i would like to get and imo they are a good thing. In the past i've always wondered if i can beat this pally or that arms but until recent patches never been able to try.

I do look at duels as a sport within the game and if that makes me a bad player thats unfortunate. The only bad use of duels i have seen is when two players have an arguement about a pull or a game mechanic or something and one of them suggests they settle it with a duel, that ghey.


:flame: <-- that's the flame U will get... :wink2:

true, nothing equal in duelling different classes... a pala will allways kill a armsman, infi <insert alb fighter class here> etc etc.

go RvR, or BG1/2/3, then U will learn a thing or 2 about DECENT RvR ! :)


Originally posted by greenfingers
go RvR, or BG1/2/3, then U will learn a thing or 2 about DECENT RvR ! :)
You won't learn much about real RvR from the battlegrounds, I am afraid.


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
'Shitty damage'?

Oh dear, i wish i never posted this now. Ah the joy of BW flaming, you've gotta love it.

With paladins or any other tank in fact, duels are dragged out anyway so the length aint really an issue. Well at least it aint as cheap as using IP in a duel.
In fact, by using engage it also allows for some nice combos to be let off, especially when fighting against classes that hit fast.

Oh, and Jilson, whats with the angst?

Dunny you take everything so personal - you've yet to be properly flamed, this is just banter :)

You're saying "you're all pathetic you can't beat my engage" they're responding with "hah! I laugh in the face of your pansy damage".

As for tank duels dragging out - depending on the opponent my merc can kill them very quickly. Same with polearm versus merc fights - they fly past.


Originally posted by pez
I do look at duels as a sport within the game and if that makes me a bad player thats unfortunate. The only bad use of duels i have seen is when two players have an arguement about a pull or a game mechanic or something and one of them suggests they settle it with a duel, that ghey.

Sport they are, and also an in-character way to settle a dispute :) I think that sorta thing is cool...

a duel about a game mechanic seems to kinda lose the immersive thing though.. (unless the actual dual proves it)


Originally posted by Belomar
You won't learn much about real RvR from the battlegrounds, I am afraid.

except that:

noone listens, people are unorganised, and the guards at the teleport keeps HURT.


Dunny you take everything so personal - you've yet to be properly flamed, this is just banter

You're saying "you're all pathetic you can't beat my engage" they're responding with "hah! I laugh in the face of your pansy damage".


No flimgoblin, maybe you miss understood my original intention of this post. I was simply highligting how engage has worked for me and how i intend to use it in proper rvr. I have said nothing like "you're all pathetic you can't beat my engage" and i would never be so arrogant. Instead of spurring an interesting arguement i get elitist comments from supposed 'know it alls' about how they will kick my arse in duels and how engage is a lame tactic to use.
You are all indeed entitled to your own opinions and i respect that. However, the truth of the matter is, i have tried engage on many occasions in duels and on a few occasions in rvr and it has worked (ask pez cus he's seen me).
The comment about duels being similar to RvR has to be cleared up. The skill and knoweledge obtained from dueling is highly valuable and as a whole makes you a better player/character. Before i hit 40 i had literally no idea about different techniques for fighting or for example, the different resists i shud chant in a fight depending on what i am fighting. Having hit 40, and being close to actually fighting in proper RvR i took it upon myself to make my character better, either by buying crafted/procced/SC'd armour or by practsing in duels. I do believe that the knowledge applid in duels cannot be applied to zerg tactics, but thats not entirely the case in rvr. Only yesturday did i go to emain and manage to have 4 1vs1 fights with some hibs. By using tactics gained in duels i managed to do suprisingly well for my lvl. This is the point i am trying to make, and it is my own fault for not making this clear.


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
Hey LandShark..../cry me a river. Jeez you guys just dont give in. Oh BTW gunz, i have played alot of RvR thankyou very much, in bg's and in the 'big boys league' and i know where i stand.

u aint seen shit yet :m00:


bah, and I wanted a good opportunity to laugh in the face of your pansy damage and give you a good spanking in a duel ...

(might have to duel you anyway although it's a little unfair as I'd be level 50 - get xping! :))

Yep, dueling can help you understand your classes abilities - it's not real RvR but saying it's useless experience would be wrong.


shit i just read your last post and fuck me your thick..... in rvr your just going to stand there doing nothing apart from standing there with engage on a tank, then again, you wont have engage on a tank, because you wont be being hit by a tank becuase they will have just killed your casters your ment to be guarding, and you havent guarded them because you are running around like a retarded badger with engage on a tank that is not hitting you.



I do believe that the knowledge applid in duels cannot be applied to zerg tactics, but thats not entirely the case in rvr
He's not saying that Sol..

however engage is only ever going to help you when you're out there solo - and if you're solo you're gonna get munched by an uberbuffed stealther (and his 4 friends) :)

in a group, slam+guard are the two key features of your shield :) although rumours have it that engaging someone who's attacking the fellow you're guarding works too (does it give the engage message?)


'u aint seen shit yet'


Its lame comments like these that piss me off the most, hence why i have actually bothered to continue this never-ending arguement. Why do you think i havent? I go RvR like every day just for fun, nothing else. Cant a lvl 45 actually enjoy RvR without having comments such as Sol's thrown at him?



Originally posted by greenfingers

true, nothing equal in duelling different classes... a pala will allways kill a armsman,

eh ? how do you figure that one lol.


Yeh i heard about that too Flim, i'll try it out tonight.


Originally posted by dunny_dunny
Don't you just love dueling armsmen, mercs and reavers when your a paladin?
In every duel i have fought i have used this tactic and have managed to beat lvl 50's as a result (i am a 45 paly).

Okay dunny... If you are really serious, come duel my level 50, RR3 Reaver. Tonight, 9pm (UK time), Castle Sauvage.

Just to make it fair, I'll stand still, in the same place, not even attempting to get around your shield, won't slam, won't leviathan.

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