See Hidden Realm Ability CRY NO For the love of god!!!



Now being an infiltrator u may think its strange coming from me, but for the love of god Mythic take out or lower the power of see hidden, because its just crazy, and waaaaay to powerful for us Infiltrators to use

It makes archers in stealth absolutely useless and if u don't believe me check this

See hidden in EFFECT!

It makes it easy for us infils, it has to be addressed before 1.5 gets here or I will be ganking all of them to hell!


Well to be honest mate, for once I disagree.... I mean I don't think the 1.5 patch destroys the SB class as everyone has been shouting and I was all in favour of removing this bugged bow from the game.

But, playing a SB, yellow cons can take me pretty much every time, i'm sure, if they get first hit (I would not now for sure, I have not yet encountered an enemy who is not ptm), so a good detect hidden is pretty key

Plus hunters also have it and don't have to get so close to take me down. So in my view it balances out.


lol Hunters also have it so it balances out

Thats like as misinformed as you can get

Hunters (archers) have access to a 1 min in 30 min limited range realm ability called Truesight.

Rouges get see hidden a Passive (always on ability) with a range of up to Max clipping range.

As to them balancing out lol yeah ok.

See hidden is ruining alot of classes on US servers where people have spent many monthes building there chars just to have defining skills and abilities nullified because of the desperate way Mythic is changing (nerf :) ) things to try and retain customers.

All of what happens on the US servers will happen here because GOA are nothing more then the people who Translate and host the product as far as making it different from the parent product it wont happen since GOA dont have the skills to customise anything.

Long term this game has shagged it self since it will piss off alot of people when the next few patches come in and yes u might all feel its for the better but it will show u all how desperate Mythic are to please people at the expense of others.

Long term by the time things possibly settle down most people will be playing SWG.

So for all of those making Stealth based chars enjoy it while u can cause the big bad Nerf bat is incoming once GOA realise it takes more than 1 Frenchman to change a lightbulb (ops Translate a game)




i don't mind, archers are almost immortal atm so


I notice del plays hunters and archers, and not shadowblades or assassins...

remember that the SB's and assassins and infiltrators have to spec stealth to get this ability, so theres points wasted in it...

also, you'll find that Hunters and rangers would be almost immortal if it weren't for our ability to spot them...

I know the nerf bats painful, but it gets us all in the end, now stand still while I hit you with it


hehe SPug

and you think Hunters rangers etc get Truesight for free LOL

oh btw come the time when u have to expose yourself killing anyone and all the archer classes have gone ponder the thought

who really got nerfed :)

u will be stealthed with no one to fight but people who are lost or lagged :)




What I'm saying here, is that RvR shouldn't belong to archers...

just because they get spotted, doesnt mean that other characters won't be out and about... yes, I'll get spotted when I attacked, but then hey, thats part of the challenge for me

The glass is half full


Well if we were patched to 1.48 rvr wouldnt belong to archers.

And since people still live in this belive that archers runaround with inpunity i shant comment much more.

Any decent group even green to an archer can nail them fairly easily if they have speed.

And with See Hidden how do u expect people who have chosen the solo path to play at all?

See hidden allows any char (rogue class) as long as they have 4000 rps to purchase a skill that completly negatates a spec line.

Now since u could in theory have a bot (slave) rogue char take em on a few keep defenses (rp farming) then take them out with your group they can irrespective of level see ANY Stealthed class at max clipping range thats rouges as well :)

If u think thats cool good for you thats your chosen point of view.
Sadly i see it as Mythics ultimate lie nerf etc where they have totally succummed to whine play.

If they screwed up by letting people stealth they should be man woman enuff to admit it and say sorry stealth is wrecking the game, but they dont.

Same will be said in the monthes to come with the UO TankMages - AKA Smite clerics and the crazy AOE casters from all realms.

DAOC = Good idea badly implemented.



SB:s are hit the hardest in this patch, we get every skill nerfed except poison :/. im pretty sure that we will get something in return tho, and if we are lucky GOA will jump to that patch.
archers on the other hand i havent seen many suggestion (i know the hunter TL is trying to up spear styles tho). and to worry about a solo assassin seems abit extreme, all you need is a sniper friend within a bowshot and no solo assassin will attack you. hide him in a bush and thats one dead assassin. i dont like any of the changes they make to the rogue classes, and i think mythic have done this pretty bad. i dont mind getting nerfed if it is for balancing purposes, but we are getting so badly hit in this patch that i honestly think that we dont have any tools to be effective anymore. only time will tell tho, i knew my critblade was in danger the second i rolled him, but i had faith in mythic. and with the efforts of TL:s and strike teams, i really think that they want to do the best for their game and i dont think that means destroying 6 classess.


Anyone claiming archers become useless in RvR after the 1.50 patch has lost touch with reality.

What happens is that archers have it a lot harder to solo, basically as hard as any other class, which means they have to learn to play differently.

The archer nerf was seriously needed as even after 1.48 archers remained easely the most efficient RvR char. Usually pre-1.50 top 25 RP tables were 1/3 filled with archers, which was way over the top to be healthy. USA servers were gradually getting filled with stealth chars which was unbalancing RvR even more (hence assassins also got a little nerf).

Post-1.50 archers have made a huge drop, but they're still comparable to tanks and robe casters. Rangers especially seem to do still well, as also scouts. Hunters are worst hit of all which Mythic acknowledged and said they were going to do something about it (or that's what I heared) ...


Hunters do not get Volley or Long shot till patch 1.5.
All other archer classes get it at patch 1.49.
All archers get is True Sight which has already been stated has to be bought.
So until patch 1.5 Albs and Hibs get to use Volley and Long Shot while the hunters of Midgard get the shortest range and least damage bows of all the three realms.

Oh yes and on another note the Hunter spear styles are going to be looked at in time. I think I know what Mythic are going to do, and that is make the hunter more hand to hand combat orinateted. But still with evade 1 and studded armor.

I give you all three guesses who Mythic likes the most out the three realms now.


On the note of Volley and Longshot I just have to adress my total disappointment and loathing for the promised Scout abilities being introduced as buyable abilities for all Archers. I know realm balance isn't class by class but I'm really getting tired of displaying my shield and few foot extra range as only compensation for a whole list of interesting abilities.


Both True Sight and See Hidden must be modified in some way. I would prefer a lot more no true sight at all, and See Hidden like a more powerful version of detect hidden (clipping range is insane).
What Mythic tries to tell us in their superb way of comunication :puke: is that solo RvR must dissapear.

3 weeks of testing for such a big change in game mechanics... and with the huge numbers of pendragon. If I were an US DaoC player I'll not spend any RPs in RAs until 2003 and I'll keep the two respecs, of course until 2003. I can see a nerfstorm coming.

Anyone noticed that Euro DaoC since 1.50 has the SAME peak server population numbers of US?


prof: well guess you clerics are next then?

"(hence assassins also got a little nerf)."
-sorry to quote out of context but rouges post logs of perf misses above 50% (thats the main attack for many of us).
-LA style bonus have been insanly reduced hurting both zerkers and SB:s alot. (left axe was alot better than the other dual wield styles tho)
-one shot and stay stealthed are out, this means that assassins are pretty useless solo. due to see hidden we cant even kill archers, cause they will never be solo anymore. most hurt by this whould be SB:s again, hunters arent as popular as scouts or rangers, hence we will have less true sight power in our stealth groups. our stealth groups whould also only have 2 classes available, the alb stealth classes are all very popular with the minstrel there aswell i doubt albs will have problems owning the stealth side of RvR. this "fix" was meant to stop us from killing greys.

and all this is just our direct nerfs, if you took yourself some time and checked the realm skills of the other classess you will see that we are pretty screwed there aswell. now if you honestly consider this a small nerf, and as a smite cleric (assuming you are a smite) argue that we deserved this for being popular i really think you are flat out wrong.


If you think clerics are that awesome in RvR, then play one (have to say I'm not a smite cleric btw). We have lots of powerfull spells, but they're all short-ranged, so we can't exactly own the place without getting ourselves in trouble.
Clerics are the most common class in the top RP tables post-1.50, but then clerics are of all DAoC classes the most played, so their nr 1 spot is only logical.
Before 1.50 archers were nr 1 almost everywhere, and since they are only like 3rd/4th most commonly played class that was kinda out of place.

BTW, we DO get a significant nerf in 1.50, as mezz & stun can be purged now. Almost any class got some nerf in one way or another in 1.50, so relatively you don't become weaker as much as yer claiming to be.

Also : all archers gets Volley and Longshot in 1.50, 1.49 doesn't contain any of the realm abilities.


All archers get the OPTION to buy Longshot and Volley, both of which are rather expensive and not very effective. Truesight works only a very short time on a 30min timer, and it doesn't reveal that much. (Just the shadowy outline you see when a stealther is close), so in effect it's pretty useless as well.

Assassins, however, get the ability to find us (hunters) beyond they 'vision bubble', completely obliterating an entire spec-line of us. Why bother spending points in Stealth? Your natural enemy has just been made so powerful it doesn't matter.

Midgard hunters need a lot of work. We're supposed to be the more melee oriented of the three archer classes, yet we have the worst defensive capabilities of all, and it doesn't look like it'll be fixed anytime soon.

As for the 'restyling' of our spear styles.. they already did that. Moved a high level style from 'parry' (Which we can't do anyway), to a 'you must attack from the side'. How worthless is that with the nerfed stealth? ;P

One wonders how far Mythic will kick the hunters into the ground before they decide we're 'balanced' enough to satisfy the whiners. Archer classes are forced to group, eventhough they never can, and really weren't meant to. :/


well your realm skill bunker, bugged it may be. still looks damn good on paper, the armsman group af buff (goes over cap) the minstrel song, the pally heal chant. no i dont see you nerfed, your realm doesnt need to worry about mez after this anyway? in comparison your mez is still alot stronger than a a healers in direct comparison. i do realise your solo ability get nerfed, but its not comparable to the rogues. dont forget that an as an assassin we have a pretty hard time in a regular group, you as a cleric dont. and if you take a look at all the main realmskills they all aim towards more hp, insta heals resists, and generally to make combat last longer. this is not what assassins want, we need to strike and kill quickly. assuming you where a smiter, this whould affect you as hard, youd still mez, wait for purge and then stun and smite til you have killed your target. Also i thaught you said assassin needed a little nerf due to the fact that many people where rolling them, yet that smites do well in the RP charts cause many people are playing them. i dont see the reason to nerf a class just cause many people want to play it, nor do i consider RP charts as something to base a nerf on. i do know many people consider smites overpowered tho, and many did consider SB:s overpowered. and i agree with you that a little nerf was in place (i did expect it when i rolled my SB too) but this isnt a little nerf, as i said in my earlier post its alot of pretty hard nerfs.
and i didnt say smites whould or whouldnt own RvR i said that alb wont have difficulty owning the stealthside of RvR.


I'm sorry to say it, but this all sounds like "sob, sob, cry, my super-über RvR solo-killer can't own the place anymore". These changes will require you to change your style of play in return, be a bit more careful and not just rely on stealth, but also skill. And rogues can group, they just have to do it with similiar classes. A group of archers/assassins should still be able to work well together, covering each other up etc. All in all, just because you actually now have more to think about than just hit your stealth button and then walk up to a green-con wizzie, one-shot him and appear in the darkness. That's no reason to cry like a kid whose mommie has taken away his favourite toy. I have an archer myself, and I am looking forward to the challenge.


Originally posted by Hendrick
I'm sorry to say it, but this all sounds like "sob, sob, cry, my super-über RvR solo-killer can't own the place anymore". These changes will require you to change your style of play in return, be a bit more careful and not just rely on stealth, but also skill. And rogues can group, they just have to do it with similiar classes. A group of archers/assassins should still be able to work well together, covering each other up etc. All in all, just because you actually now have more to think about than just hit your stealth button and then walk up to a green-con wizzie, one-shot him and appear in the darkness. That's no reason to cry like a kid whose mommie has taken away his favourite toy. I have an archer myself, and I am looking forward to the challenge.

EXACTLY the way I feel.

Go get a real class like a tank where you everyone can see you and most will own you on the spot... Thats how most people play the game... live with it!



Then in your opinion delete all classes, including casters, archers, assassins and all that doesnt is an armored thing with a huge sword/spear/whatever. With your point of view this seems the only legitimate tactic. MMmm.... maybe is because you play one of this things? Its called the EASIEST way of playing.

Relying in stealth doesnt means whe are a bunch of cowards. Make an assassin up to lvl 40+, do some RvR, and come here again and post. Im very interested of your conclusions.


mercs: i assure you, there is not a single stealther out there that chooce their class to become a tank. if they gave you a stick, took away your hp and armor and then told you to nuke for 1/2 the damage and 1/2 the range of a mage, whould you then be happy? and if you are 37 and get ganked by stealthers its not cause they are some yber killer slaying everything they see, its cause you are 37. i die just as anyone else in RvR, and tbh any yellow con combination of 2 people is enuff to kill me.


You are all acting like its "game over" for your class...

You just going to have to be more carefull and not go farming RP's on your own...

I can NEVER make a solo kill with my class... People dont walk around for 1 on 1 fights... However scouts and Infi's can happily pick people off from a group of 10 and think nothing of it.

Your just going to have think a bit more about what you do.

No sympathy here.


Blind anti assassin fanatic. We are not uncontrolled forces of destruction. I cannot pick 1 peep in a group of 10 so easily. The target MUST make a MISTAKE to be vulnerable (sitting far from the group, wandering around, splitting for the main group, etc), and when this happens, still is not an easy target. Go there (stealth slug speed), prepare for PA, cross fingers (PA fails sometimes without any reason) and then try to kill. Maybe I can do this ever 30 min if Im very very lucky.

I dont have sympathy with you, too. You are judging my class without knowing it.


Still you are having one of the most fun toplay classes, Laico. And I know the troubles of infiltrators quite well, as I have young one as an alt and many in the guild and on my friends list, with whom I talk a lot in game. But why are you all so easily scared of something that will, at the end of the day, simply make you change your style of playing a bit? Why not group with a few other stealthers? As I said, such a group would sure have great chances of success. And even with this "nerf", you are one of the few lucky brats who can solo in RvR. Fighters can't. You are more versatile, and there's a price to pay for that (of which you are all aware of and live with it, I guess). But still, at least your class is being thought about. I have yet to see the day when classes like armsman, warrior or merc get any kind of change in a patch.

By the way: Grats to being master weaponcrafter :)


Yeah ph33r the merc... most unfinished class in the game :D


You see that spec in right up the other end of the pic thats an archer!

Nasty stuff HAHAAH:clap:


I'm not scared of this, I can live with it, but changing game mechanics so drastically with very little and bad testing isnt good. And what pisses me more is the general thought of assassins being unstopable RvR machines (see numbers in camelotherald, we are just ok). The major advantage of stealth is the ability to pick your fights, nothing more. Assassins die more often than ppl think.

Thx Hendrick :D


Originally posted by Hendrick
I'm sorry to say it, but this all sounds like "sob, sob, cry, my super-über RvR solo-killer can't own the place anymore". These changes will require you to change your style of play in return, be a bit more careful and not just rely on stealth, but also skill. And rogues can group, they just have to do it with similiar classes. A group of archers/assassins should still be able to work well together, covering each other up etc. All in all, just because you actually now have more to think about than just hit your stealth button and then walk up to a green-con wizzie, one-shot him and appear in the darkness. That's no reason to cry like a kid whose mommie has taken away his favourite toy. I have an archer myself, and I am looking forward to the challenge.

M8 do you use ”copy/paste”? Believe I have read the same crap on a US sites. This nerf ONLY came because whiners don’t have a clue how it is to play an assassin in a mixed battlefield. Where do you get this “super-über RvR solo-killer can't own the place anymore” shit…it is casters that own the battlefield, but when they get one-shot killed I only hear whine whine whine. If you say it doesn’t take skill to play an assassin try one!!! How much skill do you have to play a caster anyway? Playing an assassin takes way more skills and tactics than any other class. We probably have the most fun in RvR, but that is not because of rp. As for walking into a grp and killing a caster then walk out, that is NOT the case in Emain, it isn’t that easy. Other assassin/sniper classes often guard the Mages. Not to mention higher lvl ppl that sooner or later will detect you as well. I have lost count of how many times I have been detected or failed my PA and killed, only a very few times have I got away in such situations.

You simply fail to see that the main problem is not destealth, but the fact that we have no chance to get away alive at all. The damned 10 sec until you can stealth is simply too much. By that time we are either mez/root/stun or simply killed. Your answer to this of course is “then you should attacked something else or us better tactics”. Yeah, we have all heard the about stranglers, but honest, how many caster do you find strangling in places like Emain? You actually said it yourself…you are in grps. I always look for stranglers in Emain, but they are very fare between. About tactics, most assassin plan their attack from the worst scenario and that is destealth, and we all know that this means 90% chance of getting killed. That is also the reason why we speak up about this. People also say “you can climb walls”…yeah right and do what?

Lost of assassin are leaving the game on the US servers, because they are so fed up. Next nurf will be caster, don’t think they will get much sympathy from us then. IMO too many nurfs is bad for the game and people will eventually leave. By the time 1.50 comes here I will have another char ready, but still I think it is a shame that the assassin class got so fucked up in this patch.


To Stabba :

Cleric mezz/stun is PB, and only mezz is instant.
Healer mezz/stun has 1500 range, healers have moreover instant mezz & stun that have similar range.
Cleric instant mezz is on a far shorter timer thou, yet PB means we can only use ours if the enemy gets close, limiting it's use to man-to-man fights.

Clerics mezzes are not "a lot stronger" then healers, it's the other way around. This is why Albions main mezzer is the Sorcerer and not the cleric, contrary to Midgard were Healers are the main mezzers.

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