Second hand shaman template?


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
I was thinking of taking my lvl 48 buffbot to the Cathal Valley when it is released. I assumed it wouldn't require a vast amount of effort to kit him out in a reasonable template. I was looking through some templates when it occured to me that the champion weapons is only avaliable at lvl 50. Given its rather excellent stats I assume alot of acitve shaman must have changed their templates when DR arrived.

If somebody has a reasonable(nothing too expensive) template design and the old spellcrafted armour to go with it I would be very much interested in speaking to you. As long as I can farm the items (relatively easily) that you can't/won't sell me I will be happy.

If you have a pre-DR template I wouldn't mind seeing that either. If I do have to get the SC items myself I would be using 99% armour though.

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Cadelin, Fieldsurgeon, Ethanol, MrBiggles and laiftap are my cluster chars.

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