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- #31
mm: Killeh see news post:
And Afx:
Entrance to Season 6
I'd just like to make a few points about entering season 6 as I am getting a heck of a lot of queries about it through IRC, email and the forum. The below news post was basically done so I get a list of clans who have been in both season 5 and another season, it was considered that these might be exactly the clans chosen to have 'first dibs' one entering season 6.
However, it has now been decided:
- Clans will be decided on a mixture of things, looking at how long they've been around, how well they've performed in BWTFCL and how often they've turned up to games etc.
- For clans that have been fairly much perfect, played all the games and caused no problems, having a BWTFCL history will get preferential treatment.
- All clans in season 5 will have a chance of getting into season 6, and when the first list of 72 clans to be 'invited' to join comes out it does not mean that they will all accept/it is finalised.
- Any clans who have not previously competed in BWTFCL still have vertially no chance of getting in.
Now, I've used the word 'invited' above, but BWTFCL is not an invite only league. For season 6 we are doing it in phrases of allowing people to sign up (or 'inviting' them to sign up) so as to do it as fairly as possible as we narrow down the number of clans in the league. Once season 5 clans have been catered for it will be done purely on history of friendliness and organisation etc.
There is currently no set date for any of this to happen, over the coming weeks there will be admin meetings to look at clans and admins and decide who gets in to season 6. We intend to do this as fairly as possible, private messaging admins and asking for favours will not get you anywhere, the most that'll happen is the admin will inform me and I'll ignore it and/or explain the situation to the admin or clan.
I would like to apologise in advance to any clans who are disappointed by not getting a chance to enter the start of season 6, it is unfortunate we got this big before doing something but we firmly believe that the increase of quality in service will be much more fun for the clans involved, and any clan who doesn't get in but has competed in season 5 with a respectable record will be at the top of the waiting list when spaces become available.
/me hopes this may have cleared a few things up...
And Afx:
EB Media/BarrysWorld to peer at LINX
Directly cut/pasted from BW news, but of direct interest (especially to a lot of our european clans):
One of the reasons for our recent move was to provide ourselves with the capability to improve our networking services. So, if you`re a player on our servers, this means that there is a very good chance that your route to us will improve noticably, once we start to peer at LINX in the coming couple of weeks or so.
Theres very little information I can share with you about this right now, but its important that you should know that we are actively working on improving your connection to us. This applies throughout Europe, not just the UK, so many players on the continent should also get noticable improvements "soon".