Season 4 (sent by email to all clans)



There will be further changes to season 4. Some of these changes have been based on general feedback as well as common sense. The rest of the decisions will be based on your votes/feed back.

Already in hand are :

"Golden Gun Award"

To add to the honours "The Golden Gun Award". This will be the Clan leaders responsibility. After each match the CL must capture screens of the scores. At the end of the Season 4 the players with the highest amount of kills will be acknowledged on the 'BW Honours page' (per division).


Season 4 will be changed to 2 x 7 rounds. This will not only make BW matches slightly longer - but also means that no one side of the map can finish in a draw, but the whole match could still finish a draw....


V2 & Bridge will be guaranteed. 1 other map will make up the 3rd choice. The Hunt was not voted in last season. However this season you have the option.


The standard match is 5 v 5. However, if both clans have more players they can play 6 v 6 or 7 v 7 etc. BUT NOTE : If you agree to increase your team size and midway through the match you loose a player and have no replacement, Then the other team can continue with the amount of players you both agreed. I would suggest that if you agree to a 6 v 6 then still keep a SUB as backup.

"Length of Season"

This will be increased to 10 weeks. Each team will play each other twice.


With the extension to season 4, (10 weeks) - Each team will be allowed 1 postponement per season.

"Match times"

We would like all matches to start at 7& 8 pm. However, in season 4 there will be a "30 minutes" joining time. This will allow teams & admins to be more a little more flexible etc.


Could you please return this email and answer the following:

1) - Weapons (We don't use rockets)

A : No SG / 2 Snipers

B : 1 x SG / 2 Snipers

C : 1 x SG

Answer :

2) - Anti-Cheat (We are aware of custom maps and Pandora and have a solution.)

A - Stay as it is

B - Pandora (latest - if your clan has a problem with Pandora please add in comments)

Answer :

3) - Maps (Bridge - V2 +)

A - Hunt

B - Renan

C - St Lo

D - Abbey (We will try to make a server available for people that would like to test Abbey this week or next)

Answer :

Ideas/Comments :

Your Clan Name :


BW is only a success because of every clans commitment and regular involvement.

Thanks to all Clans, Subs & Admins.




Season 4 looks like it's shaping up to be a classic. Nice work guys. Addition of Pandora can only be a good thing - less work for admins, no fiddling around with numerous screenies.


hope to have hunt in the maps to
we dont do very well at it but we'll learn
and i like that map alot
so u better do it! :mad:
lolz :)


The one thing i might throw into the mix, is that screenies may be required when we play st renen. Since that is a custom map, pandora will prob throw a fit.


Can someone please tell me if this rule still exists in Season 4 ??


With the extension to season 4, (10 weeks) - Each team will be allowed 1 postponement per season.

Ta much :)


We really don't want to allow this after futher thought. I presume you have a problem, contact me on irc.

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