Seals, Bars, Barrels.(Midgard)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004

Just htought making a lil post here for ppl who might not know it.

I buy all DF Seals.

Emerald Seal = 1 G.
Saphire Seal = 3 G.
Diamond Seal = 10 G.

I buy bars/salvage.

When buying ure salvage ill first need to salvage ure stuff and then see how many bars u have to see how much i will pay.

How much do i pay for bars?

Approximatly at 75% of showprice. Its calculated at the average of the sellshop to the shop of the bar and the bracket.

Prices are:
Adamantine : 1G 13S
Asterite: 1G 69S
Netherium : 2G 55S
Arcanium : 3G 82S

Barrels are:

800G for all the instant pots
1.25P for the timers barrels

I dont take orders on here, u can post that ure looking for me or so.

U can find me online in the Enemies of the realm guild or just do /who vav.

Greets vav.

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