[SCW] are Recuriting - NON-Gimps only :p

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[SCW] are Recruiting - NON-Gimps only :p

Taken from [SCW]Fonz on our forum, find us at www.clanscw.com

i quote ;


Currently we are thinking about adding to our squad. We are looking for top quality players, but also top people. We have a solid defense but the attack is very weak

After that awful hint, we need some more attackers. We have some truly awful attackers like Nessie, Venom, Gimbo (not forgetting that useless bugger DOC) :p If you think you can do better, then post here and apply.

*) We don't allow dual claning.
*) We try to follow the unwrittern rule book about
-) No Back Tracking
-) Spamming , including respawns

If you can't hand held concussion jump don't apply If you a hwguy attacker don't apply If you favoruite class is sniper, don't apply

I think thats pretty clear , best way to get noticed is to play against us on various severs and come chat to us in our irc channel #scw on quakenet. Apply here just here won't cut it, we need examples We have our own server to :p



So what u waiting for !:clap:

btw we are in Wireplay, bwtfcl and the clanbase ladder atm


Not forgetting our other woeful offense player LaMagra


If you can't hand held concussion jump don't apply
How many of you can actually affectively HH conc ?

Any way its nice to see how easily I shall be replaced a little cocky arsed message from Fonz stuck on the forums .

Thats what you get I suppose......years of hard work building up a team and 1 of the people you recruit turns on you for disagreing with your leadership also turning half the clan on you at the same time. just goes to show you should never trust any one on here .


Jeez Moon. No need for that.

If you got a problem lets talk about it in IRC m8.



Hang on a minute...is that 1moon him?
Hum hes left then?
He was a v good player! Kicks my ass everytime!


Yeah he's a great player......... sorry to see him leave to be honest.


I havent seen him play on public servers for a long long time.


Probably cause there's only about 3 public servers worth going on......



Jolt have a nice Skillz map. Maybe you should take some ppl who are trialing there! Good place to see ppl's conc skillz.


I'll bare it in mind. We do have our own server that we trial ppl on tho.

People who we do accept aren't just decent performers of TFC. They also have to fit in, have a laugh and be active a lot. Anyone out there that fits the bill? :rolleyes:


I would fit in but im no good enough for SCW, plus I have a good laugh with my fellow clannies.


Well maybe it was a little strong but its fukin nice 5 minutes after I leave you spam forums looking for people to replace me .

SCW unfortunately has some bad apples now, sorry Nessie your a good m8 but its true and now I've left I'm hearing lots more from others that have been upset in the past .


Erm ok what do you suggest we do to recruit another quality offense player? One of many options available is to post on forums. A common practise which is employed by many.

Erm bad apples, where? There are no problems/arguments with any of our members and its become quite chilled out since you decided to leave.

Lastly I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that there are others out there that are upset, probably because you instigated most it.

years of hard work building up a team and 1 of the people you recruit turns on you for disagreeing with your leadership also turning half the clan on you at the same time

I cant see where you got this from, agreed its been a few months but hardly years and as for leadership you were given equal rights within the clan only a few months back but never really learnt how to admin properly, an aggressive response is not the way to resolve issues especially when in power. I needed your opinion with decision making, NOT to go around arguing willy-nilly on the forums.

To set the records straight for others you were never kicked, you left on your own accord for reasons that were your own. Nobody within the clan held a grudge but you weren’t prepared to accept the conditions set.

Sorry if this is sounding harsh but you are trumping yourself up a bit. Agreed you are a quality player and your loss bites hard not only on a gaming level but on a personal level as well. I really hope you find a good home and im hearing you are currently playing for ]rg[ which is a bonus because we rate them so highly.

There’s not much else to say really except to get over it. You have left but there’s no reason to try and trash us NBK style. It’s like water of a ducks back to us now.


Doesnt sound like Moonpig is very happy.
Guess something serious went down then.


Water off a ducks back....gues I left at just about the right time .

Sorry to see you need to become the high and mighty with me Tempest but wasn't it once said, every one is entitled to thier own opinion ?

And I think back its been over a year I've een with SCW and it has been alot odf hard work I put in, where did brit/Proud/Fonz and Lamagra come from, who kept reminding you all to use your irc channel, and when you dicided TFC was borring and Venom went on holiday or where ever who kept things alive ?

I spoke to you on the phone about this and you agreed the clan needed leadershipand you were prapered to make this clear you didn't, someone had to make decisions and you can't keep every one happy all the time .

Lastly I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that there are others out there that are upset, probably because you instigated most it.
Didn't bite your fist when you typed that did ya ? the facts are the person responsible almost ruined another clan F-UK, told people leadership breaks clans, then left and asked every individual member to join him and he became a leader of FIA, when this fell to its knees he came to me asking if I could promise him a place before dumping the people that joined him in his clan .

I instigated nothing here I was fully aware of what he was doing but agreeing with his decisions at the time were purelya mistake of mine .

Freindship means nothing here aspecialy when you've explained over the phone your to your CL having trouble with things and asked your clan leader to take control of any problem you have within the clan and a week later you ask what was done and find nothing .

Oh and as for Lamagra he's responsible for a poor bloke disco now clanless and unable to find a replacment, responsible for guild quitting TFC and now me leaving SCW not to mension the damage done to f-uk when they were getting things together......you'l learn SCW, in time .

Anyway I replied following people repeateldy saying "hey look a url to your replacement thread", I've replied you've replied its tiresome and as I told british its all history, live and learn and I learnt to be less trusting .


High and mighty? Why thank you, all im doing is setting the facts straight, to be considered high and mighty is a compliment.

Hard work? Ok, sure you brought some players in but who brought you into the clan in the first place? It’s the natural way of things, no need for self-glorification.

IRC channel? We had one set-up just fine but at the time it was ICQ that was more commonly used. Again nothing that you personally instigated.

When did I ever say I found TFC boring? All I did was cut back from playing the publics and devoting more of my spare time to clan games, website work and socialising with my mates in the real world. Venoms holiday is hardly an issue considering it was only for a week or so, we managed perfectly well because we had cover just like we are doing now without your presence.

I think you have a rather distorted view of the phone calls, it wasn’t that we needed leadership because we already had that, you wanted your position to be reinforced for all to see so that you wouldn’t be disputed. As it transpired you wouldn’t abide to my decision and refused to stay in the clan until someone was removed which was quite frankly not on.

Oh and your bit further down about nothing being done is simple to answer, there was no reason to do anything because there was no real problem. Just because you personally couldn’t get on with someone doesn’t justify your actions. Later on we evaluated the ongoing situation and acted in an evenhanded and fair manner but you turned your back on us because your unreasonable wishes wouldn’t be acted upon.

I really didn’t think you would be this bitter about things and would just get on with your gameplay life but it appears I was wrong. Sniping comments wont do you any favours and I urge you to refrain from starting another one of your flame threads.

There’s nothing else to say, posting on forums is a bad way of communicating because it doesn't do anyone any favours, it just makes things look more stupid than they actually are. As far as im concerned this issue is closed. I will only be posting a response if you antagonise me further.


You paint a lovely picture Tempest but me and you both know thats not how it happened .

Funny how all this stuff your coming out with was never said to me by any one until I left the clan, yet again another reason making me feel much better about my decision .

I got no bitterness m8 I just think some things were left unsaid and alot of people have the wrong idea about what happened .

I said to Lamagra we both had to make an effort to get on with each other, I was prapared to do this but his reply was "I'm who I am and I have my opinion" I told him "I can't stay in the same clan if things didnt change". I left once before no questions asked but was asked to return this I did and you told me you would talk to him also you told me if it come to it again and it was one or the other to leave he would be the one to go .

This isnt an attemp to antagonise anyone if it were I'd be talking about times when you've wanted to use hwg's on attack and I've had to explain why not. Any way I just don't want people going around saying I was at fault, yes I may have acted strongly towards british but I've known him for years and for him to turn on me about a subject he didnt know and wasnt prapered to listen hurt .

I'm glad SCW's fine with out me and I still have alot of respect for some of the members .


I am staying out of this one..........

:eek: :confused: :rolleyes: ;) :p :eek: :(


We discussed in irc moon, you never mentioned trying to get along it was clear that you didn't want me in the clan. I said do you want me to leave and you said yes. I left, no questions asked and no hassle.

Just had to set that straight

fs my spelling is poo :rolleyes:


I said we'd both have to make changes and asked if you could do that your reply was "I'm who I am and have my opinion" .

Following the conversation where tempest said if 1 would go it would be you not me I said "in the case of you not making an effort, yes I wan't you to leave" .

Any way they'l learn what your like for themselvs just like guild, the rest of f-uk and I have .


anyhow................ anyone wanna trial ? :)

(mes keeping right out of the debate - since i aint got all of the facts - but me wubs SCW :clap: me wonders if to crack the large debate joke, but refrains ;) )


i dont mind anything u say cept for the cobblers bout Guild. I dont believe you've spoken too him since, wheras I have kept in touch with him ever since and consider him a good friend. get your fact straights before you go mouthing off as the guy had issues irl that were far beyond what you knew. Say what you will bout anything else (dont really think anyones listening) but I'll set you straight on that one.


Love it and leave it.....?

Moon, how can you claim not to be bitter when you posted a "flamer" on this thread? I'm sorry Moon, but we have to recruit people and this happens to be one way of doing it.
[SCW]Proud set up the irc channel, this can be proved because he is the master, and I am the founder.
I know you like your opinions to be heard, but you also seem intent on stifling others Quote :

I said to Lamagra we both had to make an effort to get on with each other, I was prapared to do this but his reply was "I'm who I am and I have my opinion" I told him "I can't stay in the same clan if things didnt change".

Immediately after stating Quote :

Sorry to see you need to become the high and mighty with me Tempest but wasn't it once said, every one is entitled to thier own opinion ?

You appear to be condeming the fact that he has an opinion that does not match yours. Is this true?

I see some hypocricy emerging here...


Talk about somthing you know something about brit .

And if you must know I asked Proud to sort the channel .

Ok Lamagra so I gues I'm wrong about Guild, dosn't change the others tho does it .

I said on the SCW forum following the post in the halflife forum here about best mods, "lets try sven co-op" Lamagra's reply went something like "its shit", no reason why no explenation of where he got this from, just another post by me that he had to start an argument about .

Look at his picture he's a fukin retard.....


Gis a trial Geezers

lo just puttin my intrest in joining up in writing erm ill probably speak 2 u in irc or thru dodgy


oooh me me me

ive applied but i aint gettin any replies..... dont think nessie likes me :( :sleeping:


/me clears throat
moon is a cunt
moon is a cunt
moon is a cunt
moon is a cunt
moon... :upyours:
so much fun

You have left but there’s no reason to try and trash us NBK style.
it wasnt the clan i trashed u for if was a few members that make your clan look totally GAY (the main 1...a cunt...has left yay!)
and i havent trashed your "clan" for aaaaaaaaaggggggggggeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss
MOON IS A CUNT! :D :upyours:
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