Scout LFG - Why is the answer always no?



hehe sometime i think back when tanglers/pygmies were still weak, solo'ed them from 46-50 :D


urf now i cant understand y i deleted my scout god this post reminds me of how much i h8ed being a scout :X Scouts sux imho when u hit emain u will realise this till then enjoy not getting grps :) reroll infis :p


Originally posted by kirennia
scout have NOTHING that another char in groups cant do as well or better.

Wrong, scouts have the best guard out there.


Too bad that the extra percentages in blockrate isn't counted as a vital group ability.


Originally posted by Conchabar
urf now i cant understand y i deleted my scout god this post reminds me of how much i h8ed being a scout :X Scouts sux imho when u hit emain u will realise this till then enjoy not getting grps :) reroll infis :p

Well went to emain last night, got one group went LD.. arse

Guild group with some adds, in two hours made 4500rp's.

Turn on RF.. spam casters, shot 300 arrows in those two hours, another 400 at Daga earlier = 3g per 100 = 21g for the arrows, not that expensive really, that's about 10 pieces of cloth for tailoring. ;) but that's why I farm blue and green con mobs in DF.

Guarding, and engaging for the healer just needs the group to understand what I'm doing.



Originally posted by Apathy
Because you're all fucking whiny little cunts if you MUST know.


FFS Apathy - who stole the jam out of your doughnut? ;)


I remember you from five months ago or so DS, met you just before I left Alb Excal to move to Mid. In fact, I remember giving you some PL love with my Necro (Mumbo Jumbo) at the Undead Druids near DF :)

Sorry to read you are having such problems getting a group :(

This may not help you, but perhaps if any lowbies are reading this then I suggest that whenever you move to a Realm, you always level a wanted Class to 50 first. This has a number of benefits.

For a start, you will get groups where most members are 3-5 levels higher than you, brilliant XP. You will generally always be in demand, and rarely turned away.

Once 50, you will have the perfect character with which to PL your actual desired character on a 2nd account. You really do need 2 accounts to make this work, but it *does* work. Having one Lvl 50 means loads of cash with which to twink your new character silly - it really is the best way to do it ;)

I would suggest the following wanted Classes/Realms:


Ice Wiz (PBAOE)
Cleric (Rejuv/Enhance)
Minstrel (Instruments)


Healer (Pac/Mend)
Spirit Master (PBAOE)
Shaman (Aug/Mend)


Druid (Regrowth/Nuture)
Bard (Nature)
Enchanter or Eldritch or Mentalist (Mana)

This is not exhaustive, but I have played all three Realms now and it's a good basis to start from.

Good luck getting to Lvl 50 DS :)


Originally posted by Danamyr
I remember you from five months ago or so DS, met you just before I left Alb Excal to move to Mid. In fact, I remember giving you some PL love with my Necro (Mumbo Jumbo) at the Undead Druids near DF :)

Sorry to read you are having such problems getting a group :(

Dana :D --- do a /level 20 and come play vs slime in thid :) payback for defecting to the enemy ;)


:) Didn't start this thread for a whine, honestly wanted to know what other classes ( who haven't played scouts ) think of them..

so far missconceptions.

All scouts like to melee in the group, were wanabe paladins at heart.

All scouts are piss poor, and can't afford 3g for 100 arrows.

All scouts don't like using thier bow.

Scouts don't bring anything to the group.

Things I feel about how I play a scout.

Scouts know about agro control, they spend so much time leveling solo baf code and agro managment come as second nature, looking for adds is the first lesson you learn as a scout.

Scouts are tend to be crafters, esp Fletchers ( i'm a tailor but thats a different story ) -- apart from necros there isn't a class that can farm df seals ( emeralds ) as easy as a scout, money can be made get 600 metal work from fletching / tailor and cash is not a problem.

Scouts love using thier bow, or we would have rolled mercs , the less melee I'm in the better for me.. I can spam arrows till the cows come home, without getting hit. Occasionally step in at the end of a fight to smash them with the shield.. but straight back to the bow after.

Scouts have High dex, dex = blocking ability. 90% of all scouts will spec 42 shield for slam, 5% 50 thrust for dragonfang the others.. mixture of styles. If your guarding one char, esp a support class I can stand next to the guy guard any agro and still hit the main mob with the bow while it's clear.

So recon, I'm going to change my prostitute message to

SLAM scout LFG -- 2k arrows and a spam shooting bow to go..

BigPally69 sends "sorry mate no room........ "

Good luck getting to Lvl 50 DS :)

Cheers.. two weeks in the sun for me, from tomorrow.. back to gwynytell dodging the tower guardian after ;)



Originally posted by Apathy
Because you're all fucking whiny little cunts if you MUST know.


you been raped irl by a hairy beast or something?
tbh I havent seen a single descent reply from you on this
board ever and you seem to have a tunge longer than your
willy which should explain your sad attitude you motherfucker...
(And yes I know you do her u sad shit)

"Reply ala Apathy"


Originally posted by Apathy
Because you're all fucking whiny little cunts if you MUST know.


oppose to being a duck fucking, ball licking, sheep shagging, cat molesting ballbag who's goal in life is to try to look clever on BW and actually being shit at a non-skill based game (and you proved thats possible)

apathy above everyone else in this world its safe to say

you just love the cock


Originally posted by deerstalker
Scouts love using thier bow, or we would have rolled mercs , the less melee

LOL i pld a merc then rolled a scout then rolled a sz hmmm :)


basicly scouts do less damage in melee than paladins even and less dmg when shooting than nukers do so why not just get nukers/tanks. also most dont bother shooting and try and get away with hitting unstyled for 30 dmg. That why realy.. And also because they dont fit into the perfect grp etc


i pm people asking if they need a llv 50 icewiz + alt :>'

when i get a group i just put guard on the cleric and start pbaoe spamming ;)


Most daoc players are small minded and retards.


actually melee scouts (high thrust specced) do more damage than most paladins, highly adept at watching the battle and catching aggro that's headed towards casters/healers (theyre not standing right up in the mob that the tanks hitting's face and can actually see a clear vision of the battle)

so everyone else can do something better than scouts? ever tried pulling? in a decent group i'll pull 3 separate sets of mobs each and every pull....and again as the tanks converge on the last mob left standing, and since im pulling when others are fighting i dont want aggro so i'll spam detaunt if i wanna start running about, spam wyvernfang/basiliskfang if the tanks are having trouble, then back to the bow again...this gives a constant supply of xp which DOESNT let up unless the healer runs outta mana.....obviously this is crap and unwanted in groups since people like Kirennia are out there (IGNORANT).

Deerstalker mate, im afraid it's either solo oranges like the rest of the scouts or make your own groups, hell i know i had to, but then the people i invited to groups wernt anal retards and within a month i had people spamming me to join my groups within 30secs of logging on.....just ignore the idiots since theyre the real bane of groups (ding, oh gotta go my guild/arse/bed needs me).


Originally posted by deerstalker
We all know that scouts are the bottom of the list for group slots.
but why?

Last night the guild group was in AC, we had a 1 pally, 1 arms, 1 cleric , 1 sorc, and myself a 42 scout.

When the cleric doesn't have agro.

With the bow I hit for between 200 and 350 every three seconds.
I can pull mobs, disrupt healers and the only class that can do anything about the archers in AC.

When the cleric has agro.

Switch to the shield, guard on the cleric, and Engage.
with 190 dex, my blocking rate is something like 30 out of 31 (vs purple con mob) .
The cleric has agro, no more mobs will attack him while the loose mob is engaged. As long as no one tries to stun / mez / hit the mob on the cleric the healer is fine.. once all the mobs are dead. the tanks can come back and take the loose mob off my hands. back to the bow. spam shoot to victory ;)

Now with the respec I'm going to have slam tonight.. lets see what my chances of a group in ac are?

"nope were full" says the group of four.

So again.. why do you turn scouts away from groups?

lfg prob was the reason i stop lvling my scout back on semptember and end up hitting 50 12 months after i made the char with 30 days played mixed solo and group exp


Originally posted by deerstalker
the only class that can do anything about the archers in AC.
Hi there. Ever heard of nearsight? ;)


Nearsight is a spell which cabbies get. Anyone that will group a cabbie will also group scouts. That makes that comparison rather redundant in my opinion.


I was not commenting on the subject of this thread, I was commenting on a specific (incorrect) statement that Deerstalker made. :)


Originally posted by Rossco
obviously this is crap and unwanted in groups since people like Kirennia are out there (IGNORANT).

Obviously you don't really know me to post that...I had a scout myself to try and test it all out and figured out it is better for the group to have tanks/nukers then it is scouts. If I really give 2 hoots about being the first to 50 and was only thinking about myself then why the hell have I rolled a cleric and why did it take me 37 days /played? Because I'm here to have FUN.

The fact still remains that in lead rolls for a group, you can get much better then a scout in a group who can only melee/block/fire arrows. Even a fire wizard is better because they can root targets getting out of hand. And melee, asrmsman/merc/EVEN A PALADIN outdamage them in melee. Okay so you can go 50 thrust and out damage a paladin but you still wont do as well as an armsman/merc/reaver in a group and you can't hold aggro like a paladin.

As for the whole pulling thing, I have very rarely found places that a caster cannot pull from and not ever found a place a caster can't pull from in a regular exping zone.

If you have to choose between a stale piece of bread and a fresh piece of bread to put yer butter on, you are going to choose the fresh piece...not because you are ignorant or are a wanker but because it tastes nicer.

Oh and btw, I do invite scouts to PvE groups, I was simply trying to answer the original posters question and calling me ignorant doesn't exactly cut it when some1 rolls a solo class then comes on here flaming people asking them why they can't have the best of both worlds.....


Okey first off i should apologise in part for calling you ignorant, it was harsh of me and i'd like to clear this up, you may not be, your post WAS, this was not personal, and was merely a reflection at your assumption that scouts can offer nothing to a group that others cant do better (which no matter how well you give examples is untrue).

sure casters can pull....they can also get dropped when the mob reaches them, scouts have the luxury of 2 defense lines (evade and block) both of which are effective, despite what people automatically assume.

the problem deerstalker is outlining in her post here, is that people just will refuse to group scouts on the myth that theyre useless, which you yourself (despite whether you invite them or not) are fuelling with such remarks, you have to remember as a GM or an officer or even a member of a guild, when you make flippant sweeping remarks, there will always be 20 people out there who will take it to heart and then live thier life like it.....i remember when the game first started.....everyone who specced thrust was automatically a gimp....why? because some ignorant fool that never specced thrust decided that they were all positional styles (theres less thrust positionals than slash/crush) and therefore gimped....this was taken to heart by hundreds that had heard such idiotic statements and people that did spec thrust were barred from groups on this 1 myth/rumour.

as for the solo class....not every scout is rolled to play solo...i rolled a scout for the range alone and not to be able to solo, my spec reflects that, many other classes are invited due to thier specs, eg. ice wizard would be grouped, earth would be passed over, this happens with everyone apart from those classes which have foolishly been actively excluded for a long time.....many of which are actually highly group specced (spirit cabbie, melee scout, rejuv/staff friars etc...)

anyway, as i said, the ignorance comment was aimed at your post and not yourself, unfortunately your probably ill thought words (which im sure you may now look at and decide maybe it could have been more specific or re-worded) has probably reinforced the general exclusion of scouts from PvE groups (lets face it fool's will follow anything as long as someone else says it).


Originally posted by Rossco
sure casters can pull....they can also get dropped when the mob reaches them, scouts have the luxury of 2 defense lines (evade and block) both of which are effective, despite what people automatically assume.

Casters should in general, pull with a lvl 1 bolt which will only hit for about 1 dmg, then as soon as it comes into the group, as long as the tanks are awake, they only have to hit it once and it will draw aggro onto them. I don't think they even have to hit it (miss will do) if the caster moves far enough behind the grp.

As for the myths of certain classes being usless when they arent, can anyonelse remember when rej clerics were considered useless? hehe

Of course my original statement was very shortly and bluntly put because of the number of posts about the same thing and number of people constantly going on about it is silly (no offense to original poster).

I'll still continue to advise people not to roll scouts unless they really like the concept purely because there are better classes out there and they are never grouped; but at the same time, I wont personally not group them. I'm also interested as to how the new changes bought in with 1.62 have changed them so might start levelling mine again.

Think I've probably missed half the points I was going to put in this post but far too hot :bore:


I find it disturbing that a group with a 50 paladin, gets a 46 paladin while i'm there standing lfg for one hour, I have SC armour with capped stats and i'm rr5 and still they pick a pally with xp armour... now emagine a 46 scout standing there in xp armour, not all of them have 2nd accounts or guildies PL'ing them. And dont give me the 50 tank > 50 scout shit, i've defeated warriors 1o1 unbuffed while they attacked me first.


Originally posted by xplo
Most daoc players are small minded and retards.

That goes for the guys in df one hour ago, you know who you are.


To be honest, 50 tank > 50 scout. Sorry.

ya know i couldnt disagree more with this, there are exceptions however (as always) but let me explain:

Standard Outlook:
your average tank can viably be played by anyone, it requires very few actions to be effective, however very many actions to be outstanding (as most classes).

i should not need to go into detail here; target, f6, spam ammy slash (or anytime equivalent) and repeat

a level 50 scout (that has NOT been PL'd) will have had to learn his class inside out to be able to solo/group to level 50, they'll be able to manage aggro effectively, will usually be the first/only person that rushes to help the caster/healers. will be able to use styles depending on the situation (taunt only when needed, if they dont already have the aggro use positionals/bleeding/stun styles).

Factors which affect the above:
we all know more idiot level 50 tanks than we do effective ones, if you disagree with this you must be playing offline or something.
this is due entirely to the ease of levelling a tank, and as a result you have a broad spectrum of tanks with skill.

Scouts come in 2 forms: 'utterly crap' and 'shit hot'. the utterly crap variety gain levels by standing in group forming spots spamming 'scout lfg PLZZZZZZZZZZ' the shit hot variety gain levels by standing in group forming spots, saying 'scout lfg' once every few minutes and then buggering off and soloing if theyre unsuccessful.

i actually use that as an acid test for anyone looking to join a group, if they spam lfg, they have 0 patience, therefore usually quite dim, if they state they are lfg then sit quietly for a few minutes, they'll get grouped since they display patience, which is usually a sign of a very good character and will be more likely to play the game very well indeed.

okey now for some comparisons:

Tanks have MUCH better armour and can take twice as many hits.
Scouts have weaker armour, but get hit half the time.
- result = no difference.

Tanks will invariably do more damage than scouts melee
Scouts will do more damage than tanks with thier bow
- result = a scout that uses his bow solely will outdamage any tank, a scout that spec's melee and uses his sword will do marginally less damage than a tank

Tanks with shield spec can block well
Scouts with shield spec can block better
- result = Scouts provide a better than PBT guard for casters/healers/main tank

so, overall a level 50 tank and a level 50 scout would pretty much even each other out with utility, however as noted before, scouts are more likely to exploit thier skills than a tank, since more often than ever tanks are getting lazier and lazier (in the past 2 months the majority of groups i have joined, i have been able to stick guard on anyone, showing many tanks dont even bother with this anymore).

This is however my opinion, but no matter what class i play at the time, if theres a tank and a scout lfg, i'll take the scout (unless he's spamming lfg ;) )



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