Scammed by GOA


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2004

After further investigation, might you please ignore the previous replies, and we'll now review your billing problem.
The account "njonsson" was not renewed on 2003-11-27 and we were not able to find any trace of renewal since then. Two possibilities :
- first one, you may have paid for another account with the same credit card, and this account was not cancelled.
- second possibility, it could be a mistake on our side, but in order to verify this, we need more information from you.

May you please visit the official website of our partner Bibit:
(, please save the request and send it to us by reply, the contained order numbers will allow us to find the concerning payment and link it to an account.

European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Heh, I guess taking it to this board wasn't a bad idea. Makes me wonder what actually would happen if I was completely alone with this problem and everyone went "huh?" in replies. Probably would have gone cut my card, asked the bank to stop accepting bills from them and still no response from the company itself.

This issue is settled now and I wish the rest of you good luck in getting help with your billingproblems, companies need to learn to communicate with their customers since they're the reason they can exist in the first place instead of putting up a wall of silence.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
I'd contact your bank asap and tell them to block any more transactions from GOA to stop them stealing any more. After that tell them that they've been taking money from your account without your permission, i should think they'll take it quite seriouly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Had this problem also,
auto-renew was off and always has been. However I got billed for one months sub, no renew email or anything. Just appeared on my bank balance.
Sent an email to goa asking for a refund, compensation was another months subscription. hmm :|


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Since GOA representatives may read this may I say:

If you use a third party to collect payments from your customers you have a duty to your customers to hold the party resposible for mistakes. It is not the customers job to run around trying to sort out this kind of mess. If a customer informs you that they are being charged (under your name!) without concent you damn well get out there and nail someone to a post for it. We do business with you, not them. Let's have less of this "sorry not our fault, speak to so and so."


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
goa have stolen all kinds of money from me and all i get is a free month ITS NOT A FREE MONTH IF I PAYED FOR IT BY YOU STEALING FUCKERS!

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