We got some great SB's, such as Aurudrey (stab at spelling) and Cylian, but as far as my experiments at Thid level are concerned we (SBs) are still incredibly weakened against infs! Has anyone worked out a template that can deal with it? At Thid level we are being outdamaged (still) over 2x our damage output. Fecking rediculous i know but i refuse to give up. I like this game but i am so upset by this that each time my subscription time comes for payment i soul search for reasons for staying. Feck sake i want to play an SB!
We got some great SB's, such as Aurudrey (stab at spelling) and Cylian, but as far as my experiments at Thid level are concerned we (SBs) are still incredibly weakened against infs! Has anyone worked out a template that can deal with it? At Thid level we are being outdamaged (still) over 2x our damage output. Fecking rediculous i know but i refuse to give up. I like this game but i am so upset by this that each time my subscription time comes for payment i soul search for reasons for staying. Feck sake i want to play an SB!