SB's still badly nerfed?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004

We got some great SB's, such as Aurudrey (stab at spelling) and Cylian, but as far as my experiments at Thid level are concerned we (SBs) are still incredibly weakened against infs! Has anyone worked out a template that can deal with it? At Thid level we are being outdamaged (still) over 2x our damage output. Fecking rediculous i know but i refuse to give up. I like this game but i am so upset by this that each time my subscription time comes for payment i soul search for reasons for staying. Feck sake i want to play an SB!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
um think u mean arauddry and hes an rr10 infil lol....cylian is a sb tho

and infils still outdmg sb's which you can't get around but i think with toa it has almost helped sb's slightly because of the bonuses you can get etc


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
me ? good ? when did that rumour start ? :eek7:

in thid it's actually quite even unless it's "over-tweaked buffed gimp vs. unbuffed gimp"

otherwise SBs lost their last advantage, thrust-resistant armor, due to heat weapons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
Yeah it was more fun playing SB before LA nerf and so on :clap:

(notice my new avatar) :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004


Nope, this is against fully buffbotted sc'd shadowblades against similar inf at Thid level. They outdamage us over 2x the amount! Who the **** oversees this game? We are nerfed to hell and back, and why? All i want is to hit for reasonable damage but when yu hit for less than half the amount an inf hits you back for and faster where the **** is the reasoning behind it all?




Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
bigchief hit syonide for 1000+ as a normal anytime style, omg, hate those gay head infils, i mean, 1000+ :< one thousand!!! also dweras a cool SB :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Darksword said:
bigchief hit syonide for 1000+ as a normal anytime style, omg, hate those gay head infils, i mean, 1000+ :< one thousand!!! also dweras a cool SB :m00:

not possible, was prolly vanish+ pa.

or just a PA.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Darksword said:
bigchief hit syonide for 1000+ as a normal anytime style, omg, hate those gay head infils, i mean, 1000+ :< one thousand!!! also dweras a cool SB :m00:

omg dem infil is soo teh cheats usin anytime PA style lolz


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
was a vanish PA ofc.

And you 2 should of killed me nps Darksword .. I had no purge, he pa'd me while I was fighting you. Blame him for you both dieing, using an energy weapon vs an infil who still has apk resists up...

Should of killed me in the cd stun between you leaving you on 10% him untouched. As it was I killed you then vanished on him with me on 20%.

Hardly an 'anytime' though .. its once every 30mins assuming it doesnt fuck up :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
MKJ said:

Nope, this is against fully buffbotted sc'd shadowblades against similar inf at Thid level. They outdamage us over 2x the amount! Who the **** oversees this game? We are nerfed to hell and back, and why? All i want is to hit for reasonable damage but when yu hit for less than half the amount an inf hits you back for and faster where the **** is the reasoning behind it all?



post some screenshots plz, tbh I dont think there's that much difference in dmg output and I know thid sb's that did very well also agaist infills. And atm albs have 3 str relics which might make the difference? You fully sc'ed also?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Yeah well its nice to have tools to work with like vanish. If the inf doesnt fuck up with ras up theres noway for a sb to win. Are you feeling lucky ?

Mythic :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
Oh missed the edit time. Forgot to say that its not that often that infil needs to use ras 1 vs 1 with a sb.

You can see the situation after relic loss pretty easy with a day in emain. Theres 10000 alb stealthers that you havent even heard about before cos so many came back to pwn after getting the relics back and the rest are newly leveled as the non leet rvr guild people want to rvr also. (read: want to pwn and not be pwned)

Mid stealther numbers are steadily dropping again as people cba anymore. With relics it was about 50/50... now its 90/10 if even that. Thats just 1vs1... add more people and the utility of minstrels grouped with infils will blow you away... literally. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
heh was nowhere near 50/50. When mids had relics I couldnt make it to amg let along mpk like I am now. Would be at least 3 sb's between apk and sb forest, usually more, sometimes up to 12. Albs got zerged left right and center.

Now you dont have the relics alot of those lower rr players that id never seen before seem to have stopped playing and its albs turn to bring out the retards. Unfortunatly thats just how it is :(

(edit, seems theyve all rolled sm's? :rolleyes: )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Darksword said:
bigchief hit syonide for 1000+ as a normal anytime style, omg, hate those gay head infils, i mean, 1000+ :< one thousand!!! also dweras a cool SB :m00:

Yes mate, infs often hit for over one thousand unstyled, we rock da house osv :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Imo let hibs have str relics :D

On the topic. It has been like this since forever. When mids have str relics every single SB comes out and starts camping apk and amg. When Albs have them its albs who camps mpkm amg and to a certain degreee mmg.
When we had relics it was no fun to play because of all the mid adds u got on every fight. Now it´s no fun to play because of all the alb adds u get in every fight.


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
At the end of the day its the little things that make a difference, if you assume both Infil and sb have TOA sc/arti's, similar RA's and a fotm spec, then the relics will decide the outcome. That strength bonus is noticeable and often the decider.

Yes more adds do comeif you own them, its inevitable that more people want to enjoy the "good times" but still...

Mids (in my view) choose not to have the relic keeps, they can get 120 people to turn up to an ML2 raid i am sure they can take relic keeps.

As for inv outclassing sb? well it is a sad fact that mids do get the short straw on most things, but relics is a game function and to me the bigger factor here.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Inca said:
At the end of the day its the little things that make a difference, if you assume both Infil and sb have TOA sc/arti's, similar RA's and a fotm spec, then the relics will decide the outcome. That strength bonus is noticeable and often the decider.

Yes more adds do comeif you own them, its inevitable that more people want to enjoy the "good times" but still...

Mids (in my view) choose not to have the relic keeps, they can get 120 people to turn up to an ML2 raid i am sure they can take relic keeps.

As for inv outclassing sb? well it is a sad fact that mids do get the short straw on most things, but relics is a game function and to me the bigger factor here.

The last 2-3 attempts we have had trying to get relics either albs (when going for hib) or hibs (when going for albs) have joined the fun and hitting us in the back. Not easy to fight 2 realms when trying to take relics.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Inca said:
At the end of the day its the little things that make a difference, if you assume both Infil and sb have TOA sc/arti's, similar RA's and a fotm spec, then the relics will decide the outcome. That strength bonus is noticeable and often the decider.

Yes more adds do comeif you own them, its inevitable that more people want to enjoy the "good times" but still...

Mids (in my view) choose not to have the relic keeps, they can get 120 people to turn up to an ML2 raid i am sure they can take relic keeps.

As for inv outclassing sb? well it is a sad fact that mids do get the short straw on most things, but relics is a game function and to me the bigger factor here.

300dmg main by infils, -maybe- 200dmg by SB -before- debuffs ... that's not 20% difference tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cylian said:
300dmg main by infils, -maybe- 200dmg by SB -before- debuffs ... that's not 20% difference tho.
because comparing main hand damage is all that needs to be done to balance classes !

That was sarcasm btw


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
bigchief said:
because comparing main hand damage is all that needs to be done to balance classes !

That was sarcasm btw

so what does an infils offhand hit for ? the numbers I see there are usually 80-130dmg.

My offhand hits for 60-80. And don't tell me that Infils swing thaaaaat much slower than a SB.

P.S. still waiting on a log or screenie that shows that SB/Infil damage is about equal. Maybe you want to post something ?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Cylian said:
so what does an infils offhand hit for ? the numbers I see there are usually 80-130dmg.

My offhand hits for 60-80. And don't tell me that Infils swing thaaaaat much slower than a SB.

P.S. still waiting on a log or screenie that shows that SB/Infil damage is about equal. Maybe you want to post something ?
They arent equal dmg wise.

SB main and off hand damage will always be lower per swing than an infils using identical weapons because of left axe mechanics. tipicle SB specs LA to 39 which means at rr5 with 39+15 LA with DR2 they do ~83% of the damage an infil would do per hand with the same weapon.

The difference comes from LA swinging (but not always hitting) every round and the infil swinging a percentage of the time, but more than likely it will hit due to how there offhand hitrate is based on primary weaponspec not duelwield spec.

Over time SB/Infil/NS damage is equal given the same stats, weapons etc etc.

The problem is there is no such thing as "overtime" in this game, fights are often over in seconds meaning the damage difference between the 2 duelwielding mechanics doesnt have time to balance out.

So because of how LA and DW/CD mechanics work in day to day RvR where fights rarely last more than 20 seconds. DW/CD will always do more dmg per round.

Not sure how things will chance in NF with DR getting removed but i feel that will put SB`s at an even greater disadvantage to infils because we will loose damage from out main and offhand and infils/shades will retain there damage but swing both weapons a few percent less.

Before mythic "fixed" LA mechanics they were on the right track to balancing the two lines, the problem was they "fixed" it too well and instead of making the damage equal in a shorter period of time, that time scale is now so big it would take roughly 30+ swings before it starts to even out, meaning as the game is currently SB damage will NEVER be equal to the damage of an infil/ns because fights are over too quickly.

Some of you may have noticed but when mid had 2 str relics, SB damage was alot closer to that of an infiltrator because the 10% boost evened out the flaws in LA mechanics.

Anyway enough rambling on, its 1am im tired and probably contradicted myself a million times in this post, but i hope you get the general idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Just to say I've just complete Thid with lvl 24 SB got my medal too and the 350 RP's most of which were from fighting inf's I didn't spec high enough to get PA but even with backstab 2 and stealth at and average level I could beat every inf I ran into in a 1 on 1 fight.

Only advice can give is maybe that you get some better equipment :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
Heart said:
Just to say I've just complete Thid with lvl 24 SB got my medal too and the 350 RP's most of which were from fighting inf's I didn't spec high enough to get PA but even with backstab 2 and stealth at and average level I could beat every inf I ran into in a 1 on 1 fight.

Only advice can give is maybe that you get some better equipment :D

Only advice I can give you is try play at lvl 50 instead of BG...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
MKJ said:

We got some great SB's, such as Aurudrey (stab at spelling) and Cylian, but as far as my experiments at Thid level are concerned we (SBs) are still incredibly weakened against infs! Has anyone worked out a template that can deal with it? At Thid level we are being outdamaged (still) over 2x our damage output. Fecking rediculous i know but i refuse to give up. I like this game but i am so upset by this that each time my subscription time comes for payment i soul search for reasons for staying. Feck sake i want to play an SB!


^^^ Discussing Thid I think or at least I was haven't got lvl 50 SB so can't comment on that anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
I would suggest that Shadowblades use full aug healer buffs as well as full aug shammy buffs.

More bottage4tehwin!

Master Pimp

Feb 7, 2004
isnt Aurudrey or how ever the fk u spell it a rr10 infil fully sced up and buffed ? in thid i dont see what your moaning about my thid hunter Hauk fully sced buffed etc nice weaps can beat a unbuffed/buffed infil sced etc even with pa in hand to hand comb spear v sword pa only takes off about 10-15% so im sure if i made a sb and fully kited him up right spec id own 1 my only prob on hunter is they go round in like 3s with scouts scouts are pussys too the other day i 3 hited a blue infil with spear lol and im only 12 in spear this is solo too i dont hang around with a gang of sbs or hunters like albs cos there pussys


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
dont complain about SB's being "nerfed", just be thankfull that your not a friggin' lwui NS :kissit:

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