Sb´s and groups?



Is it just me or do other SB´s find it extremely hard to get into groups?
I know its hard to get a group, but it just seems that nobody wants SB´s in their group.


my alt healer always have the flagged for rouges up and running :). aside from that i dont think theres anyone who want us in a group, most players think that cause we are good in rvr we have to suck in pve. we do suck in pve, we are horrible to solo. in groups we do good damage and throw in a 6 stun, buff or qui/dex and we can actually tank a bit. the problem is people dont know that, they know nothing about our class and are happy with that. get a BIG friends list when you lvl up and you might have enuff ppl left to make a group with later on, something you can do is to buy a buff or 2 off a shammie and solo.

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