Saying Goodbye...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Starwind said:
Inga you aint doing much better with name calling like :

And thanks alot Inga for reminding people that they dont have a Mother or Father there anymore to play catch etc etc, with Xmas coming just around the corner.

Great call Inga very clever that was. :twak:

Lost my dad 15 years ago.

Lost my mother in law 2 years ago.



One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2004
Attempting to find relevance in the few above posts... [fail]
Attempting to find attempt to derail this thread... [ok]
Attempting to find attempts to put comments out of context... [ok]

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Starwind said:
Inga you aint doing much better with name calling like :

And thanks alot Inga for reminding people that they dont have a Mother or Father there anymore to play catch etc etc, with Xmas coming just around the corner.

Great call Inga very clever that was. :twak:
I agree, that remark was a bit harsh and I'm very sorry for those amongst us that have lost a mom or dad. I did not intent to hurt anyone that way but one just can't avoid all that which might hurt people depending on their situation. Everything you say might hurt people due to association.

I'm generally a quite polite person (check my postinghistory if you don't believe it) but this disrespect in the realm for those that put in an effort pisses me off bigtime and that expresses itself in the words I choose to use.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Starwind said:
Let me give you just 1 of the times i had a problem with him as a raid leader.

ML6 he stops on the bridge for a LD or somthing, so me and the Mrs take a very quick WC run, we was both bursting for a piss, in that time he had run us both off the bridge into the lava and kills us and banned us from the BG, the group went ape shit etc etc

So Inga would you call that politeness and courtesy?
a few pointer's when going on a raid, if u go afk Stick ur GRP leader (or some1 in the grp that isnt afk), did u have to both do a WC run at the same time ? u could have taken turn's all the ML long(as im assuming ur sitting rather close). and finaly i would prob have done it aswell (what vav did) cos its rly piss annoying when u lead a raid then have ppl afking...

never the less might not have agreed with everything u have done in ya time @ daoc but respect u none the less, take care!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
The level of muppets in this thread is truly staggering (hi starwind).

I was hardly Vav's greatest fan ever, just ask the people that knew me what I thought of some of his raid leading.. However it seems that most of the people whining here actually attended his raids instead of being bothered to run their own, in which case you probably owe the fact that you have any ML's at all to him. Maybe it's time to stop whining at the people that bothered when you did nothing yourself to better the situation eh?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2005
trycorn said:
a few pointer's when going on a raid, if u go afk Stick ur GRP leader (or some1 in the grp that isnt afk), did u have to both do a WC run at the same time ? u could have taken turn's all the ML long(as im assuming ur sitting rather close). and finaly i would prob have done it aswell (what vav did) cos its rly piss annoying when u lead a raid then have ppl afking...

never the less might not have agreed with everything u have done in ya time @ daoc but respect u none the less, take care!

yeah i was wondering why they both went for a piss at the same time and yeah the general rule of thumb is to stick your group leader if you need to go afk instead of raid leader.

starwind it's a pretty lame point to bring up in someones leaving thread and shows everyone what a bitter and twisted person you must be.I take it you have your ML's now? so is it really that big a deal?
I for one can't wait for your leaving thread tbh

Vavi you know what the majority of this community thinks of you and how greatful they are,take care mate! :drink:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 30, 2004
Punj said:
I for one can't wait for your leaving thread tbh

Why would he put a leaving thread up even if he was to leave, dont assume we are all attention seeking morons like most folks that do post leaving threads!!

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Gungo said:
Why would he put a leaving thread up even if he was to leave, dont assume we are all attention seeking morons like most folks that do post leaving threads!!
Did it ever cross your mind that it needs not to be attention seeking, but just letting your aquaintances know you'll be leaving?

If you're at a meeting or at a party whatever, when you leave, do you just run off without saying goodbye to anyone?

When I leave I'm gonna make a goodbye thread aswell, just to let those who I've met over the years, but don't have on MSN or see in game that often know where I've gone off to.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 30, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Did it ever cross your mind that it needs not to be attention seeking, but just letting your aquaintances know you'll be leaving?

If you're at a meeting or at a party whatever, when you leave, do you just run off without saying goodbye to anyone?

When I leave I'm gonna make a goodbye thread aswell, just to let those who I've met over the years, but don't have on MSN or see in game that often know where I've gone off to.

Understandable but...

Anyone that means anything to you you should either talk to on MSN or Ventrilo anyhow, and as for folks who you havent spoke to for a very long time and dont have on MSN, well you think they really care? if they did you would still be in touch with them.


Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Did it ever cross your mind that it needs not to be attention seeking, but just letting your aquaintances know you'll be leaving?

If you're at a meeting or at a party whatever, when you leave, do you just run off without saying goodbye to anyone?

When I leave I'm gonna make a goodbye thread aswell, just to let those who I've met over the years, but don't have on MSN or see in game that often know where I've gone off to.

Hope you leave soon


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
crush said:
Hope you leave soon
lemme guess... Slash ?? could atleast changed ur name just a tad bit, but i guess some1 who wishes other ppl dead over a game doesnt have the brain power to think of something else...

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
crush said:
Hope you leave soon
Hello slash
Doubt that creating an account to circumvent a ban is allowed on any forum, so I've got no doubt that I can say once again:
byebye slash

[EDIT] by the way, Thrust is an unoriginal name aswell :/
So are matter, spirit, heat and cold...


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Hello slash
Doubt that creating an account to circumvent a ban is allowed on any forum, so I've got no doubt that I can say once again:
byebye slash

[EDIT] by the way, Thrust is an unoriginal name aswell :/
So are matter, spirit, heat and cold...

ZzzZZzZ Yummy :(


Loyal Freddie
Jul 11, 2005
Cya Vav and thx 4 many great raids, company and potions hope we get u back some day:worthy:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 16, 2004
Sad to see you go Vavy... We didn't know eachother long, but I always had great fun on your raids, thanks for the memories.

Ncr said:
kpijs dak nu den enigsten west vloamink ga zijn, mo kga min beste doen :drink:

kpijs et nie


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Erulin said:
Sad to see you go Vavy... We didn't know eachother long, but I always had great fun on your raids, thanks for the memories.

kpijs et nie

kzien ik da zelfs zeker

and vav, have fun in whatever you do in RL!!


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Golena said:
The level of muppets in this thread is truly staggering (hi starwind).

I was hardly Vav's greatest fan ever, just ask the people that knew me what I thought of some of his raid leading.. However it seems that most of the people whining here actually attended his raids instead of being bothered to run their own, in which case you probably owe the fact that you have any ML's at all to him. Maybe it's time to stop whining at the people that bothered when you did nothing yourself to better the situation eh?

NO-ONE has ever had to listen to whine like I've listened to Golena's whines about Vavi's raids...hour after hour of ranting, swearing, spitting, hissing bollocks about ALL sorts of stuff. That said, I got a few ML steps done on Vavi's raids and he's always made me chuckle on FH with his outrageously...erm...outrageous logic and opinions on things about which he really should never have opened that big stupid mouth about.

Vavi will be missed :D


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Bye bye Vav, hope you enjoy RL .. and come back soon :)

Enjoyed many of your raids, and enjoyed when you was in Leirvik with your BD it was great fun :D


co GM of Kalevala

Leahc 50 BD LGM Tailor
Atrax 50 BB ML7 LGM Armorcrafter
Cephalon 50 SM
Jacovos 50 SM ML10
Islaar 50 WARR ML10
Juliaz 50 HEA ML6 LGM Spellcrafter
Livores 50 HUNT ML7
Microwave 50 WL -- deleted --
Ghallanda 50 SB 8xx Alchemist
Xoriah 44 BB
Jacovox 44 RM
Jacovoz 50 SM ML10
Julias 44 HEA
Xoria 44 BD
Bruunhild 50 VA ML10


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Ncr said:
PS for Vavi personal
kpijs dak nu den enigsten west vloamink ga zijn, mo kga min beste doen :drink:

jamoja kvladern ik ier ook nog ergens roend e :twak:

Shame to see u go Vav remember xping in DF as 2 shammies in same grp those were good times :fluffle:


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