Saving for RA's...


The Real Redi

Wondered if anyone could tell me if "Void" is worth saving for?

single use attack on a 10 minute timer - unless it does something devestating, like taints the victims soul with piss and drains their will to do anything other than die, it does seem a tad on the expensive side at 10pts...

Is there a Merc that has this? does it effect the offhand weapons strike too or is it a single thing?

There are so few deatils about some of these RA's i can see why people save up then complain when they are pony, so i thought i'd try save myself the anguish ;)


Void DO NOT get... :p anyway here are the ra's in what order you should get them...

First aid 2
Ignore pain
Determination 4
Prevent flight
Aug dex 2
Dualist reflexes 3/Mastery of pain 3/Mastery of parrying 2
Avoidance of magic 2(3 maybe if you want)

Now after getting those i beleive with det 4+aom 2=you can be hardly cc'ed so purge is a waste really...

Maybe later on get aug con 2+toughness 2 aswell,then maybe concentrate on getting pain 4/reflexes 4.

Reflexes 3 is nice and mastery of pain 4 is madness;)

By the way dualist reflexes makes you swing both weaps more(3% chance per lv) and also makes offhand hit harder i beleive.


combat style ra's are a waste of points imo

( cfr 345 damage with slowass 2hander with tundra)

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