Sadly lacking!!



Can't help thinking this game is badly thought out for duelling and rvr - and i not thinking about alt balancing either.

Came from UO - where potions are potions. Different stengths ones - and you could use bandages. Forget bandages though - the potions are another matter.

Pop a potion - heal one in Thid - and you get about 130-150 heal - i mean blimey? The endurance ones are good though but the heal ones are none too helpful. But the real gripe i got is that there should be cure all potions to combat the debuffing/disease at least. Ontop of that there is a minute timer on taking potions?

Duels in UO can either be over in seconds or can last for minutes of great fun. Having to rely on purge in DAOC at a later level is silly and very restrictive in my opinion. I have played for nearly 2 years and still haven't got a level 50 alt yet? and have met others that lose interest after a certain level as well!

Don't know wot you think of this but am pretty sure cure all potions should be introduced and maybe some method of breaking mezz too. Infact it seemed in UO that there was always some way to counter an affect put on you.

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker.

Aule Valar

Originally posted by Thug
Duels in UO can either be over in seconds or can last for minutes of great fun. Having to rely on purge in DAOC at a later level is silly and very restrictive in my opinion. I have played for nearly 2 years and still haven't got a level 50 alt yet? and have met others that lose interest after a certain level as well!

Don't know wot you think of this but am pretty sure cure all potions should be introduced and maybe some method of breaking mezz too. Infact it seemed in UO that there was always some way to counter an affect put on you.

there is a counter to almost everything in doac
and if you don't have a 50, how do you know how high level rvr works?

also why should doac have potions just because uo did?
the point of the game is that your healers cure and heal you, not that you spam potions


Fights being based on who has more potions isnt fun.


If you have potions working with no timer it would be silly.They are fine as it is.


Does work

There is still a lot of skill in applying potions - timing etc. Does definitely work and work well too. Alchemy is not so hot yet but introducing such things means you will prepare for combat far more.

As for rvr and that - well wot about duelling? No healer will help you there so you become far more self reliant.

Anyways wot i can see of it healers/shamans leave a lot to be desired for backup purposes - and players like me never even bother to think about them being there at all!

As you say am prob in wrong game because i am an out and out soloist who wants a complete range of tools available so he doesn't have to rely on anyone at anytime.

Oh well - new games coming out all the time! One will fit the bill i am sure!

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker


Yeah we dont want potion-fest using like 20 healpots a fight :)


Rvr is broken atm and there is no fix any time in the near future.


Hehe in UO , in turnaments , my char would carry 50 of each pot , 4 set of full armor , 4-5 shields , 4-5 weapons , 500 bandages , 100 fishsteaks and finaly 20-30 or so magic trap'd pouches to break paralyze :)

God I miss UO pre trammel....


Hi there!

Lets face it UO beats this game over everything - bar for graphics. UO rocks for rvr and soloing - this one - eh sucks!

Duels or fighting one on one in UO - feck i nearly hadda heart attack far more than once - i mean literally!

This game is pussy compared to it!

This game should be UO with graphics as UO has been around some. Infact this game will be as UO is now - just a matter of time!

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker!


Go play something else then, some people do enjoy DAoC


I think the potion system is ok as it is (except that I wouldn't mind them stacking), but I like the idea of "cure disease" and "cure poison" potions. Wouldn't probably be too powerful since they also would trigger that same timer so if you really needed to cure the disease or poison, it'd prevent you from using heal/end potion in duel (for 1 minute anyway:)).


Fuck off?


Fuck off yourself!

Just a matter of time before this game is as UO is. Whine? Yeah dead right i do. But things change - all the time. This game is young and will develop. As to 'fucking off' as you put it - nah don't think i will. Will continue to wipe the floor with dead Albs - which is what i have done since i started playing this game. Oh dear me you are an Alb - how quaint! Expect the same fate then - eh if you not met that uptil now at my hands!!

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker
Certi - 46 SB
Honed - Alb inf destroyer of Thid


You say rvr is shit in this game and you haven't even rvr'd?

btw thid isnt rvr



"Lets face it UO beats this game over everything - bar for graphics. UO rocks for rvr and soloing - this one - eh sucks!"

"This game is pussy compared to it"

"Just a matter of time before this game is as UO is"

So, you want DAOC to become how "good" UO is, yet you're playing DAOC? Now I haven't personally played UO, but it seems everyone hates post Trammel or something? Now if UO is so vastly superior, fuck off back to it with your shit. If UO is not good currently, then you're more of an idiot whining about how DAOC "sucks" so much.

Maybe by the time "is as UO is", you'll ding 50.

Also as a last kick in the teeth, you don't need to manually type your "signature".

Oh yeah, good luck killing me with your SB on my Paladin.



No player has stood upto any of my alts m8 - including my sbs. Yu can take it from me you gonna drop by fighting Certi. Just a matter of time!!

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker
Certi - 46 SB
Honed - Inf Thid clearer - SB


Re: Fuck off?

Originally posted by Thug
. Will continue to wipe the floor with dead Albs - which is what i have done since i started playing this game. Oh dear me you are an Alb - how quaint! Expect the same fate then - eh if you not met that uptil now at my hands!!

haha you just made a rather dull night in work a lil more interesting!

Thug, you sir, are a 24 carat gold idiot.

(ps - click profile at the top and add your sid eh? :p )


Thug, this game is kinda designed around grouping.

And the last thing I hope this game goes to, is the item whore game. ToA is the first step in this direction, lets hope it stops there. I dont wanna not be able to compete because i dont have xxx amount of potions, or i dont have summ sm + poxbot + buffbot to farm Xxxx boss mob for Xxxx staff of wtfpwnage.

I never played UO, but that potion thing sounds kinda crap. Im able to put up with Buffbots, SC armour, and hopefully ToA uber items. I would hate anymore advantage giving tools that only require hours of farming, or a big wallet to spend on 50 pc's and 50 accounts so you do it yourself.

And watchout Thug, these forums are patroled by celebrities, you just flamed one, your in for it now :p



Well i dunno - this game been going downhill lately - not much interest shown. Been embarassed in the past because i been so aggressive. But lets face it without that the game dies.


Ok i l lost a few battles but i tend to think i been polite about it too. So - gonna rip you Albs/Hibs apart - eh as i have always done!

I just don't lose!

Eh, they denerf us SBs? - Sheesh yu better pray they don't cos you in real shit then!!

My dwarf zerker never lost against an Alb of same level yet - and that is without going into bearmode - oh dear!!

Give up you losers - us Mids rule!!!

Sonofsomeone - gimped dwarf zerker

Edit - eh afraid of someone? - forget it - not in my vocabulary - have always ruled - and will do so too! - Celebrities can kiss my arse!


daoc is shit fyi

karate champ on spectrum has better pvp tbfh


Ok you think you can kill anyone? How about you come and duel me then

Merc vs Sb or warrior. Both unbuffed, lets see how the great whining little shit does. Ask the stealthers of your realm that fought me, them buffed me unbuffed and lets see if you still think you can wipe the floor with all albs!

You dont know the game, that is for sure. If you dont like it leave. If you think you can win every fight you a bigger fool then you give the impression off (thou it is harder to get any more stupid)


I love the way he thinks hes gods greatest gift to man because he kills unbuffed people in Thidranki with his twinked buffed Thidranki chars.
Then he even claims he's never lost a fight ^^


Aoln m8 xD

Hehehe corranhorn that's a bread and butter battle isn't it?:E

I am just wondering why you comparing UO to this game in rvr section:confused:

Daoc is a good game, in my view the pvp system is one of the best will we ever see in a mmorpg, there may be lacking some things but why not post those on the dev boards?



Well i must admit yu are damn hard to kill for sure - but am playing Sonof at moment so gonna take a while to level Certi to 50. Just gets so damn repetitive getting there. But take it from me you won't meet a harder sb at fresh 50 level. Have already taken apart a higher level mid warrior without hardly any damage - eh also 2 50 sbs and a level 49 one. So don't expect an easy fight. Give me a little time and sure i will duel you.

Infact will duel anyone - but playing Sonof now - Thid zerker - duel him for now!



Yu are a fecking wimp! I duel full stop! If i lose great the other player is better than me - but i do duel? - Yu say yu duel but you don't?

Lot of you players are the same - if yu gonna fecking duel then do so not post about shit. I duel against anyone! If i lose i will post a reply on here saying so and praising that person. There is no dishonour in losing - at least you tried. Aoln - yu full of shit - so shut it!


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