Sad to play Xmas day?



Originally posted by Murcalumis

Since when is Christmas about Jesus? Last time I checked it's one of those comercialised things. You know, the ones where we make a big song and dance about 'jesus' and his birth in order to do all the fun things we don't do every day of the week.

It's not about Jesus for most people, and it dosen't have to be. It can be about eating lots, drinking lots and going out and giving into those nasty, nasty shopkeepers to buy lots of presents for family and friends. 'Jesus' is the excuse. Hmph. Although, I shall give you the line that many school teachers and religious people would have been giving out recently: 'Remember, children, when you're opening your presents, what the real meaning of Christmas is; the birth of our saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember his sacrafice for all of you, and that Christmas is not about doing fun things, it's about sittting around thinking about Jesus. And I expect you all to do this.' Ha.
tbh that post is full of contradictory bullshit .

Originally posted by Murcalumis
Since when is Christmas about Jesus?
Originally posted by Murcalumis
make a big song and dance about 'jesus' and his birth

and Roalith , stop with the philosophical bullshit or i'll hurt you?
your confusing me and i can't take it.!


Here, take some Prozac, Najwa.. I have alot. Help yourself.
Oh.. and you can click that hug-link too if you want, but only for this one time.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
The next time you leave your house, look up at the universe(preferably during the night hours).

Can you tell me all of that matter came from no where?

It is known, there was a point when the universe did not exist. No matter, no time....... Yes, even time had not begun.

And you're telling me: for no apparent reason, time started rolling and all of this matter popped out of no where?

If you really want to punish your brain, think of the period before time started, and how long that state existed. Of course, you cannot think of how 'long' it was like that, because there was no time, hence, there's no possible way to measure that period.

In effect, the universe has always existed, yet, there was a starting point and something which cannot be measured must've been there before.

Scientists can blab on about evolution and the big-bang, but until they can give a reasonable theory on where the universe came from... they're building a tower without foundations.

hard one... I never leave my house :rolleyes:

anyway, one of humans weakness is that everything gotta have a start and an end, if it doesnt we cant understand it.


Originally posted by ghoul
I think there was a guy named Jesus.

But he was just like the regular Joe, couldnt heal and such.
And one night when he was drunk, he started on a good night story, which ended up as The Bible.

Just like to mention that the Hebrew Scriptures ("Old Testament") existed before Jesus, and that none of the Christian Scriptures ("New Testament") were written by him either...


Originally posted by old.Psi
Where did God come from then?

Just because we can't understand or explain something doesn't make it impossible.

Good job really 'cos I never really understood trignometry. Not even how to spell it :)


do u think time existed before humans invented it?


do you reckon the swedish had a universe before we did? cos there 1-2? hours ahead of us ?


Trig.. Trigono.. Trigonometry, bah just call it trigs.

And to the one who said that Religion wasn't what created wars, it was the people: What were those people arguing about that ended up in them starting that war? :p

People need to be able to explain things in one way or another, that's why there has to be a beginning for it to make sense for people.. Something has to have started this. That's probably how religions started to appear. For people to have some way to explain things they couldn't dissect and put back together with their own logic.

That is what makes it hard for us to fathom about the 'beginning and the end', after basing all logics on some basic rules(probably instincs from millions of years of evolution), everything has to be explained by those basic rules. Why deny that things can be explained by other logics than the ones we use for everything else?

It's like Einsteins theories, they are valid within some boundaries, move outside of those set boundaries and things can't be explained with that theory.


Religion no matter what kind is bullocks , but I'll take Valhalla over Heaven anyday :clap:

And back on topic , Xmas is the 24 not the 25.. atleast in the civilized world :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Euthanasia.


The Crusades were political first, last and in between. The Byzantine Emperor Alexius I appealed to the Pope for help in kicking out the Muslim Turks from his lands - various crusaders may have been inspired by religion, but the majority of Lords and leaders wanted lands and resources. Hence the 4th crusade took a slight detour and sacked the Christian city of Constantinople in 1204 - the capital of Byzantium, and did more damage to that Christian Empire than 200 years of Turkish invasions ever had.

Religion is a nice excuse for people to fight - they'd fight over something else if it was removed.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Roalith
The Universe has existed since time began. Time has existed since the Universe began. Therefore, there is nothing to measure before the universe began, as there is no time-frame to measure it within. Did anything come before? Or on the other hand, who says anything has to have come before?

That is what I was saying. In the instant that time began and all of that matter, which now forms the Universe... where did it all come from?

Also, why did time start rolling?

There was a begining, an instant when things were set in motion, but how and by who?

You cannot just say 'There was a big bang, we evolved and that's life'. No, you need to think of the begining and until you can explain it, everything else is irrelevant.

Tranquil- People abuse religion as an excuse for wars. Human's like to fight and any excuse will do. Someone's a different race, colour, class, religion... etc. It Matters not.

Religion is the easiest target though, you can attack whole nations, and you will have support from your own people. If you're a leader and you tell your people "Lets kill those blue-skinned freaks", some will call you racist and rebel.

If you tell your people "Those guys are heathens, they believe in false gods and MUST be destroyed", your people will say "Chaaaarge".

So it's not Religion which cause wars, but the people who abuse them.

+ Can you honestly tell me, without religion there would be no wars?

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by old.Immortal
I am Santa.

Santa came from sinterklaas, stupid refugees took it to the usa, coca cola comercialised it to santo claus. katholic church invented christmas to avoid a riot with the pagans who celebrated midwinternight. wether you believe or not, its about spending time with your relatives/friends, if your friends are the ppl who play daoc then theres no shame to play. it is a pity howe ever if u choose daoc before real life.


you mean daoc isn't real , all this time.
gah the humanity


What is beyond the universe...:uhoh: do blackholes lead to another?:eek6: we can't answer either sadly be good if we knew:D


God is an entity we believe in because imo we can't fathom the sheer scale of the universe and so have to create a deity greater than ourselves whom created the universe and everything in it, hell, who says it has to be a universe, could be a multiverse for all we know, and our universe was created from matter seaping through tears in others (yes i'm on about dimensions here). Nobody knows where everything began, scientists want to explain it and religion wants to give credit to one or many higher beings. Both are worthy causes to support, shame people get so antagonised over it. Personally i couldn't care less whether or not it was God (gods?) who created it, or some freak accident whereby the particles making up the worl just 'appeared'.

I know it's all contradictory what i just wrote, but if you read it again, i really don't care since i believe we're just animals like any other, and if there is a God whom created us all, the wise, all knowing, all forgiving God, then i'll apologise when i die. :)

Always made me laugh in RE though, arguing with the teacher about the existance of God, she'd say That things can't just appear therefore God must have made it all, i ask who created God, and she'd reply with "Noone, he's just always been" Which just sounds unbelievable to me, but that's what faith is isn't it? :p


And on-topic, i think not sad in any way to log on, depends how you perceive sad though.


Oh, nooo ...

... a quasi-philosophical debate and I missed it!!! :( :( :(

Still, need to add my 2 cts: :p

Well, most things have been said already pro / con religion and scientific rationalization, so I just want to add one thing: both, religion and science try to explain the world / universe / humanity; methods and intention differ though (science = explanatory framework; religion = ethic(al) framework).

In both cases, however, it becomes what humans and human self interest makes it, as a lot of you have already pointed out. One fundamental difference seems to be, though, that religion is used to STOP people from asking (certain) questions, whereas science (in general) is encouraging questions ...

I.e. both causes in their pure forms are worthy, but religion is easier to corrupt, imho ... That's why it will have to live with being more scrutinized ....

Still, a Merry Christmas to all who like to celebrate it, and "have fun with the game or whatever" to those that don't give a toss ;)

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