RvR - Will it ever become balanced ?



No no! I agree with Emma there. Jabrylla the Superhero(tm) is nerfed way too much. Way way too much. Give Jabrylla the Superhero(tm) more spells like mezz and insta self res. Jabrylla the Superhero(tm) is atm too easy to kill and Jabrylla the Superhero(tm) needs to survive to keep up the legendary status.

Also, ofcourse the RvR should be balanced, every game needs to have one uber-super-deluxe-sniper class that can kill everything with one shot to the head. (sarcasm light is on, no smoking) Let's give hunters some AoE, a mez, fireballs, bals of fire and a bow that can shoot through trees and hills and a button that can cast instakill on a whole realm if everything else fails. Then add these to every class, suit them up in some armor, place a frag limit of 30, make everyone run around circles in an Arena that has no walls but infact an endless drop at every edge, gather up powerups, health, armor and every weapon have a second firing option. Also a flamethrower and a Bazooka Killmaster 3000(tm) is something that should be able to be crafted by everyone who joins the game.

And to sum it up, :m00:


Originally posted by old.Reckless <Lion>

Mez-from-stealth is the minstrels greatest asset. Come out of stealth and mez them while they are concentrating on the rest of your group. When you have them all mezzed, they wont be about to stun you :p

Agreed, without stealth a minstrel is basically a gimped skald...

old.Reckless <Lion>

715hp without items, 809hp with

Well i have 1114hp with items (at 50) and roughly 800 without.

Btw we get low HP because we are rogues, we are rogues because we have stealth. By not speccing stealth you are losing out.

nothing i can do can stop a caster from quickcasting a mezz/stun on me and nuking me to death

See above ^ ; get in range, (either using your stealth (spec some, if you dont have any) or your speedsong), use your DD's and mez the caster and this will give you the upper edge.

You not being able to kill casters is a problem with your play style and not with the game mechanics.


Originally posted by Dannyn

Agreed, without stealth a minstrel is basically a gimped skald...

1.50 anyone?
Going to go 35stealth base and play sneaky if it f0king kills me, see hidden or not.

Emma: sorry, but people here are right. A minstrel should be able to solo a pair of casters ffs. Unless of course you don't wish to stealth, in which case I can't honestly see why you're playing a minstrel but hey ho.

/clap Dannyn for knowing wtf he's talking about. And saving me from saying all the stuff he said ;)

edit: also, 1stealth is enough to get near enough to a pair of casters to mezz em both.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
edit: also, 1stealth is enough to get near enough to a pair of casters to mezz em both.

Yeah you'll move slow, but you don't need to get that close to people to mez them. :) Also at 46 with 1 stealth spec you can easily hit 10 with just items (cloak of shades, macrabre medallion, belt of etheric mist, jewel of prowler, none of those is particularly hard to get hold of), then add realm rank etc.

As for the hp comparison, that's with items needless to say, I can't fire up DAoC atm for no items check, but I'm not particularly tooled up on +con items, a lot of mine I have for +stealth.


I agree AOE Mez/Paralysis whatever is a pain but there is in fact game balance because each type of class is good in certain situations.

Those casters have probably been killed by Archer/Assasin types about a hundred times each.

I got caught in AOE Mezz when I first started going RvR - I didnt know the zone so we all /stick to the leader - now we tend to spread out in a coupla clumps to avoid the whole group getting mezzed at once.

No point crying for game balance - there are fixes in coming patches to dilute the power of mez - until then try altering your tactics.

Finally, ignore the discouragement and stick at it - rvr can be great fun but the learning curve is tough.


im no expert on every class in the game. although you guys seems to be.

add this to the fact that you seem to have no clue on how you specced you minstrel and it's no miracle you die.

I saw 2 full groups of middies getting wiped out by a bard+eldritch+hero combo.

Know your pro's and cons, as well as your enemies and life should be alot easier.

(or take some lessons from Coren the irritant fluteboy :) )

Lafala Arifel

/em throws a bucket of cold water over Danyan's rage :D

You angry minstrel! So when am I going to become a victim of your nasty stealth/mez/stun/whack combinations and how many more Albion keeps doors do I have to continue knocking on before you'll come out and play? :p :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Sadly I dont think I have ever seen you in emain Lafala :(
I look forward to seeing you :)

Lafala Arifel

Uh oh.. me and my big mouth ;)

As if already being on one minstrel's hitlist isn't bad enough for a cloth caster, let alone two :p


Don't bother looking for me in emain, I never go there. :p

I did kill 6 of your countrymen in hadrian's wall though Lafala, that was pure chance that brought me and them to the same spot at the same time though, in general you'll see me if we're raiding but otherwise I'm in Lyonesse. :p


RvR - Will it ever become balanced ?

Yes nerf every class there is so that we may hit everyone for 0 dmg. That way we could emote and hug trees together all day.



Emma, have a paladin in your group - make sure he has specced in chants and that he has mind shield chant on his quickbar. He doesn't need to have it running but as soon as you boys get mezz'd he can do his chant and you all proceed as before.

Not exactly the RvR god here (realm rank 1 level 7 anyone? :) ) but during a few hours wandering Emain yesterday afternoon with the Albion army it worked a treat.

Btw, what's all this calling for a nurf to Albion from half of the posters ? How do you think we are overpowered ?

Uncle Sick(tm)

This ernt Battle of the Somme, use ye noggin

Darn... I passed out shovels to some of my guildies last night - we had the best intentions to dig some trenches in Emain.
Minefields, barbed wire everything... you spoiled my evul plans.

Ah... can't you imagine it? A bunch of Lurikeens handling one of those old Maxim machine guns, wreaking havoc on some shtupid Mids?;)


Originally posted by Tasans

Yes nerf every class there is so that we may hit everyone for 0 dmg. That way we could emote and hug trees together all day.

and give everyone 5000 hp and 75% resist to every damage type armour, just incase someone exploits a bug.


"Originally posted by Dannyn
Ok, a serious point:

Go back to the fucking wendy house!"

Is that a normal commen talk?

If ppl like to whine a bit (i do it myself), then let us hear what they have to say, and maybe come with our own openions.

In my openion casters should be MORE powerfull, so they could kill more, than what they are atm.

I mean nuke for 800 on an archer.

Maybe Mez/stun should get nerfed, just a tad. But don't worry :), Purge, a RA will remove all mez/stun/poison from ur tiny body, and u can kill them.



Originally posted by Cowled
Go back to the fucking wendy house!"

Is that a normal commen talk?
It's not something you'd use everyday, but I'm not the first person to coin the phrase, I have seen it used before.

Originally posted by Cowled
If ppl like to whine a bit (i do it myself), then let us hear what they have to say, and maybe come with our own openions.

If people have a legitimate reason for whining, or do so in a way that doesn't involve saying "nerf everyone" then that's fine. However this post was just I "I got owned, so everyone else is too uber, NNNNEEERRRFFFF!!!!" post, it contained nothing of value other than a good laugh at how badly Emma had gimped her character and how poorly she knows how to play it. ;)


Bring on the PvP server, the time has come..............


this forum is kind of like a larger version of big brother.



yes, i was sad enough to watch big brother :)


Originally posted by old.tRoG

yes, i was sad enough to watch big brother :)

For that you must die trog. It's for your own good, son. ;)


thats the way uh huh, uh huh, i like it, uh huh, uh huh

dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

thats the way uh huh, uh huh....

you sad people who watched it too will know what im raving about :)

those who didnt watch, just read the bottom line of my sig and accept my craziness


Originally posted by old.Emma
Think its time to admit that RvR is a joke, picture this, 9 albs, 2 hibs, one aoe stuns, other aoe mezz`s, then they happily nuke one by one, who wins the battle ?

You can't win them everytime :)

The relics and keeps are tooing and froing from realm to realm, I don't think it's unbalanced if that were the case one realm would own all.

I'm sure you've won fights before, if not you can always be my gimp :p


Trog, you are a sad sad man.
Then again, you live in Scotland, so BB is probably considered quality entertainment there. :D


Oi i live in scotland (normally) too ill have you know, tis a wicked country...

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