RvR - Will it ever become balanced ?



Think its time to admit that RvR is a joke, picture this, 9 albs, 2 hibs, one aoe stuns, other aoe mezz`s, then they happily nuke one by one, who wins the battle ?

Orin Askhammare

I don't care as long as the stinking Albions die! :clap:


Sounds like someone just took some beating? ;)
Well, if you stay so close so all of you get cought in one aoe then you deserve to die ;)

Orin Askhammare

Ah no. Actually I was leveling my wee eldritch in Hibernia as it happened ;)

I've got two Alb chars to stay in contact with some friends but aside from that the whole realm makes me want to hurl pretty much. Don't ask me why, I can't explain it but I can't stand the bloody realm! I have recently started to play in Hibernia also and I like it tons so far.

I have pretty much attacked anything that resembles an Albion on sight so far regardless of con. Quite often resulting in my death ;) I clearly remember talking to a guard in Camelot one time and he was dissing Trolls! I was with my wee scout at the time but I thought it was a shame I couldn't poke an arrow in his eye even if he was purple con :clap: (My main is a troll ;) )

Good for the Albions I'm sure and we're on the offensive again, which is also a lot of fun.


Actually if you had even the slightest of intelligence i was on about all the realms, not just one or 2 or even a single class, but in general RvR is so unbalanced that it sucks, all classes should have an even chance against each other but as it is, most classes havent got a chance.


every class should not have an even chance against any other class. thats like saying a mage should be able to have a chance to outmelee, for example, a zerker, and that a nightshade should be able to outcast a cleric. if you didnt notice it dosent work like that, everyone can fight somewhere, and working as a team then these strengths can be used.

tbh though nerfing albs would help a lot :)


lol nerf albs, when a hib caster nukes me for 500dmg :/ umm unless something has happened thats 500 out of 800hp i have

wolvon fury

Originally posted by old.Emma
Think its time to admit that RvR is a joke, picture this, 9 albs, 2 hibs, one aoe stuns, other aoe mezz`s, then they happily nuke one by one, who wins the battle ?

Well, RvR ernt about zerging, (tho some brave heart action would rock pesky mages)

your actions

"Hmm, carefull using my nogging, these have a AoE stun"

"There only two, lets just rush em"

"AOE stun ahhh"

Wolvon's Smart actions

"two,hibb mages, from my studys, they should have a AOE stun"

"Aye don't get to close"

"i know there 9 of us, lets split into mini groups, if they AOE stun, if we spread out we be ok"

"yea, if they cast one, hits a mini group, other run in before they cast again"

ect,ect, Its all about tatics, This ernt Battle of the Somme, use ye noggin

Flame meeeeee if you wish (what for)


lol thats what i was wondering
<and why would anyone ae stun before ae mezz>


the thing about being nuked for 500hp

dunno why you are complaining, its a trade off

here is something that happens a lot to mages on excal:

Winter shoots you with his bow!
You are hit for 800 damage!
You have died fighting for your realm and lose no experience!

<and yes, bt and self buffs help, but a lot of people get hits through BT, and archers can work smart and nullify your BT before launching another arrow>

so, what is the point in me dying in one shot?
if it were your way, i'd be doing 100dmg a nuke and dying in one hit

i dont think we'll have any casters then


Originally posted by old.Emma
Think its time to admit that RvR is a joke, picture this, 9 albs, 2 hibs, one aoe stuns, other aoe mezz`s, then they happily nuke one by one, who wins the battle ?
You mean 9 albs vs 2 midgård healers, since one aoe stun and aoe mezz... then nuked, lol? :p (people should try to get their facts straight)

Bring a sorc already :p


lol you people are such twats sometimes, elf caster, aoe (what ever it is that sticks you to the spot), it could have been a stun/paralize whatever. then aoe mezz (probably a bard), im no expert on every class in the game. although you guys seems to be.


Heh, duh.

Of couz 2 people can beat 9 people if the 2 people can actually PLAY and the 9 can't. Like it has been said above, why were you so close to eachother?

As for the "every class should be able to defeat any class"-sort of comments, come on. This is where someone like me just has to say "go play quake". Melee chars are just that, melee chars. If you do not have the skill, the patience or the brains to get close enough for a kill, play another type of character. I myself have nothing more than a lvl 37 _Hero_, but I _still_ have no trouble getting kills, all it takes is a clue on how to play and who to attack. Sure, casters might have it easier in RvR, things might not be as balanced as they could be, but I'd rather have it like this than all the classes being virtually the same so each and every class was perfectly balanced.

I'd like to see how happy you were if all the classes were indeed made _completely balanced_.



Tip :

When traveling through the frontier in group spread out.
That way you don't get all mezzed by a single guy/gal and then ganked piecemeal.

BTW RvR works more like stone/paper/scissor, such an aproach demands more on the lvl of tactics then a "everyone is different but still equally powerfull"-approach that is moreover rather difficult to pull off.


Dannyn's really hit the nub of the problem here, we need more pie in this game.


Ok, a serious point:

Emma you suck. 1 minstrel should have been able to take 2 casters on their own. Yet you loose with 9 then whine here? Go back to the fucking wendy house!

Here's a simple, yet effective tactic. Group spreads out a bit and stays out of range. Minstrel stealths and gets close to the 2 hibs. Mez one from stealth, stun / mez the other. They have NO opportunity to cast anything at you. Then you say "ok lads" and get the other 8 to come down and kill them.

I would assume from your mindless bleating and the way you got blatently owned that you are one of these lame "I'll just powersong and go afk" minstrels that never learned what a fucking flute is for or how to stealth. You give the class and the realm a bad name.

Yes this is quite a harsh post, but this sort of "whaaa whaaa RvR is unfair all classes should be equal" shit really gets my goat. All classes should NOT be equal. The realms should be balanced overall, but it should require a mix of classes and teamwork to succeed. That and having a basic clue how to play your class.



Dannyn... don't beat about the bush... say what you really think!



assassin type classes can one shot my hibbie caster for almost twice my hps. it goes straight through my bladeturn too, never failed.

also hunters/scouts can easily one shot me. blade turn sometimes saves me fortunately.

casters don't have it easy. if I stand still for more than a second I am dead. if a melee class gets up close, I am dead. if I can't get out of range of a archer class, I am dead.

I'm not moaning. I've got lots of classes across the 2 realms I play. But I despise people that make wild claims about other classes having it easy.


Originally posted by inqy
But I despise people that make wild claims about other classes having it easy.

Well said.

Also the bt thing with assassins - that's by design. PA cannot be blocked, parried, evaded, or bladeturned. The assassin can miss or fail it though, try spinning on the spot. :D

Roo Stercogburn

Lots of peeps just look at the advantages that other classes over them, and conveniently forget about the weaknesses that make them vulnerable.

How much use is a stealther or caster in a stand-up fight: little or none.
How much use is a tank char in ranged battles: none.
How much use is a tank or caster for scouting: none.
How much use are stealthers and tanks at knitting: none.

EDIT: please don't quote skalds and other speedbuffed tanks at me for scouting, I mean proper scouting, not merely looking for stuff ;)


As someone said: paper/scissors/stone... tactics and knowing how your character works when in teams.

Did I mention teams? A team isn't a group. A group is merely 8 people enjoying a speed buff, pbt and healing. This is not tactics, this is group deployment, a whole different thing.

A team is a group that knows how to get the best out of each other and actually works together IN THE FIELD rather than just diving into any fight in a headlong rush. Easy to say, hard to do, but correct nevertheless.

/climbs down from soapbox


the only thing that screws up rvr can be summed up in 1 word



Originally posted by Dannyn
Ok, a serious point:

Go back to the fucking wendy house!

Thanks for making my day :) It's quite painful to see that whiners have somehow (osmosis due their elastic spines?) drifted from Vault Network to our very own and homely BarrysWorld boards.

And to the original poster, rather than cry about what has happened, try to learn something and see what your fellow players do when they are on Emain stampede. Reserve the usage of these fine boards for constructive discussion and happy chatter.


I can imagine your pissed, but hey when we get realm abilities you can just get 'purge' break the mezz/root/whatever yourself and go beat the hell out of them.

In the meantime, live and learn.



Originally posted by Dannyn
Ok, a serious point:

Emma you suck. 1 minstrel should have been able to take 2 casters on their own. Yet you loose with 9 then whine here? Go back to the fucking wendy house!

Here's a simple, yet effective tactic. Group spreads out a bit and stays out of range. Minstrel stealths and gets close to the 2 hibs. Mez one from stealth, stun / mez the other. They have NO opportunity to cast anything at you. Then you say "ok lads" and get the other 8 to come down and kill them.

I would assume from your mindless bleating and the way you got blatently owned that you are one of these lame "I'll just powersong and go afk" minstrels that never learned what a fucking flute is for or how to stealth. You give the class and the realm a bad name.

Yes this is quite a harsh post, but this sort of "whaaa whaaa RvR is unfair all classes should be equal" shit really gets my goat. All classes should NOT be equal. The realms should be balanced overall, but it should require a mix of classes and teamwork to succeed. That and having a basic clue how to play your class.


i cant be bothered to search through that post to find what im after, but anyway.

let me guess how have you been lvl`n so far ? ahh pygmy goblins ? witherwoode tree`s ? and what is the minstrels role when chaining those ? the odd mezz here and there, otherwise pwr song ? Well i hate doing that its so damn boring, which is why i spend most of my time solo`n instead, i only started grouping in lyonesse because its the only place to get good xp fast otherwise id be happy to solo to lvl 50.

As for the the pwr song/afk remark, if thats what you think m8 then fine, but explain how do i mezz/stun when im paralized ? dont say stealth and kill them because unlike most common minstrels i prefer to actually dmg mobs instead of play hide `n` seek. which explains my 1 point in stealth, yeah thats right 1 point, why because stealth is a total waste of time, the only class that has stealth worth speccing is the assassin, scouts are ok, but until 1.52 its still not perfect.


Originally posted by Kagato.
I can imagine your pissed, but hey when we get realm abilities you can just get 'purge' break the mezz/root/whatever yourself and go beat the hell out of them.

In the meantime, live and learn.


thank you, your the only person that has had something contructive to say, realm abilities will help, but until then, nothing i can do can stop a caster from quickcasting a mezz/stun on me and nuking me to death, i just wish the minstrel`s weren`t on the rogues hp table, with only 715hp at lvl 46 what use is chain armour ? (715hp without items, 809hp with) thats approx 1.5 nukes or 4 hits from a tank, kinda pathetic if you ask me

old.Reckless <Lion>

because stealth is a total waste of time,

Mez-from-stealth is the minstrels greatest asset. Come out of stealth and mez them while they are concentrating on the rest of your group. When you have them all mezzed, they wont be about to stun you :p


Originally posted by old.Emma
As for the the pwr song/afk remark, if thats what you think m8 then fine, but explain how do i mezz/stun when im paralized ? dont say stealth and kill them because unlike most common minstrels i prefer to actually dmg mobs instead of play hide `n` seek. which explains my 1 point in stealth, yeah thats right 1 point, why because stealth is a total waste of time, the only class that has stealth worth speccing is the assassin, scouts are ok, but until 1.52 its still not perfect.

So let me see, you gimped your character badly, and then complain about the game not being balanced? Hahaha, maybe if you actually specced your character in a way that wasn't gimped you'd do better. Frankly, if you want to damage mobs/players then minstrel is not the class to play. Minstrels don't have good damage. Spec slash/thrust to 50 and you'll still get your arse kicked severely by an real melee class.
Also the "I like to solo but have no stealth" thing is kinda cute (in a braindead way). Given that stealth is the only way for a minstrel to effectively solo in RvR that's a pretty stupid way to spec.

On my PvE, actually I don't just powersong. I mez if needed and stun and use my DDs. I don't tend to play "hide and seek" - stealth isn't a useful PvE skill for minstrels.

with only 715hp at lvl 46 what use is chain armour

Oh my, what did you do when you rolled your character?! My level 43 has about 850 hp unbuffed. I can hit 1150 with reasonable cleric buffs on. Minstrels are on the rogue hp table because we can stealth. Oh wait you can't do that, doh! :p

In conclusion:
You basically gimped your character utterly, and walked right into an AE mez like so many fools and then have the cheek to say the game isn't balanced because you can't play for shit. People like you should be banned from using forums, you make the rest of us look bad by your very prescence. :puke:

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