RvR Raiding


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
lo peeps, once again thanks for the raid :D

Just a few issues that wil make these raids so much more enjoyable, easier and faster imo.


Have your group's sorted and balanced early, that way you will live a lot longer. When the raid is set for 20:00 and you arrive at 19:59:37, there is a fairly good chance you are not going to get a group.


Every group should have one, no exceptions, beg, borrow, bribe, steal whatever.


If you are attending raids, you must have wood, however much you can carry without being encumbered even if it's 100 boards.


We need to get them or arrange them if possible. I spend hours begging people to get rams. It's a very simple thing.

300 ironwood
2 swing harness
1 cladding
1 beak

For a total weight of 156 units.

To be able to assemble and use rams is very simple too, it requires 67 points in seige craft, and will take you about 30-45 minutes to achieve crafting (about 3hours if you start with no crafting skills). Every single tank should have this IMO, and every tank should keep a full ram in their vault.

Seige engines

These are always welcome at defenses, especially against mids who have uber Ground Target. Trebuchets are great as they damage both people and rams. They are a great way for tanks to defend or even attack in a raid. All seige engine require the same skill (67) to operate and assemble.


Be patient, this "OK WHAT WE TAKING NOW!!11", "I'M BORED!!1" really pisses me off. I feel like I not only have to take you to the potty, but rub you with a wet towel to make you piss too. 2173124517 million pm's you cannot expect me to catch them all, or even follow what's happening in a cg. I have never used /cg listen and I don't want to start now.

Lastly and most importantly Listen.

I have to constantly repeat myself. I say what we are going to do and I say why we are doing it, lets assume that after so many keep raids I have a clue. If I say stay inside, then stay inside, if you have alternative ideas, tell me before or after the raid and if the're good we will use them on the next one. Stop PM'ing me to pieces, have fun and listen. If we die, then we learn something for next time.

I'm actually a friendly open person, but I find myself getting so frustrated I get pissy and just want the raid to end. 95% of the work could get eliminated just by following these simple requests.

Anyway, I truly hope you do spread this info amongst your friends and guildies 'cos to be very honest, I don't know how many more I will do, it's just too much hard work in it's existing state.

I don't want to be a dictator, because that kills my enjoyment, so what would be the point?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
totally agreed :worthy:
be prepared
be confident
be patient :m00:
and plz don't suicide for df (kills a lot of raids):twak:

hinge-freaks, do some siegecraft :touch:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
so true nol, another thing, though little, if your guild has been told it will be claiming get to the damn lord room asap


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Raven said:
so true nol, another thing, though little, if your guild has been told it will be claiming get to the damn lord room asap

Two things came out of this, annoyance from the claiming guild and annoyance from a small % of the raid participants (who shall remain nameless).

Sorry to say, but at this point a lot of our momentum was disrupted partly by the claiming guild being a lil slow to make the claim, but MAINLY from imature children screaming and throwing a tantrum because it was taking a lil longer than usual.

Great, fun raid Nol (as usual) but please guys n gals dont spit the dummy just because of a minor delay :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
you dont need to skill up siegecraft, 1 is enough to build and use any siege equipment


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
you forgot to mention rangers with volley



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
nice raids Nol :)

agree with you on all points.

:worthy: Nol for rvr raids :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
100% agree Nol.
I was on the raid last night and there were people in the cg that I was getting annoyed with and it wasn't even my raid. You seem to have the patience of a saint to put up with some of the things you do...as i know if it was me, obscenities would have been flying around after the first 10 mins. :p

It's funny how noone else can be bothered to attempt to set-up a raid (you and jokkee being exceptions) yet whenever someone else does...suddenly everyone's a leader.

I think on big raids like the one last night, /cg listen is essential. Someone who you trust (as it would be hard for you to run cg and raid at same time) should be delegated cg duty. Making sure each group has a designated leader with talk rights in the cg to pass on information (information, not "suggestions" (unless asked for) or "get a move on" type messages, stuff like mids sighted x x etc.). They should also not be afraid to strip someone of their speak rights if they do start to spam/whine/etc. in the cg and get a new leader from that group. Sounds harsh, but raids would run a lot smoother.

In the end if people still can't learn to listen, be patient etc. then sadly the only way forward would be to run it on an invite only basis. Invite guilds before hand and get them to sort out guild group (s), rams, trebs, wood etc. and be ready to go by a set-time. This way it's a lot easier to weed out the trouble makers/whiners etc. as a first incident you can inform a gm/officer from the guild and they will sort it out for you. And if there are constant repeated offences from one guild after ample warnings have been given to gm/officers about the offences then stop inviting that guild to raids.
Might sound eliteist but imo a raid with 4-8 fg who all listen and do what they are told promptly and without fuss has a greater chance of success than a raid with 12fg+ who whine/don't listen/spam cg so noone can see what's going on/run-off on their own etc.

Just my two pennys. ;)

/edit not that I'm against spam btw. The odd bit of banter and joking in the cg is good for the raid (would be a lot less interesting otherwise ;)). It's the "are we there yet?" "Lets go, I'm bored" "Lets do this, no this, no this" type spam that really gets on my nerves. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
ceixava said:
you dont need to skill up siegecraft, 1 is enough to build and use any siege equipment

This is true. But capping SiegeCraft will make seige weapons grey con, faster to make, and no failures while making. B4 i capped SC, i could fail 3 times in a row to make a Ram and i am an LGM AC.

It will take you less than an hour, making Balls of Ice and Bullets.


Regular Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
for ram builders: dont forget to bring plaining tool, sewing kit and smith hammer (otherwise u can't build it)

best wood u can bring is heartwood - best price/repair effect value.

Good Raid Noler :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Xray said:
This is true. But capping SiegeCraft will make seige weapons grey con, faster to make, and no failures while making. B4 i capped SC, i could fail 3 times in a row to make a Ram and i am an LGM AC.

It will take you less than an hour, making Balls of Ice and Bullets.

You do not need to cap; 51 skill is enough to be able to get seige equipment grey con but it is definitely useful to get rams up in half the time with no fails as when they are yellow con at 1 skill you can fail a few times (Seigecraft cap is 68)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
i so totally agree with what's said in the thread, during the raid i was so pissed off at some ppl whining in the CG that i just wished them to roll over and die.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tto some extent the comments made in cg were really funny, but I can imagine it's pretty annoying for the leader yeah :/

Tbh I don't think most of the people that aren't well organised read the forums tho, but who knows :x


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
I realise not everyone reads these boards :D I am hoping that the people who do will spread the word. We need to be more organised, that was the most people on a keep take yet imo :O Next time we see if mids come to retake, instead of going to fetch them.

About the seige stuff, sorry I guess I didn't clearly state what I meant. I want people to have maxxed seige craft so they can get rams up quickly. If you have 1 point you can use a ram and build it, but as someone pointed out they are yellow con and you can fail, it's also much slower to build.

But FFS, please make sure you somehow have a bard, running around at normal speed is mad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Mastade said:
Gogo Nol, keep bringing dem pots :p


BTW, as Mastade kindly pointed out, I deliver pots anywhere...
5g gets you a strong elixir pf power hand delivered midfight ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Nice thread Noler, all great points. This thread or some edit of it should be put on the alliance motd. BTW Took me about 30mins to get 51 siegecraft, done it on all my chars with traditional tradeskills, well worth it imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
You need siegecraft for building rams? This is news to me. I have 21 siegecraft and have built rams since siegecraft 1.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Btw I think I posted a similar 'how (not) to behave during raids' thread over a year ago too ( ; Good to remind people every now and then, as I do think it's needed ( : Anyone can be a raid leader, but any raid will fail if people don't follow that leader. It's a small effort to shut up and give the guy (/gal) in charge a chance to make it all work.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Great post Nol

The more people behave the slicker the raid.

Regular raids of this kind are great for excalibur as a whole. Hopefully both alb and mid will get used to seeing it as both a challenge and fun to try and retake them. Then as a realm we can all have more fun on this server.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Ensceptificamuralya said:
You need siegecraft for building rams? This is news to me. I have 21 siegecraft and have built rams since siegecraft 1.
Alya plz read the rest of this topic b4 you start confusing people. As was rightly pointed out you don't need to cap, but 51 = grey Rams = no failures.

Also i think its worth mentioning, coz i only found this out recently, if you repair Seige weapons they will last up to 3 times as long. Anyone can repair and unlike doors you don't need wood to do it. Tho higher Woodworking skill = better chance of success.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Xray said:
Alya plz read the rest of this topic b4 you start confusing people. As was rightly pointed out you don't need to cap, but 51 = grey Rams = no failures.

Ah yes. Found noler's first post rather confusing though. Takes about 10 seconds to build a ram for me, since siegecraft 1, and hardly ever fail at building one. Did they make failchance bigger in the last patch?

Also i think its worth mentioning, coz i only found this out recently, if you repair Seige weapons they will last up to 3 times as long. Anyone can repair and unlike doors you don't need wood to do it. Tho higher Woodworking skill = better chance of success.

That's old news, but useful info nonetheless. I think there's a max of 3 times that you can repair a siegeweapon though. At least it was with catapults when we were using them to xp on dampwood mites in the old days ^^ On very high level doors and especially relic doors, it's vital to repair rams unless you've brought lots more than you need.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Ensceptificamuralya said:
That's old news, but useful info nonetheless. I think there's a max of 3 times that you can repair a siegeweapon though. At least it was with catapults when we were using them to xp on dampwood mites in the old days ^^ On very high level doors and especially relic doors, it's vital to repair rams unless you've brought lots more than you need.
On the last extended siege of a mid held Scathaig ( before the patch), I could repair 1 of the Trebuchets about 6 times.


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