RVR Knights of the realm? :O


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Could argue it's pretty patronising to go letting peeps off like your so high-and-mighty they wouldn't stand a chance anyhow. Other thing ofc, is most low rr are someones alt, not little innocents who've just wondered into the frontier for the first time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well i think it all boils down to respect versus realmpoints. if you're rp horny you will add and kill anything you can get your hands on, if you show respect you'll let everyone have their own fights and you try to avoid people who are totally defenceless.

dunno if i misread but i thought this thread was for nominating people? :p

anyways, heres my list

hib - miho/mikiko
> most respectful person towards anyone in any realm ive met in hib, period :p

mid - zoia
> obvious reasons really, plays with huge respect towards anyone and has done for as long as i remember

alb - shatterhand
> for totally owning my vampiir and then leaving it alone, cause i was losing health so quick. next to that, hes always a good fight on ns and never seen him mess with anyone elses fights


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Varna said:
The term 'honour' in this game is something which is used far too often. If you wanna leave some rr2 pleb to live, then so be it - don't expect a pat on the back for everytime you do it and get a title saying your a pussy.

I guess you're replying to Illu with this, however the idea for the title was for more honourable play within the game.

Yes the word might be used too much, but saying that doesnt solve the problem that alot of soloer's face. That problem being that new people to the game dont seem to have any ambition beyond getting the highest stats in /killrp.

The idea of a title like this could be for those people who prefer to solo and prefer to show a little decency to other players to have some sort of goal to aim for, and just maybe a few of those people who werent originally into that style of play might find out that they do enjoy it.

Its no more of a "pat on the back" than the title for deathblows/kills or tower takes.

As I said, originally I didnt mean an ingame title, was just meant to be an informal discussion on these boards, it was just an idea and it seems to need more work I guess, obviously people aren't as interested in the idea as I thought.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
well i think it all boils down to respect versus realmpoints. if you're rp horny you will add and kill anything you can get your hands on, if you show respect you'll let everyone have their own fights and you try to avoid people who are totally defenceless.

Totally agree.

Vodkafairy said:
dunno if i misread but i thought this thread was for nominating people? :p

heh, yea that was the idea, seems most have overlooked that :(

Vodkafairy said:
alb - shatterhand
> for totally owning my vampiir and then leaving it alone, cause i was losing health so quick. next to that, hes always a good fight on ns and never seen him mess with anyone elses fights

Completely agree, one of the best infi's I know of on alb, apparently he's got like 1k+ solo kills... that many while having a reputation for not adding is pretty impressive imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well, if you play honourable it means you get less rps, this means that people who choose to go down that path do it because they really prefer that way of playing. if you reward something like more rps or titles it becomes so artificial.

i like the way it is now, some people are nice to others in different realms and some are not. the ones who arent keep you on your toes, if nobody would ever add its more like prizeshooting on a festival then rvr.

theres the 2k solo kills title to get tho :)

edit- and there i thought you quoted me instead of varna, time to try and wake up o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
this is the stats on my ns atm, from 7l1 to 8l0 i think :p


how about adding a title that is visible to all realms? for example, if 50% of the kills made in one day are solo kills as listed in /title you have the chance to put up a title visible to every realm, so they know that you are trying to solo for real. ofcourse they're still free to kill, but it takes away the "they will add later anyways" excuse.

tho this brings up the problem of petclasses, they hardly get solokills because the pet does too much damage. :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
well, if you play honourable it means you get less rps, this means that people who choose to go down that path do it because they really prefer that way of playing. if you reward something like more rps or titles it becomes so artificial.

i like the way it is now, some people are nice to others in different realms and some are not. the ones who arent keep you on your toes, if nobody would ever add its more like prizeshooting on a festival then rvr.

theres the 2k solo kills title to get tho :)

edit- and there i thought you quoted me instead of varna, time to try and wake up o_O

Very true, and I especially agree about the "if nobody would ever add its more like prizeshooting on a festival then rvr." part, I guess what makes close, challenging 1 on 1 fights so good is that they are so rare.

how about adding a title that is visible to all realms? for example, if 50% of the kills made in one day are solo kills as listed in /title you have the chance to put up a title visible to every realm, so they know that you are trying to solo for real. ofcourse they're still free to kill, but it takes away the "they will add later anyways" excuse.

Best idea I've heard yet :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2005
Dukat said:
Please, read what I said.

I said a high RR Scout attacking a low RR Nightshade.

The nightshade, being naturally strong in melee has an advantage to equal the abilities and advantages given to the higher RR scout, who is natural weak in melee.

In a fight where RR's are equal you would expect the scout to lose, however if the scout is a higher RR then the fight gets a little more interesting - just because the scout is a higher RR than the NS it does not mean that the scout will have an easy fight (far from it), however the way you talked in the previous post you made it out to sound like any high RR char attacking a low RR char is dishonourable.

Realm Ranks are not the be-all and end-all of a fight.

I know what you said I agree with you. What I said in the previous post may have sounded that way but what I really meant is that in general if a high RR archer-class attacks a low rr archer-class it isn't honourable, if(just as an example since this is what happen to me alot) a high rr ns or sb attack a low rr scout it isn't honourable either imo.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Albion -- Theodon, the definition of a real knight, no fuss about it :)

Hibernia -- Sacre, always put up a very nice fight 1 vs 1 and haven't really seen him show disrespect to others fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Dukat said:
The idea of a title like this could be for those people who prefer to solo and prefer to show a little decency to other players

The problem is that peoples' idea of decency varies.To me, if a player asks for help in a fight then the decent thing to do is to lend a hand. I suspect you wouldn't share that view ( some would, some wouldn't) - infact some would take completely the opposite view. Which means that though the idea is nice, it's flawed :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Bracken said:
The problem is that peoples' idea of decency varies.To me, if a player asks for help in a fight then the decent thing to do is to lend a hand. I suspect you wouldn't share that view ( some would, some wouldn't) - infact some would take completely the opposite view. Which means that though the idea is nice, it's flawed :)

agreed there brack, thats one thing thats been bothering me about this talk about being noble etc from beginning:). Sure i can name several that plays "honorably" as a character....but acts as complete plonkers in all other kinds of interaction in this game:p Now that might earn him respect from other players or from all players with that view. But i rather get the respect as a person in whole then as a character in a game^^
And as you say helping another guy that needs help whoever it is, is by all common standards a decent thing to do:p
So the nobility in this game is by all means flawed.
A person that act as a good person in all situasions and still play good...now thats something to respect:)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
eggy said:
Yes but you're talking about placing a roleplaying title in a roleplaying game. You can't therefore impose requirements that the person "mustn't add" as this would be against the idea of the game itself.

Just imo.

I'm sorry but this is wrong. Often in a medieval fight there would be two knights fighting each other in the middle of a huge battle and nobody would interfer because these two people had an honorable duel.

So now to the naming of people. I can tell you it's incredibly hard, because it's not always easy to judge. Is an enemy cleric an honorable man when his complete group steamrolls a soloer? You can never know.

Now even that he's a stealther (which would not count as honorable from the medieval point of view) I'd start with Illu. He's a fun kobby that takes the opportunity to go in and kill, but it's more or less him being outnumbered often enough. Besides I've nearly never see him whine aswell (or never?).

Wow, now it gets already hard, but I take VF next. I have only soloed once at the same time with him (when I knew he was there that is) and we were not so near to each other, so I cannot tell about the adding part, but I don't think he does. He's also very helpful, so imho deserves the title.

Of cause I could throw in some more names, but there are lots of people who sometimes add, sometimes don't etc. or people where I think they got all these, but I can't really tell. I know you've been /cheer'ing and /wave'ing at me near crau bridge the other day and I guess you deserve the title, but the problem is I can't tell cause I'm out so seldom these days (so much PvE to do on other chars atm :( )


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
liloe said:
I know you've been /cheer'ing and /wave'ing at me near crau bridge the other day and I guess you deserve the title, but the problem is I can't tell cause I'm out so seldom these days (so much PvE to do on other chars atm :( )

hehe yea that was me :) was going to unstealth but it was kinda dodgy around there when I saw ya so I couldnt risk it :)

However, I wouldnt say I deserve the title because, quite honestly, lately I have been playing like a complete noob - I've made mistakes that have cost me fights time and again lately and even though I try not to add and all that, I feel as though my lack of skill with my character is not something deserving of reward.

All of the people previously mentioned do have some sort of skill with thier characters as well as being supremely well mannered and respectfull in certain situations. I would not presume to count myself among these people untill such a time comes that I can actually play my character with the skill it requires.

Shatterhand and VF are two people whom I would say are most deserving of some sort of acknowledgement for thier soloing and the amount of respect shown to other players, for the reasons already said in previous posts :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
liloe said:
I'm sorry but this is wrong. Often in a medieval fight there would be two knights fighting each other in the middle of a huge battle and nobody would interfer because these two people had an honorable duel.

If ever there was a blatant and shameless twist on history to suit a pov that was it :) Think you'll find that battles being so frenetic was the reason, nothing else. Duels were generally pre-arranged thing...which incidentally is why I don't have a problem with people doing that ingame :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Hmmmmm who are my knights of the realm?

Mids - I like Hugmeh, thetoothfairy, Chandi(?) and a lot of others, too many to mention :> The guys that go out there mostly solo and take risks and keep enemies on their toes :>

Hibs - I like fighting VF, Sacre, Remajedy, again lots more that I can't think of at the moment. Lots of nice guys out there and lots of tough stealthers!

Albs - I like Papasan, Dafft, Saveus, and again so many nice guys out there. I was having some great fights last night on Beno bridge, some really tough stealthers that are coming through, Demongrin(sp?), Pwie, Guryon(my spelling sucks, but this guy is a very very tough lowbie Merc (I think he was a Merc anyway :>))

Good stuff anyway :> And my honour ranking titles was very much tongue-in-cheek, I think a couple of people though I was being serious.
Also do knights end up soloing in the middle of battles? Trying to think of some hollywood films, Troy, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator, the lead characters usually just kill everyone don't they? I suppose in a few occasions, they meet their enemy nemesis and kick their arse too, so I suppose that could be the duel in the middle of the war :>

Oli - Illu


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Bracken said:
If ever there was a blatant and shameless twist on history to suit a pov that was it :) Think you'll find that battles being so frenetic was the reason, nothing else. Duels were generally pre-arranged thing...which incidentally is why I don't have a problem with people doing that ingame :p

I'm pretty sure that what I wrote is correct though =) Quite some time since I had some history classes, but if you look at the famous German Hildebrands Lied, then there is a situation (ok, not in the middle of a fight), but where two leader of armies are dueling each other and none of their armies is allowed to interfer in any way, as this would bring dishonor and shame on the "winner".


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
i was also told Gustav Wasa(swedish king) went a long long way in across sweden on old wooden cross country skies in the 15/16th century(correct me if im wrong..history class was a while ago:p). i believed it until i saw an old painting of his whole body figure, and frankly saw it was impossible with such a physical experience for someone that rich and fat and untrained:p
My point is...stories are exagerated just a bit:p
Anyways....knights are cool!


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
liloe said:
I'm sorry but this is wrong. Often in a medieval fight there would be two knights fighting each other in the middle of a huge battle and nobody would interfer because these two people had an honorable duel.

So now to the naming of people. I can tell you it's incredibly hard, because it's not always easy to judge. Is an enemy cleric an honorable man when his complete group steamrolls a soloer? You can never know.

Now even that he's a stealther (which would not count as honorable from the medieval point of view) I'd start with Illu. He's a fun kobby that takes the opportunity to go in and kill, but it's more or less him being outnumbered often enough. Besides I've nearly never see him whine aswell (or never?).

Wow, now it gets already hard, but I take VF next. I have only soloed once at the same time with him (when I knew he was there that is) and we were not so near to each other, so I cannot tell about the adding part, but I don't think he does. He's also very helpful, so imho deserves the title.

Of cause I could throw in some more names, but there are lots of people who sometimes add, sometimes don't etc. or people where I think they got all these, but I can't really tell. I know you've been /cheer'ing and /wave'ing at me near crau bridge the other day and I guess you deserve the title, but the problem is I can't tell cause I'm out so seldom these days (so much PvE to do on other chars atm :( )

I lub you. Cheque is in the post :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 11, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
well i think it all boils down to respect versus realmpoints. if you're rp horny you will add and kill anything you can get your hands on, if you show respect you'll let everyone have their own fights and you try to avoid people who are totally defenceless.

dunno if i misread but i thought this thread was for nominating people? :p

anyways, heres my list

hib - miho/mikiko
> most respectful person towards anyone in any realm ive met in hib, period :p

mid - zoia
> obvious reasons really, plays with huge respect towards anyone and has done for as long as i remember

alb - shatterhand
> for totally owning my vampiir and then leaving it alone, cause i was losing health so quick. next to that, hes always a good fight on ns and never seen him mess with anyone elses fights

Sad to say but miho disapeared... i do hope nothing serious happend and she is ok. Just guess she was fed up and decided to quit, still a bit mystery about it.. :(

I am sure she would be glad for the nomination tho :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Config said:
Sad to say but miho disapeared... i do hope nothing serious happend and she is ok. Just guess she was fed up and decided to quit, still a bit mystery about it.. :(

I am sure she would be glad for the nomination tho :)

yeah i know she quit, but still deserves the nomination if anyone :)

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