RvR is a major letdown for me...



Hey Uncle sic,

I know it is really rather pointless to point this out to a brown-nosing fanboi like yourself, but a rational analysis of a game and its producers shortcomings is not "whining".

Not everyone wants to see the sort of crap service and poor quality product that DAoC and GOA/Mythic are giving us dominate the market, even if it is "good enough" for underacheivers like you.

It is perfectly appropriate to post comments and vehement dislike of these things all over the web so that the competition will see them, and thus not make the same mistakes, nor take their market for granted.

It may also interest you and prof to know that people who play online games for PvP aspects are a very small minority...Of course you would have to actually be informed to know that, wouldn't you?

And whining about other people's complaints is rather sad...why dont you go get a life?

:edited to change "PvE" to "PvP" totally ass-backwards :(


One last thing about RvR,

Belive me, nothing ingame thing doesn´t feel as good as Slamming an Elph and then taking your 2-hand weapon out and smacking him to pieces, it gives much more feeling of satisfaction than killing the 100000000 Drakulv in malmo to achieve level 50.



Originally posted by old.Glendower
Hey Uncle sic,

I know it is really rather pointless to point this out to a brown-nosing fanboi like yourself, but a rational analysis of a game and its producers shortcomings is not "whining".
True, but your "analysis" isn't rational; it's highly subjective, factually inaccurate and frankly is whining. You appear to have no concept of the actual mechanics of writing and running a game. You just want everything to be dumped on your lap in a silver platter. Well here's a newsflash for you - this game was NOT made solely for Glendower's likes, it's targeted at a broad range of people and you can't please everyone all the time. But as many people have said, no one is forcing you to stay, if they aren't pleasing you, please go elsewhere, I doubt you'll be missed.
When it comes down to it you sound like a small child throwing a tempter tantrum rather than an adult discussing game issues in a mature manner.

It is perfectly acceptable to post critisism of a company on a public forum, but then you should expect people to refute your claims, something you appear unable to deal with. Of course if you actually made sensible points rather than just screaming "MAKE IT RIGHT, NOW!!!" it would help.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
It may also interest you and prof to know that people who play online games for PvE aspects are a very small minority...Of course you would have to actually be informed to know that, wouldn't you?
It may interest you to know that the largest and most successful MMORPG is based entirely around PvE (yes I'm talking EQ here). So I'm not sure where the assumption everyone likes bloodthirsty slaying of other players comes from. One of the most popular games in recent times, a game that massively outsold everything else, was The Sims, a game with no violence.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
1) The implementation of stealth in this game is very poorly done, and only serves greifers, not any sort of rational game balance.
The issue with stealth isn't so much griefers it's that the anti-stealth abilities are all given to the best stealthers, whereas a more balanced approach is to give them to a lesser stealther or non-stealther.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
2) Damage and CC are overpowered in RvR, leading to very fast fights.
CC has been toned down to almost to point of uselessness. Damage has also been massively toned down. Mythic has addressed these points and in some people's view gone too far).

Originally posted by old.Glendower
Something you didn't mention, but that is also true is that the game engine cannot handle large-scale (i.e. more than 30 or so) combat very well, and the lag and crashes associated with it make the game very little fun indeed in those situations, which is a real pity.
Someone else said it, but seriously if your computer can't handle this given what you listed your hardware as then you have problems. Mine is easily able to cope with 100+ people on the screen, I only hit really serious lag with several hundred players and even then by dropping the detail it remains playable. One thing to bear in mind, with 300 people on the screen you are going to get some lowering of frame rate unless all the characters are replaced by grey cubes, current graphics cards cannot handle enough polygons to render 300 models of people and maintain framerate.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
Mythic has demonstrated that they lack the will, technical expertise, and imagination needed to address these issues, so it is highly unlikely to ever improve.
Mythic has addressed all the issue you posted, just because you lack the information or intelligence to realise this does not mean they have not done anything.


Thanks for pointing out my mistyping with the pvp/pve thing..went back and fixed it.

As for the rest of your tripe...

Maybe if you bothered yourself to read the TL reports, the VN and other boards, or spoke directly to the representatives of Mythic (as I do with Copper on the WarCry boards), etc instead of living with your head in your ass, you would realize that everything I mention has been REPEATEDLY brought up by HUNDREDS of people. Game balance and timesinks are a primary concern with most players, as is CC.

For myself, I have played, designed and run RPG games for over 20 years, and I have a very precise idea of what makes such games fun and interesting for players. The only thing that changes with a computer game is the technical expertise required for programming, and for certain, Mythic is sorely lacking in this...as you have done, one only need to compare this expertise to that of EQ to see the difference (I think the graphics in EQ are much inferior, but the magic system and other features, particularly even the old interface is vastly superior). Mythic for its part, has recognized their game engine is crap, and tried to fix it up some with SI, but with only minimal success. Again, a lack of skill on the outset, and more lack a year later. Having server-side filtering options would help the game run smoother at the client most certainly.

Your claims that Mythic has adressed the major technical and gameplay concerns of the players is flat out bullcrap, otherwise they wouldn't still be complaining about them a year later now, would they? Nice example would be the gfx bug that makes you log to clear it. Another would be that several RAs are BROKEN and in spite of having been repeatedly brought to the attention of Mythic, have yet to be fixed. Mastery of Arms is the latest botch job to surface:


You haven't posted anything logical at all, much less anything supportive of your contention concerning game issues/balance. Interestingly, what you said about stealth is almost exactly what I was thinking when I posted what I said about greifing...that is the logical outgrowth of the imbalance. Perhaps if you didnt have such a hard-on to badger and flame me, you would have thought this through, or asked me to elucidate.

You are just bitching at me for disliking certain things, for complaining (as a paying customer) about crappy service from GOA, or for opposing your (unsupported) opinion. As for your temper tantrum analogy, your attitude seems to be remnicient of a child with their fingers in their ears screaming at the other kids to get out of your sandbox.

I challenge you to support your statement that I "want everything handed to me on a silver platter" by producing instances where I have asked for anything specific for myself in this game. In short, put up, or by all means shut the fuck up.

Here's a few links (on only ONE board!) that show what the players really think and illuminating the state of the game...you might not want to follow them yourself though since they tend to contradict you.

These are only topics that are active since yesterday, too. If you bother to keep tabs on things, over the course of weeks and months, you see many things come up again and again.












PS: If that isn't good enough, here is a nice summary of a prevalent attitude;

Originally posted by Ravenbourne
Half the people here are just biding their time until the next wave of mmorpg's arrives. This game is great if you don’t mind constant lag, invisible mobs, wall hacking mobs, mobs that teleport themselves, cheating opponents (necro's) , bugged graphics, bugged quests, virtually no customer support. This game has so much potential and if mythic make the effort it may just be able to compete in 6 months time, going by past experience they will just sit on their arses and just expect us to carry on. Sorry mythic you are very wrong.
Also everyone should check out SWG, Rebel alliance forever :p

located at this thread: http://forums.barrysworld.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=803020#post803020


ah yes, the overriding faith in the "next big thing" - roll on SWG so you can go whine on their boards too ;) (after a grace period of a month or so I imagine)

What? someone brings up a bug and they don't fix it instantly? or a balance issue that they don't rule in your favour with?

Well here I thought Mythic had time machines so they could do everything in an instant... I imagine bugs take no time to fix - they're all drinking coffee and running around in the gym above their office instead of fixing... and balance issues? why would they need to discuss those and plan them out? Just nerf here, boost there, zerker TL says they need more! give them more!

I'm sure that'd make a wonderful game.


Well I could type up a point by point response, but I think Flimgoblin has summed most of it up really.
I will add that game design changes (such as CC, stealth-system, etc.) are not going to happen overnight. Balancing a game is HARD. Really hard, you should expect it to take a while before changes are made. If they instantly just nerfed and boosted I'd be much more concerned.
As for the relog graphics bug. I haven't encountered this at all since I got SI. AFAIK the new gfx engine has fixed it in most if not all cases.
The game does support some server-side filtering, though I'm not sure exactly what more you want it to filter.

However Glendower, you said it yourself, if you're not happy with DAoC take your own advice: "In short, put up, or by all means shut the fuck up."


Re: Kinda agree - kinda don't

Originally posted by tripitaka

I'm only 44 and have been for ages - no 50's yet, and been in game for over a year.

But having said that, i rarely use that char, as i have more fun playing with whatever char i have that is needed at the time.

Me too!!!!

Glad I'm not the only one ;)


Just started playing RvR last night again with my Cleric.
It was gr8 fun and not much lag.



I have one message to you: [deleted - Grow up]


fade - I was the necro Casy who showed you where the bridges are in the BG. If you want to run with me in there feel free - just give me a shout.

If you're looking for a guild I would like to promote mine but there are only 3 people in it at the moment including me so if thats not enough then no probs:)

If you want a friendly guild with more people in it try mixing with people from the Rigante because many of them are a good laugh.


By all means, if you dont have the facts, popular opinion, or intelligence on your side, try going with flat out falshoods and direct insult as your sole argument technique.

What a pack of mental midgets. Pretty obvious you do not have the least bit of knowlege of what you are talking about, and cant be arsed to research any facts. For the love of god, dont pull your head from your ass and read any of those links, whatever you do!

All the 3 or 4 filter settings you get in this game are client-side, NOT server side.

I dont think 18 months is "instantly" nor an unreasonable time to expect things to be done, nor for the company to keep it advertising promises. Something about obligation of contracts.

The post about SWG certainly was not mine....anything run by Verant is off my list immediately. Anyone who thinks time-sinks are bad should not play their games. There are however many other fantasy-based games that will have learned from previous mistakes by Verant and Mythic. Go look at the outline for Horizons.

Too many thing are mediocre crap on this planet because people are too lazy to do anything about it. If you want to be that way, fine, but dont criticize others for not joining you in having low standards.

As for my end of the "put up" part, I still send in feedback every week or so directly to Mythic (Did this since beta and when we signed on to play 6 months later), occasionally send email to Sanya, and actively browse 5 boards with occasional visits to a few more.

What do you do besides tell people to leave if they dont agree with your baseless fanboi pimping for Mythic and GoA?:rolleyes:


glendower - a question...

is there anything about DAoC that you like? :)

(I'd just like to see a happy post from you for once - beginning to believe they don't exist)


Daoc has 1 good feature.... learning curve

takes the piss how easy it is to learn

still got lvl 50 n00bs though, so mastery aint easy either ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

That's the part where I call Glendower "Trailer park trash" and cackle.



I am like that.


Originally posted by fade2grey
a) whoever has the most people wins, without fail. ive yet to see anyone have a 1v1 battle... or a sort of 8v8 group vs group. everyone just stays together.

b) if you go anywhere on your own someone will just pop out of stealth mode and bang, youre dead.

c) there appears to be zero skill invloved... just who has more people. all the skillful use of styles in the world wont save you when its 3v1.

d) when the fighting starts, win or lose, its over within 1 minute. ive had better (read: longer, more intense) fights against AI monsters.

e) as a melee class it seems i cant really do crap... if i wander in to melee something ill be filled with arrows, bombarded with spells and be eating grass before i can even draw my sword.

A) Depends a lot on the situation - if two sides just standoff to each other then A usually applies but if you can draw a larger force out of the keep and start attacking from the flanks it is possible to cause enough confusion that you win - not all the time but it happens.

B) if your a caster then B often applies but then you should stick near a defender (or be a supp bonedancer :) - if you have good equipment it can make a lot of difference - resists extra hp etc. etc. plus even if your getting smegged charge at em swinging and they might run away (youll be surprised how often that works). As a tank and given decent equipment you should be free from single stealther attacks.

C) There is a lot to learn tactics wise in the BG - it is possible to become 'skilled' which will help your survival rate a lot - as to 3v1 it depends on the class - if you can quickly kill 1 they may run - or you can run and see how many follow - most wont follow far but if you have a determined pursuer then head to the aggro mobs.

D) Fights are quick but struggles (like taking the CK) can last hours.

E) Melee classes can do nowt at stand-offs so dont have em - entice the enemy to come out of their CK or portal keep and you then have options - if you can avoid being instantly targetted then daring raids into the enemy to kill their casters can be very effective - remember that groups always focus on the nearest visible enemy group - often at the expense of looking behind/ to the sides - exploit this.

I had loads of fun in the BG playing a variety of melee/casters/healers (but no stealthers :) - see you in there :)



Just for you, here is where I said something nice about GOA just recently


Pity there isn't more opportunity for positive comment.

As to the game itself, if you bothered to objective read my posts instead of just reacting, you would note that I said the things I like about it are the graphics, the people who play on this group of servers, and many of the game mechanics (like not being chased across zones by mobs, and not having to do corpse runs like in EQ, ugh!). I also enjoy that my wife (who is very disabled) enjoys meeting people and playing the game (usually).

If you ever get a wife, you will know how much this means...especially if she is basically confined to the bed much of the day with constant nerve pain due to spine damage.

That all being said, Mythic (and GOA to a lesser extent) simply havent followed through with their original advertising, nor the many promises they have made in the last 18 months. They are also rife with technical incompetence and errors.

Contrary to what some have said, game design/balance doesn't really require that great a degree of intellect, but it does require a proactive interest and commitment to detail.

As to the term "fanboi", in gaming circles that refers to someone who vociferously promotes a game or company regardless of its shortcomings while disregarding any facts that tend to contradict them, meantime abusing any who they feel oppose their veiw.

Uncle Sick(tm)

You got that Fanboi thing wrong then, Bendover.
Brannor used to be the Fanboi. Then Jupitus... kind of.
Now it's someone else... I think. Flimgoblin perhaps?

But I guess everyone else is a Fanboi compared to you.


Originally posted by old.Glendower
All the 3 or 4 filter settings you get in this game are client-side, NOT server side.
http://www.camelotherald.com/more/267.php -
"Chat filters have been moved to the server for filtered system messages. This should help reduce bandwidth in big battles."

Mythic in recognising bandwidth limitations in large battles and fixing shocker!!! :p

Your settings for graphical detail have nothing to do with server lag so moving them to the server would be inappropriate.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
I dont think 18 months is "instantly" nor an unreasonable time to expect things to be done, nor for the company to keep it advertising promises. Something about obligation of contracts.
Things have been done, whether or not you consider the changes appropriate and far reaching enough is another issue. As stated, Mythic's idea of game balance does not neccessarily overlap yours entirely.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
What do you do besides tell people to leave if they dont agree with your baseless fanboi pimping for Mythic and GoA?
I read forums, I talk to TLs and players, I even *shock* mail Sanya at times. But mainly I work for a living so don't have time or inclination to whip myself up into a frenzy over Mythic and GOA. When I decide the bad things in DAoC outweigh the good, or something better comes along I'll leave, until then I play the game.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
Contrary to what some have said, game design/balance doesn't really require that great a degree of intellect, but it does require a proactive interest and commitment to detail.
I'd be interested to know if you've ever tried to balance a game, especially one as complicated as a MMORPG. that said the original point wasn't neccessarily about intellect (your word not mine), but about time and effort.

Cavex ElSaviour

Glendower if you have such negative feelings towards, Doac, mythic and goa, why do you still play this game? Imho games are for fun and relaxation. If you don't have fun just stop playing. Would be stupid to pay for a game that you don't enjoy playing.


Well I play Hib primarily and you should try us out on Percival. No matter what time it is we are outnumbered 3-1 by both mids and Albs....gets worse when school lets out. BG's really are horrid for almost any melee class and should really be avoided unless you get a guild or can hook up with a large group. Another issue you will run into is people creating alts and just leveling in the BG past what the BG maxx is....so they are per say level 26 in Thidranki while others are 20-24. Some have been in there forever and have see hidden so that any stealthers you have on your side are ineffective. Since us Hibs can barely get anyone out to BG anymore because of major number imbalance all we usually have out there are stealthers....being killed by chars that shouldnt even be in there. Oh yah...they can stay in there past the level restriction as long as they dont die. PvP in BG can be fun if you have a group...if not then you are just fodder for the ol RP machine.


Yep, RvR outside of BG is way more fun, lots more stuff going on.. and lots more ways to die horribly, but for those of us that left BG behind ages ago... the game is still fun, it kind of matures on you, you will form friendships with those you stand beside in battle and those that wear the same guild tag.. so dont fret m8, bg doesnt represent full scale RvR.. hang in there..


Originally posted by old.Glendower

Just for you, here is where I said something nice about GOA just recently


Pity there isn't more opportunity for positive comment.
A backhanded compliment like that isn't really the most "positive comment" you could make...
but it's a bit less vitriolic than usual :) and it's nice to see you acknowledging something nice.

As to the game itself, if you bothered to objective read my posts instead of just reacting, you would note that I said the things I like about it are the graphics, the people who play on this group of servers, and many of the game mechanics (like not being chased across zones by mobs, and not having to do corpse runs like in EQ, ugh!). I also enjoy that my wife (who is very disabled) enjoys meeting people and playing the game (usually).

If you ever get a wife, you will know how much this means...especially if she is basically confined to the bed much of the day with constant nerve pain due to spine damage.

Very sorry to hear she's suffering like that but I'm glad the game gives her an escape and some fun. Glad to hear you do enjoy the game.

One note - how do you know I'm not married? (I'm not, I'm mortgaged - just as bad/good ;)) Although she prefers to hunt in the underpopulated areas rather than socialise with people (the guild being an exception) :)

And I always objectively read people's posts - the ones of yours I've read recently have all been very angry. Maybe because I don't read/post on your server/realm. I take it you spend most of your posting time on there with the people you know - only coming to General when you have a gripe you feel worth sharing with everyone (which gives us who _don't_ read your other posts a terribly biased view of you).

That all being said, Mythic (and GOA to a lesser extent) simply havent followed through with their original advertising, nor the many promises they have made in the last 18 months. They are also rife with technical incompetence and errors.

Contrary to what some have said, game design/balance doesn't really require that great a degree of intellect, but it does require a proactive interest and commitment to detail.

Methinks you're too picky :) they work hard, could they do better - almost certainly, but noone's perfect. I think they're doing a good job considering, they don't seem to have any hidden agendas or 'Our View' policies like I've heard of Verant. Still, I think any company will be very hard pressed to keep you a happy customer.

Game balance is the most difficult thing to get right - no matter how you tweak it, how careful or how heavy handed people will get upset. And adding one little thing will throw ten other things out of balance - stick a new weight on this side, hrm not quite right, need another smaller one that side....

SI was the equivalent of adding two new piles of weights to either side :) (and lets not forget it's a three-sided scale)

As to the term "fanboi", in gaming circles that refers to someone who vociferously promotes a game or company regardless of its shortcomings while disregarding any facts that tend to contradict them, meantime abusing any who they feel oppose their veiw.

I've yet to see anyone of these supposed "fanboi"s abuse people in their posts. The general line from the people you're slapping such a cruel label on is "hey its not that bad, you're overreacting, they're only human, give 'em time." not "FFS YOU SHALL NOT SPEAK BAD OF GOA!". If anyone's starting the namecalling, it's you :)


RvR is normaly Crap in random groups, u need a nice guild that can make an RvR group, not much point RvRing with 8 new lvl 50's, RvR with 1 new person a time, they learn how to play, u get a new person in the group etc,

Random groups are almost deffo 2 ppl who havea clue rest not.
RvR guilds are where RvR becomes fun


Nice reply, Flimgoblin. An obviously respectful and polite post deserves one in response:

First, I did not mean anything with the wife comment. Here, by having "if" at the beginning of the sentence, it indicates that the subject was undetermined. Your response was humourous in any event :)

Your deductions regarding my posting habits is correct, however, I would chalk up some of the miscommunication of attitude, etc, to cultural differences/speaking styles. I live in the US, so "cynical" and "contemptous" is a bit more the right terms than "angry". I do not agree that you are as objective as you think, since you have a very strong opinion about many things, and (from personal experience) that tends to color anything relating to those opinions. I invite you to go back and reread some of your own posts with this in mind. Still, this is not that great of a deal as your last post proves, so I wil just mention it as a topic of philisophical discussion.

To summarize: I think we as customers of Mythic and GOA are just getting rather poor service, and these companies are only expending minimal effort and other commitment to address a host of issues.

Bear in mind that you are really talking about two things here: 1) Game balance issues which are certainly somewhat volatile and subjective, I must agree with you; and 2) the SERVICE that is the game. This is where the real failures become apparent. Here I mean (from the pure tech standpoint) cross-realm/class issues like broken RAs, gamebugs, updating and improving the interface, game engine and other coding, etc. Not to mention that you are (supposedly) paying Mythic to be thoughtful, inventive and proactive in providing you with an ever-improving gaming platform/experience. If this were not so, you would only pay a flat fee, play as long as you like, then be gone, not a monthly subscription and extra for any expansions (and putting the engine update in that expansion was crap..everyone should get that for free as a mild bug-fix).

Along with this, insult has been added to injury (in the case of GOA) by tacking on a 20%+ raise in fees with no corresponding increase in service.

I base these statements on comparison to good tech and CS I have experienced with other game companies and games, and the observed eviloution (and/or lack thereof) of this game since beta (wife and I were the highest characters in Hib), and I post here primarily to chide Mythic/GOA and to enlighten the lurkers for their competition, which will improve the industry overall. Passionate expression is a plus to these folks, because they know you will spread that information/opinion/attitude far and wide, and that it will have impact on any customer demographic. So this is a means to further an agenda, see?

As to the final portion of the "fanboi" definition...another poster got it right with naming UncleSick (and that was who was foremost in my mind..go read some of his slop), but the rest certainly applies to a few folk here, particularly Danyan. In addition, it can also apply to personal attacks and snide comments, and many folks have done that. I am happy posting my "vitrolic" comments about GOA/Mythic, and it is only when I am personally attacked that I respond in kind.

Danyan, thanks for the link about about the chat filter, but that really isn't much of an issue when we are talking about lag and processing, getting dropped from the server, or having zone/server crashes, particularly for me, since the only channels I have are "open" (/say, /yell, /emote), "group", and "broad". I have never felt the need to join a guild, and even with the additional channels, I dont think chat has much bandwidth impact...even so, some minor attempt is nice, but certainly not a "fix" as you tout it since all the problems are STILL there. What I was talking about with filtering is primarily the /effects and some sort of clipping plane adjustment that should both be server-side to allow for greatly reduced data-stream to the client (barring a real fix in the engine). Your "fix" is a band-aid over a gaping chest wound...typical of this company.

Oh, and nice to hear you have a job (as if the rest of us don't, lol!), but kinda sad that you seem to think dealing with boards and a game is time-consuming and intellectually challenging enough for you to use it as an excuse to justify the fact that you spout a lot of unsubstantiated nonsense. Maybe you should give it up and save your time for playing the game since you love it so much and must be hard-pressed for opportunity to play as a result. Certainly it is full enough of worthless and unecessary time-sinks that cut into everyone's gaming as it is.

Only takes me about an hour a day to do my board patrol, and that includes reading the local, national, and world news in 3 countries. Bit more if I cut/paste my notes and send em off to Mythic and/or Sanya.

Try opening more than one browser window at a time :)


Still get owned solo with best SCed armsman set.. Sole reason I'm never gonna rvr alone anymore, basically I've given up rvr because it ain't fun anymore...

So good luck in killing me you won't get a shot even..


RvR is shite 90% of the time unless you're in an RvR guild.
They are whats gonna kill this game ^^ not nerfs by mythic.


Originally posted by old.Glendower
Danyan, thanks for the link about about the chat filter, but that really isn't much of an issue when we are talking about lag and processing, getting dropped from the server, or having zone/server crashes, particularly for me, since the only channels I have are "open" (/say, /yell, /emote), "group", and "broad". I have never felt the need to join a guild, and even with the additional channels, I dont think chat has much bandwidth impact...even so, some minor attempt is nice, but certainly not a "fix" as you tout it since all the problems are STILL there. What I was talking about with filtering is primarily the /effects and some sort of clipping plane adjustment that should both be server-side to allow for greatly reduced data-stream to the client (barring a real fix in the engine). Your "fix" is a band-aid over a gaping chest wound...typical of this company.
You misread the quote. It states for system messages such as messages telling you you've just been hit, or someone has cast a spell. In short filters for a significant proportion of the data you receive. Chat filters for communication (/say /send etc.) are as far as I can tell still client-side. With respect to the zone crashes, that's just mythic being incompetent in terms of allowing their servers to scale correctly. Personally other than zone/server crashes I don't really experience the server dropping my connection. Lag happens from time to time but generally is fine. Usually if I get bad lag I trace-route to the server and a lot of the time the problem is a router in london not GOA.

Originally posted by old.Glendower
As to the final portion of the "fanboi" definition...another poster got it right with naming UncleSick (and that was who was foremost in my mind..go read some of his slop), but the rest certainly applies to a few folk here, particularly Danyan. In addition, it can also apply to personal attacks and snide comments, and many folks have done that. I am happy posting my "vitrolic" comments about GOA/Mythic, and it is only when I am personally attacked that I respond in kind.
*Sigh* I was ignoring this particular "comment" as I prefer not to respond to personal abuse. But since you've named me fine.
Just to set the record straight here Glendower, I don't think Mythic or GOA are perfect or that DAoC is as good as a MMORPG can be, far from it. I do think you're going way off the deep end and being an "anti-fanboi" if you will - willfully ignoring anything good about the company because it gets in the way of your "vitriolic" comments. The point is, yes there's some things I'd like to see addressed in the game, but they don't detract enough from it to stop me playing so I largely ignore them. You come across as wanting everything you see wrong instantly fixed, an attitude which is unreasonable given Mythic don't have infinite resources.


Well, that is much better.

If you had been this reasonable at the outset it would have saved some trouble.

I accept your "anti-fanboi" attribution with the provisio that I dont like fanbois, and that you admit that you "ignore" many things about the game and performance of the companies that are bad or poor in order to sustain your enjoyment of the game, while I think there is SO MUCH broken, half-assed crap in this game that it makes it almost impossible to play the way it was represented, a situation that is firmly the responsibility of the company (not me), and that this willful failure by them very often ruins my playing enjoyment.

Further, you tend to misstatement/exageration, and you dont bother to research many of your assumptions, particularly about popular views/knowledge on game issues.

I can understand that (the ignoring the crap to try and have fun), but I have posted my reasoning for not doing so, and I ask you respect it, as I am willing to do with your position. However, consider that your attitude ignores all the other players in the game who are affected by things you might not be depending on class and/or realm, an outlook I find rather self-centered.

I also think that (again!) 18 MONTHS is NOT "instantly" for fixes, but is rather a VERY long time to find stupid bugs like the parry/block one (and here is what, the 4th attempt to fix it?!? Pathetic). And of course we have a host of others still ongoing. Go read the Champ and Animist TL reports if you want some recent and ongoing dysfunction analysis.

Again, I chalk up the difference in perception to culture...you guys just must be used to crap service and getting rolled on to consider this "normal" in my view. Granted that protocols are still evolving with MMORPGs and customer expectations/releations.

Jesus Christ! Other games and companies find and fix bugs continually and make that a priority. As much as I despise Verant (/agree with Flim that they are pack of vicious corporate Nazis as compared to Mythic's three stooges act), I never saw a major bug to a class last over a month, and usually they would even have an "emergency patch" within a day or two to fix any bugs with a main patch. Other companies have websites dedicated to games where you can download patches and fixes that are updtaed weekly! Any company that is raking in tens of millions per month can damn well MAKE fixing bugs and such a priority or they can kiss my ass.

If you wish to post positive content about Mythic/GOA/DAoC, please, by all means do so, but leave me out of it, and I shall return the favor. Sound fair?

Gee, I dont see how I could have misinterpreted the patch notes given the in-depth and well-written explanation of the change:


- Chat filters have been moved to the server for filtered system messages. This should help reduce bandwidth in big battles. "

(thanks for the clarification [assuming you are correct]...if there are any special commands other than "box-checking", I would appreciate knowing what they are)

However, this brings up another issue; that being we have a whimpy and limited client interface with few choices in my opinion. Top that off with the crap help system and you have one hell of a loser...the damn slash command list isn't even up to date!

FYI, all my traceroutes from the US show massive latency increases per hop once I hit france telecom (on the order of 20-40%) an then another bump up of 10-20% from THAT at Wannado.

This doesnt surprise me much since France telecom is currently in hot water for ripping people off all over france by not installing infrastructure they were supposed to have (was in the world news a few days back). I hope Wannado thinks to upgrate their "gate" servers so that the individual servers will actually provide benefit once they are upgraded (and that is taking a god-awful long time...here it would have been done in a few days at worst. WTF???)

Have a nice day :)

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