RvR is a major letdown for me...



Well, i only just got this game really... and as in all games i play i was looking forward to the pvp aspect the most, the realm v realm idea sounded really good, and from what i read on various message boards people really enjoy this part of the game.

anyways, i started up an armsman (sounded like an easy first class to play through the game) and started levelling up... i actually really enjoyed the PvE. i had always assumed i would have to be high level to compete in RvR but then i was told about battlegrounds... awesome i thought.

so, me, a level 24 armsman (specifically, prydwen/albion) heads over to the battlegrounds to get invloved in some rvr fun... but it totally sucked. maybe ive just had a bad few days but from the few hours ive spent there...

a) whoever has the most people wins, without fail. ive yet to see anyone have a 1v1 battle... or a sort of 8v8 group vs group. everyone just stays together.

b) if you go anywhere on your own someone will just pop out of stealth mode and bang, youre dead.

c) there appears to be zero skill invloved... just who has more people. all the skillful use of styles in the world wont save you when its 3v1.

d) when the fighting starts, win or lose, its over within 1 minute. ive had better (read: longer, more intense) fights against AI monsters.

e) as a melee class it seems i cant really do crap... if i wander in to melee something ill be filled with arrows, bombarded with spells and be eating grass before i can even draw my sword.

is this really what its like? or have i been on a bad day? maybe battlegrounds sucks? i dont get how you guys can like this... its horrible.


RvR is different if you want it to be, in a skillfull group we have killed 3fg mids and 2fg Hibs w/o one death.

If you stick with a zerg then eventually you will get zerged yourself.

Tbh I hated bg's its not very fun at all, I would only go to get the rps I'd need then get the hell out. Only way bg's would be fun is if you were a stealther.. Wait till proper rvr and try not to stick with zergs that build up.


yeah, teamplay is required and only some classes can beat multiple enemies, but i´ve seen a group of 8 gank more than 20 ppl often already. conclusion: stealther or you have a good group/guild

try a minstrel


my midgard group on prydwen thidranki consisted of 1 shaman, 1 healer (me), 1 warrior, and 1 rune master.

Together, we spanked 3 times our number before going down.

It can be done, but it requires timing, and practise.

Best thing to do in thidranki is get in a good balanced group, and move away from the zerg.
Oh, and as an armsman, you'll be canon fodder until you get enough realm abilities to survive in RvR..... easier for pure tanks, slightly harder for hybrid tanks....

Just relax, take things as they come. I get really frustrated by this ame some times... especially seeing as the class I play has trouble getting anything solo (heh, I can do wizards if they don't run.... and some n00b 50's)... the I get a good group, or I have a good laugh in some mass battles, and I keep on going.
It's all you can do, to be honest.


You are totally correct in a couple of your observations:

1) The implementation of stealth in this game is very poorly done, and only serves greifers, not any sort of rational game balance.

2) Damage and CC are overpowered in RvR, leading to very fast fights.

Something you didn't mention, but that is also true is that the game engine cannot handle large-scale (i.e. more than 30 or so) combat very well, and the lag and crashes associated with it make the game very little fun indeed in those situations, which is a real pity.

Mythic has demonstrated that they lack the will, technical expertise, and imagination needed to address these issues, so it is highly unlikely to ever improve.

Do yourself a favor and just go get another game. Some really good ones are slated to come out soon.


Cheers for the replies guys... i was almost expecting some flames to be sent my way...

See, the real problem i guess is... ive only been playing a week... which would definately put me in the newb catagory... however, i feel i have more skill than most other people (i see peoplw ho claim they have a lvl 40+ main but they sont use styles.......) BUT having some skill doesnt mean shit it seems. another problem with being a newbie is having no friends, and no guild... finding a skillful group is seemingly impossible, i mean imagine being in the middle of all the people who teleport and asking "LFG with skill"

LOL? ill actually do that later to see what kind of responses i get... could be hilarious. I will take your advise though and actually hang around and look for some people who know what theyre doing, and not just joining the lemming mob who run up to the gate and scream HEAL HEAL while theyre being pumped with arrows and spells.


Do yourself a favor and just go get another game. Some really good ones are slated to come out soon.

this game is just a timesink until World of Warcraft comes out. theres also eq2, swg, lineage2 and a few others so yeah im not too worried :D

Back to getting owned by stealth :O


ps sometimes i dont mince my words when i should... it was just a real letdown =/


You can bitch and whine about DAoCs RvR aspect but fact is of all MMORPGs available DAoC has still about the best PvP system in place.

Of all the over-hyped upcoming games in this genre only Shadowbane offers a real interesting alternative, and one prolly many ppl won't like either (that is : full PvP). Planetside might not be bad either, but still needs to prove itself.

SW:Gs PvP aspect was once hot on paper but with all the recent changes it has become clear PvP is certainly not the reason why you'll be buying this game.

Yes, DAoCs RvR is fast, frantic and often chaotic (so quite different from PvE), but in well-organised groups and guilds all in all not that bad and after all the tinkering by Mythic also pretty balanced (to MMORPG norms that is).

Oh and if 30 enemies onscreen make the game unplayable it's maybe time to buy a new PC :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Glendower
- usual Glendower I-hate-Mythic-blah

Why don't you go play something else if it frustrates you so much? Months and months of whining how mean and unfair everything concerned with DAoC is - be consequent and play Everquest again.



Well, guild and friends usualy go hand in hand... I know it does for me... with a few exceptions anyway ;)

...and not just joining the lemming mob who run up to the gate and scream HEAL HEAL while theyre being pumped with arrows and spells.

that quote made my day :)

happens in every realm by the way, but albs seem to do it more than mids... must be those kfc buckets on their heads


i think that is pretty much everyones first impression of RvR :D


the real rvr is generally more fun than the bg with better skill. However where ever u play there will always be zergs(from all realms)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

BG was my first RvR encounter and I have hated it ever since. :/

Tank Init

hell i thought that BG1 was more fun the real RVR so i aint got a clue to what these other guys are talking about


bg1 can be fun if u are a stealther, or a speed class.

as for real rvr, i like it, but since i'm a stealther i normally get to pick and choose my targets and get involved in a fair amount of one on one duels, it all comes down to who gets the jump on the other group, and how well people react.

also r.a's are a very important part of the later game, stealthers don't do so well when there victim suddenly regains all his life and goes mental on you :(

Roo Stercogburn

I've been to Thid with 2 chars on Mid/Pryd so far and hated it. Took 1 char to Thid on Hib/Ex and actually enjoyed it.

One of the more amusing things in Thid is the number of people who have a lvl50 char thinking they should be the General running Thid... completely forgetting that there are many other lvl50s there with their alts also so you sometimes get a lot of people telling each other what to do (note: not asking) and lots of people getting frustrated with being pulled in lots of different directions.

All you can do is laugh really :D


Kinda agree - kinda don't

Something else 'some ppl' forget is that some peeps don't have any lvl 50's and still enjoy the THID experience.

but imo the game has now turned into a very lvl 50 orientated game. If you don' thave a lvl 50 somewhr - don't bother.

ooh maybe a new slogan... quick someone - write it on a new box.

I'm only 44 and have been for ages - no 50's yet, and been in game for over a year. I can just about group but never use my druid buffs on anyone, unless no druid in grp.

But having said that, i rarely use that char, as i have more fun playing with whatever char i have that is needed at the time.

I've got Warden, Eldy, Ench, Bard, all above lvl 30, and 3 x 24th lvl chars for the BG's. and im still enjoying it , even without the need to RvR. Simply because RvR is so completely overrated and pompous now. If ur names not down ur not coming in.


A quick thought on RvR

Some say it require little or no skill to RvR and after a short while you learn all there is to learn about you class and abillities.

Imo - real RvR - the kind that takes place in the frontiers, actually requires a great deal of skill, and the more you know your own class weaknesses and strenghts the better you get and the longer you survive.

The point where you become more then average, is when you learn to judge what class every enemy is. From the weapons they are holding to the way the move around before the fight starts. When you start getting this right, and know who to attack first - RvR becomes soo much more fun. When you get a regular group who all know this and can work together , rvr becomes a thing of beauty where a fight can leave you with a great feeling - even if you lost due to superior numbers of the enemy.

RvR is fun - but the learning curve is long and at times fustrating. If you are looking for a rough guideline to when you should consider yourself an expirienced RvR'er - ill say about RR5. That should be the breaking point. Don't give up on your class or the game for that matter, I can promise you that frontier RvR is a whole lot more fun then BG RvR :D


My bg1 experience was great. I had a good time running around with my groups (mostly single fg's, not always balanced), taking ck and trying to hold on to it and getting booted out... retaking etc. etc. Got my first lvl 50 in rvr now and still trying to get the hang of it... but having a ball most of the time I'm in the frontier. The length of a single run usually does depend on the group you are with, or the number of albs/mids (in my case) that are running arouns in the same zone. Nonetheless, even getting whiped can be fun if it happens like you don't expect it or you'll get overrun by a mass 10 to 1 zerg :D


Just wanted to add that as a tank your endgame will be a lot better than your BG experience. The difference in hps between you and the casters who even now outdamage you hideously, will be a lot greater. I.e. you'll have 2000+ buffed and they'll be lucky to get 1100 or so buffed. Anti-magic resists can be taken/buffed a lot higher than melee resists can, although hibernia's disgusting quantities of pulsing bladeturn is better than any amount of melee resist really :p
Dunno if arms is particularly good as an RvR tank these days, seems to me polearm is far from ideal but I may be wrong. *shrug*
Still, BG is not the way to judge RvR in daoc. And, as Prof nicely pointed out, no game has a PvP system better than DAoC's atm, and none of the forthcoming ones look like they will either.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
And, as Prof nicely pointed out, no game has a PvP system better than DAoC's atm, and none of the forthcoming ones look like they will either.

Well, lets say no other MMORPG has a better pvp system :p

Just wondering... is there a point to it? Or is it just fun?

I read when i talked to the guy who sells the medallions that you cant enter if you are RR1L3, right now im RR1L2... but how did i move up? Is it after i hit a certain number of realm points?

If thats the case... how can people be making twinked lvl 24 chars to stay in battlegrounds... wont they exceed the RR1L3 limit and not be able to enter?

Sorry for so many questions ><


Originally posted by fade2grey
Well, lets say no other MMORPG has a better pvp system :p

Just wondering... is there a point to it? Or is it just fun?

I read when i talked to the guy who sells the medallions that you cant enter if you are RR1L3, right now im RR1L2... but how did i move up? Is it after i hit a certain number of realm points?

If thats the case... how can people be making twinked lvl 24 chars to stay in battlegrounds... wont they exceed the RR1L3 limit and not be able to enter?

Sorry for so many questions ><
the limit is 350 rps adn lvl 24, after that you cant get back into Thid. But there are some people who dings 25 in thid, and can stay until killed and gets no rezz.


Originally posted by fade2grey
Well, lets say no other MMORPG has a better pvp system :p

Just wondering... is there a point to it? Or is it just fun?

I read when i talked to the guy who sells the medallions that you cant enter if you are RR1L3, right now im RR1L2... but how did i move up? Is it after i hit a certain number of realm points?

If thats the case... how can people be making twinked lvl 24 chars to stay in battlegrounds... wont they exceed the RR1L3 limit and not be able to enter?

Sorry for so many questions ><

Yes, you go up through realm ranks and levels with gaining more realm points. R1L1 is at 1 realm point, R1L2 is at 25, then R1L3 is at 125, and R1L4 is at 350 (someone please correct if the numbers are wrong but I don't think they are).

My first real rvr experiernce was in battlegrounds - sure I'd taken my lickle cleric rvr about twice and hated it because I'm not 50 and I go down stupidly fast. So I leveled a paladin and went into BG.

Absolutely hated it first 2-3 times I went. But my friend and leveling partner was enjoying it, so I still went. Felt bloody useless, couldn't even hit anything.

Then came one morning. Running around with my little infil friend, she not stealthed yet, she runs over a hill before me.

And out of nowhere a Celt attacks her - obviously thinking easy kill - until I steam over the hill and stomp on his head.

That made me feel good for the first time in battlegrounds and since then, I have been able to have fun in BG as long as I remember there are going to be times I hate BG and want to break my computer, but there are also going to be very fun times when I "pwn!" people :) (Yes, it's happened, even though I'm a paladin!)

:fluffle: fade2grey, stick with it, you might enjoy it one of these days. If you don't after quite awhile, think about coming out of battlegrounds and just leveling and trying real rvr when you're high level.


Think of DAoC as the Q3 of the RPG world - each fight you get into (comparable to a match) has no immediate or direct consequence (other than spending points on realm abilities, but thats a whole other kettle of fish), and everyone will keep respawning and coming back for more, but everyone has their guilds, and there's a whole lotta pride and reputation being staked in the long run.

I will also echo what others have said; BGs rvr is nothing like full-scale rvr. I personally cant stand thidranki and have avoided it with the vast majority of my chars.


The real RvR is pretty different from BGs. I have always hated bgs, they're full of annoying n00bs and ppl just camp, camp and camp more "hey lets camp ck, its fuun!!". Real rvr in good group is really fun.


I'm sure that BG RvR is very different to what someone described in a different post as "Grown ups RvR".

But as I don't want to go "Grown ups RvR" being an ickle cleric who always ends up dying, I'm having a lot more fun in BG, even if it does tempt me to throw my computer out of the window approximately once a day :)


yeah, i still hate it... but its strangely addictive =/

im thinking ill get my 125 points and run... im making a pally anyway so i have 24 levels before i have to think/worry about BG's again \o/

if anyone goes on prydwen battlegrounds... im a level 24 albion armsman called Jemali... so if you see me please invite me to your group and "show me a good time".





Originally posted by fade2grey
yeah, i still hate it... but its strangely addictive =/

im thinking ill get my 125 points and run... im making a pally anyway so i have 24 levels before i have to think/worry about BG's again \o/

if anyone goes on prydwen battlegrounds... im a level 24 albion armsman called Jemali... so if you see me please invite me to your group and "show me a good time".




BG1 cap is 350, not 125 :)

and a paladin is cool, you can have fun in BG I've found with a paladin, but it's the same as every tank, it can also be terribly frustrating....

And as for the comment about showing you a good time....


Brannor McThife

I took a Mincer, infil, enchanter, champion and necro through Thidranki on Prydwen. Strangely never got around to making a Mid char for it. Anyway, I stuck to soloing most of the time. My mincer would hunt stealthers. My infil would go for archers and casters (in the days of 1-shot-hide).

Enchanter was ok, but had to keep moving to avoid the shadowzergs that move around. Champion was 2-H and sucked, and that was before the con/str buff came in...so infils/SBs could own me. Necro was good fun as I was one of the first, and Mids/Hibs were still in the phase of trying to attack the shade.

Thidranki Rule 1. Either go with friends or go alone. Ignore all whiners and people who SHOUT ALL THE TIME FFS!!!!1111. :rolleyes:


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