RvR idea


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Couldnt agree more...

Chronictank said:
You are completely wrong tbh
most people dont get intentionally added on in agramon until you do it yourself in which case you ask for it (treat like you want to be treated etc), most set grps are on irc so will chances are after a few times of jumping into fights they whined on IRC about it so all the grps kill you on sight.
i ran a few pug's none of the set grps added on us intentionally all night

As for iRVR, it is a zerg fest, anyone in a fg whining about adds in iRVR should be put on /ignore, it wont be a big loss as they dont have the capacity for coherent thought anyway

If you are killed because you havent done your PVE, thats your own fault for not doing it. Just the way it should be, are you honestly saying people who put half the effort into their characters should reap the same rewards? (altho in the coming patch this will be the case)

I found the best place for pug's is iRVR, roaming around away from bridges/zergs. Yes there is adds, but the fg's running about are generally the ones who arent good enough to compete in agramon so are roughly the same skill level.

In short i think its a nice idea provided the zergs stay out agramon to leave the people who want fg rvr to their business, which it is like now

Couldnt agree more mate...

Basically zerg is nice for most newbies since it will help them get some rps and get atleast some basic knowledge about the other realms powers etc, but even more important it actually gets them interrested in rvr...(having fgs farm you for rps isnt a big incentive to return to rvr as a newbie!:)

So having argamon as a fg roaming no add zone and iRvR zone (alb, mid or hib) as a pure zergfest for all seems nice and fair for all!:)



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Sharkith said:
I am glad you said that it seems to indicate to me that despite it not being a sport a lot of people like to treat it as a group sport. So you like a challenge but not to get totally owned or to totally own.

I agree with this and at the same time I think this is one of the biggest reasons why there is so much whine. Some don't get it - "Its just a game FFS." Some get it and are quite demanding wanting only 1 v's 1 or 8 v's 8 all the time. Whqat a lot of people should try to do is just chill out and remember shit happens.
Still, totally owning is always more fun than losing all the time :p But yeah, I think having an even fight, which are more rare than very hard or very easy fights, are the most enjoyable, if not always rp-wise, but defenitly fun-wise :>


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tuorin said:
The one thing Albs have is far, far, far more sorcs than Hibs have bards. A Hib group just doesn't run without a bard. Whilst fundamentally balancing and all that might be harder for Albs, running a pug is so much easier as I've known there be only 1 active bard in rvr alliance not that long ago, = no rvr whatsoever.

getting a single cleric is nigh on impossible (not sure why noone invites chretien - maybe they're mad, or had one too many bad experiences with a smitor and shy away from unfamiliar clerics)
getting two in a pug is almost unheard of..

in hib if you have 1 druid you're not doing great but at least you might get a bard or a warden to backup heal. Friars and heretics are less common than clerics and even when you do get them few of them are able to heal well (due to spec, playstyle or just because friars/heretics abilities don't mix well with healing)

So setting up a pug in albion has almost exactly the same problem - just no clerics around instead of no bards.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Sharkith said:
I am glad you said that it seems to indicate to me that despite it not being a sport a lot of people like to treat it as a group sport. So you like a challenge but not to get totally owned or to totally own.

I agree with this and at the same time I think this is one of the biggest reasons why there is so much whine. Some don't get it - "Its just a game FFS." Some get it and are quite demanding wanting only 1 v's 1 or 8 v's 8 all the time. Whqat a lot of people should try to do is just chill out and remember shit happens.

Owning is good in a way, but there are no longer any decent groups out. Why... because they just owned everything - It gets boring after awhile.

Yes even though everyone would like to be in a hardcore group that owned everything, I bet after awhile you would get bored and want to do something else.

If i'm in a set FG and we have a really nice fight and we loose. Everyone in group will be happy because it was decent. If we engage in 8v8 and another fg adds we will get upset not because we want RPs and we could of killed them ourselfs, it's because we enjoy the 8v8 factor and we'd of known that we would have got a good fight.

Though, if we get steam rolled over and over we logg, because there's no point. Not because were all agrogent fucks and were not winning so we must logg. Because theres fun in it for anyone.

Another point, even in a high rr group you can still be killed. It's not about the RR/skill you have it's about how well you work together as a team.

My rr7ish group killed a mid rr10 group. Yes it felt fucking good and no we didn't do it again that night but we enjoyed the fight and so did the mids. So all in all it was good.

8v8's are about respect at the end of the day.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
I like the idea in principal, unfortunately wouldn't it constitute cross-realming?

Still, doubt they can ban half the entire population ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Isnt this what happens anyway? Only if you were more organised you'd have the bg up a big earlier ^^


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Haggus said:
Owning is good in a way, but there are no longer any decent groups out. Why... because they just owned everything - It gets boring after awhile.

Yes even though everyone would like to be in a hardcore group that owned everything, I bet after awhile you would get bored and want to do something else.

If i'm in a set FG and we have a really nice fight and we loose. Everyone in group will be happy because it was decent. If we engage in 8v8 and another fg adds we will get upset not because we want RPs and we could of killed them ourselfs, it's because we enjoy the 8v8 factor and we'd of known that we would have got a good fight.

Though, if we get steam rolled over and over we logg, because there's no point. Not because were all agrogent fucks and were not winning so we must logg. Because theres fun in it for anyone.

Another point, even in a high rr group you can still be killed. It's not about the RR/skill you have it's about how well you work together as a team.

My rr7ish group killed a mid rr10 group. Yes it felt fucking good and no we didn't do it again that night but we enjoyed the fight and so did the mids. So all in all it was good.

8v8's are about respect at the end of the day.

to be honest we feel the same way we get owned by high rr groups and zergs. But usually most nights there are some really nice fights that do last and even if we lose its still nice. We still keep coming because it is nice - and even if it sucks we stick at it because well theres always beer and singing on vent! ;)

So the question is, is it more like sport? So can I ask again is it maybe that what people whine most about is when the game is not sporting but predictable and therefore boring?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
alb hasn't really had a regular "general rvr bg" since the emain CG's of OF ;)

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