RvR Efficacy



Some very good point have been made here; others have been utterly unconstructive.

1. Agree that a degree of education on Mid / Hib races, names, classes, and combat abilities needs to be passed down by those who know to those who don't. Many players (including RR4+ and 50th levels) know little about RVR characters they are attacking. Yes, to an extent the rules need to be learned the hard way - as with XPing - read up from the internet, talk to mates and guildies, etc. But equally, a noob can be turned into a non-noob by receiving support and encouragement from RVR veterans.

2. Statix makes a good point. Don't tell "blah blah blah you noob". This undermines your fellow group mate's confidence, and strengthens your enemy's position. If there's time to slag him off like that, you would do better to send him a PM (so as not to appear condescending infront of rest of group) and say "Don't break mez - next time do this, or that" etc.

3. Sticking IS the only way to travel across Emain using speed and keeping 8 ppl together. Better than using superglue and less messy.

4. A group / zerg / realm is only as strong as its weakest component. So start helping ppl rather than slagging them off. This would be a nice start.


1. Playing the other realms is the best idea, but many people dont have the time to level characters in other realms to the levels where they can RvR. Perhaps a FAQ on hib/mid should be posted in albion - it'd probably help peoples awareness of the strengths/weaknesses of the other realms.

2. It's easier to slag someone off, call them names. Everyone makes mistakes and like you said if people were told the do's and dont's they'd learn. Saying "f'king noob" means that person has learnt nothing, explaining to them what they did wrong in a /send would help them far more.

3. Sticking is ok, but an awful lot of people have a habit of AFKing on stick or going into a semi-sleep, lastly most people dont split up off the /stick quick enough and end up mez'd when they run into an enemy group.

4. You could help people until your blue in the face, someone will always be stupid, arrogant or simply make a mistake. Like the idiot that goes 2 steps too close to a portal keep and pulls the guards on everyone :D

Bored at work, sorry for hijacking. You've got some good points though.


what i did and what i recommend anyone coming to RvR does:

get purge
shut up
watch (not just albs watch mids and hibs tactics as well)

RvR moves at a totally different pace to PvE alot forget that


I found that when im eating dirt, Rather than /release or whine pan about and watch others, those in your realm you know are good, see there movement there play styles watch they enemy and what they do and how they do it. what they look like, i can proberply say i learned more dead then putting in to practice than owning a group. lets be honest if you own a few what you learn? other than it can be over fast.


Originally posted by Jiggs
what i did and what i recommend anyone coming to RvR does:

get purge
shut up
watch (not just albs watch mids and hibs tactics as well)

RvR moves at a totally different pace to PvE alot forget that
Well said:clap:



Hehe Kameh. NP mate. I'm bored at work too ! LOL.

I DO like the idea of a FAQ posted somewhere, but as others have mentioned, theres no substituted for hands on experience.

(I recently ran a group and specified each player's function, and what to hit, who to avoid, etc etc. The manner in which I communicated this was totally non-patronising and friendly; people several RR levels above me were quite happy to take direction. OK we died, but we had fun and no one was called a noob.)


You don't have to know what EVERY class in EVERY realm does...just find out which ones are the important ones, which are the ones you can despatch the fastest and which ones pose the greatest threat to the important members in your group.

A lot of people say "THE BARD! GET THE BARD!" but if you have a good scout and tank or so in your group, then GET THE WARDEN. Usually a firbolg with a stupid small shield. Kill him and rid yourself of 6s PBT.

As a sorcerer, my usual battle plan is get first root/debuff/mezz combo off and then see what is left standing. Deal with that.
Keep an eye on the casters of my own group to see who needs help with rooting to get tanks off them. At this point my pet will already be on the first bard or druid I saw. After this, it's random attacking of any casters etc because most people will be CC immune.

It helps to have a clear idea of what to do when in a fight, and a clear idea of what you can and cannot do. For example...that tank wailing on the cloth caster...YOU CAN'T KILL HIM FAST ENOUGH so leave him alone for the caster to CC a root on him. Write that on a Post-It Note and stick it on your fucking monitor, guys.

Ahem. Anyway. Look at your class carefuly and think about fights you've had. Pay attention to people who know better than you and learn whenever you can. Look for ways to be innovative, even if you have a cookie cutter class spec. :p

RvR is muchly fun.



well I did my share of RvR action ( think allot of peeps seen me there :) ) and know my frontiers by hart, BUT everyone makes a mistake now and then, a rush that went bad and you died ( this happens allot to me when I am in a "not so good grp" )

calling ppl n00bs.........shouldnt do that, once even YOU was a n00b, I had ppl and friends who went RvR allot more before I did explain it to me.......but I mostly figured out what I can do and cant do, breaking mezz, happend 2 times ppl went VRY pist, never did it again, attacking tanks, m8 told me to better go for casters or mezzer, always go for caster or mezzers now ( if I see its poss that is ) this are things ya need to learn, understand or hear from someone.

altough someone might seem a "n00b" now he might be a vry good and experiensed player if ya give him time to develop himself and learn how to play his class not only in PvE but also in RvR


altough someone might seem a "n00b" now he might be a vry good and experiensed player if ya give him time to develop himself and learn how to play his class not only in PvE but also in RvR

WELL SAID MATE )) Excellent point.


:) thx ( btw that took some time to get this shit on paper :p )

nah, think we should consider everyone learns this game, some faster then other and some might never get it and stop the game.......witch is sad because if someone took the time to explain it to em they would have stayd anywase this is just my opinion.

( btw, sry for all the typos, but dont get english from school so need to "learn" :p it by myself )


Wardens use kite shields, Apathy !



Hold on...you are correct. I was thinking of druids.

Anyway, Arcthic told me they have small shields and I didn't want to argue with him. :p



Anyway, shouldn't you be at the tanglers RUINING EVERYONES' LIFES?



LOL ! I tried arguing with Yog once. May as well talk to the cat !
(Sorry - off topic)


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

It helps to have a clear idea of what to do when in a fight, and a clear idea of what you can and cannot do. For example...that tank wailing on the cloth caster...YOU CAN'T KILL HIM FAST ENOUGH so leave him alone for the caster to CC a root on him. Write that on a Post-It Note and stick it on your fucking monitor, guys.

so true slam the sodding pbaoe chanters and leave our casters to do their stuff, if the cleric is awake most casters can kill one tank pretty easy.

chasing bards with endsong around is a fruitless task unless you have shield slam or are on speed of sound.

/assist for wizards seems to be uber in RvR: 2-3 wiz all on one target is dam awesome sight.


Before I went RvR full-time, I heard vague reports of a chap called Finster (boo, hiss) who used to be supreme commander of Albion RVR forces (or something like that). What was RvR like then? Do the other realms unite under a single leader ? The only Guild everyone seems to rally around these days are GoL, and the single point of RvR contact there is Outlaw (gawd bless his cotton socks).


Can we not re-introduce such strategy again ? Is it possible to control egos at group / Guild level ? What about using CG as a command tent where the only members are group leaders, and operates as an executive command post ? What needs fixing ? Egos or a single leader ? Or both ?


Alliances are fickle and for most people, guild groups are the way to go. Certainly this is the case in my guild, I've found. Grouping with people you know a little and have grouped with before and can have a laugh with is worth more than anything I can think of.

Guild groups are easier to organise too. Massive zergs like that, though, are a pain in the ass. I get the impression you're new to RvR (At least, your irritating pan-forum cheerleader-style attitude would suggest so.)...grouping in massive zergs teaches you nothing new; if you didn't learn how to use F8/F6 in PvE then I don't think there is any hope at all!



The main problem is that so many ppl want to lead, thus do not view other ppl's leadership with an open mind.

We had looooong discussions over this here on BW and the outcome was pretty unanimous; everyone wants to lead, few wants to be lead.

Personally, I arranged something similar in HW some time ago, where DK, KoTL, MM and SS moved in a controlled and orderly manner under my command (4FG).
For my part it was a succes and I am playing with the idea of arranging 4FG RvR in emain next - just havent had the time to get it done properly yet.


(At least, your irritating pan-forum cheerleader-style attitude would suggest so.)...


Actually, I am RR5, level 50, and have been RVR'ing for about 6 months. I am merely opening up discussion so that we can start to intelligently address issues that are brushed under the carpet in favour of flaming ppl unconstructively. Apologies for trying to be mature.


Outlaw sends: OMFG LMOA FFO N0oB!!1
Outlaw sends: elease
Outlaw sends: fs mistell...


General question - how frequently do all Guildmasters meet to discuss RVR and Frontier defence ? If it doesnt happen, do you think this a worthwhile exercise in an attempt to get realm-wide consistency in goals, priorities, tactics, etc ?


I can give a comment, sure, but I cant say anything that isnt obvious:

allied guilds coordinate on a daily basis, to some extend, depending on the anture of their alliance
(an alliance like FC-HB prolly does a lot of coordination all the time, whereas alliances more biased towards realm defence than active rvr and rp'ing will communicate somewhat less).

albion-wide communication is done for relic raid or relic defences

in emain, there is always a cg running where everyone can get invited, this is regardless of your guild- or alliance-status. These days, a similar cg is often running in Odins too.

so the short version:
there is no forum in which a realm-wide coordination and communication is attempted except at the above mentioned events.


What about getting Alliance / GM leaders to meet every fortnight ? I know of at least 5 GM's (including myself) who would support such an opporunity (Methos, Xoboll to name but two). Can this work in practice ? Would the forum work to better Albion's performance in frontier defence and RVR ?


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

It helps to have a clear idea of what to do when in a fight, and a clear idea of what you can and cannot do. For example...that tank wailing on the cloth caster...YOU CAN'T KILL HIM FAST ENOUGH so leave him alone for the caster to CC a root on him. Write that on a Post-It Note and stick it on your fucking monitor, guys.

Oh dear, can't beat the simple "Do it like this or you're a noob" type posts, especially from people who's specialism is in a completely different class. Yes there are times to leave the caster, there are times to slam it and move, there are also times to whack it til it or you drops. Other times you just stick to your own caster/healer and do the old bodyguard routine. The experienced tanks know what to do and when to do it, guy. Maybe its just the arrogant tone of your post that raised my hackles...


cabalists should quikcast nearsight on bards to make sure they dont mess first

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