RvR bores



FYI: We're not paid to go to emain, any who do so, well they go for reasons that escape me, but I appreciate them going into battle for me.

I haven't gone to emain as many times as half the people here, but it's so stale..

Go to crim, regroup, head to bowl, look at tower area, go to wall, fight albs, back up, mids come, die, mids go away, get rezzed, albs come, back away, kill mids, mids run and rez, mids take crauchon, albs kill hibs, albs go to crauchon, and fight with mids...all the while look out for stealthers shooting you down.

So, does that seem familiar?

Why don't we all agree to a change of scenery?

A bit more hostile terrain as in albion or midgard might be fun, new places to hide, learn, and more mobs to be wary of..

Well, this won't happen I believe, so I'll be content with the relic raids so far, which I believe gives the few hundred people that turn up, a huge andrenaline rush, and it makes it memorable.

Do you really think the large return to the game by people recently has to do with Emain?

IMO, it's to do with the excellent raids all realms have been pulling off, and I'm sad to see Midgard almost completely back out of the game.

Ack well, guess it's us and albion.


Originally posted by Killgorde

Err...do I detect a moan?

Hate to agree with the enemy, but he's right. Took the words right out of my mouth.

And, my catchphrase comes into effect.. Oooh, huma's getting techy..


Like I have been saying for the last week, its a vicious circle.... less and less Hibs are going to Emain because they are so heavily outnumbered.....

Censi thats so not true. Albs have what....30-40 in emain max? Hibs had 200 high lvls turn up at that relic attempt, so the only reason your outnumbered in emain is your own realms fault.

Stop levelling alts and go get some realm points in emain for when the realm abilities come out.


Awww huma, i feel sorry for you since you can't win a duel against any hib/mid without your BUFFS and BLADETURN. Sorry but proofing you cheating when dueling is not moaning, i dont care about it really, just show how pathetic you are. Try dueling without buffs someday, kthxbye.

old.Cruel Heart

Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored

how can you complain that your realm is 'timezones ahead'
when your playing on an English server .. .. .. ? .. ..

Most of the mids r SCANDINAVIANS, and albs r brits, so that means that when the clock is 18:00 in england its 19:00-20:00 here (20:00 in here).:m00: :m00:


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Killgorde im omw to pennine, but if i find it empty, i'll pursue u all the way to odins to gank u ;)

Look forward to it ;)

Just good to see 5 or 6 hi-con Hibs in Alb frontier for a change last night (they all died sadly). And what was that hib non-stealther doing at the tower on the relic highway? Very cheeky !!!

3 reasons why Emain bores the crap out of me:

1) Who zergs wins - and even when its Mids that are on the zerg it's no fun.

2) Its so confined...you may as well roll alts and play BG.

3) Every time a suitably high number of peeps end up at AMG (and please tell me this doesnt happen with Albs maybe I'll reroll ;)) the following dialogue occurs:

"Let's take DC !!!"
"Err...cos it's there???"
"So...not to acquire siege to enable our army to expand and annex Briefine for the glory of Midgard?"



um, "english" refers to the language on the server, which is in fact hosted in France. There are lots of other countries that would rather play on an english language server, then a french or german one.


Originally posted by Killgorde

Just good to see 5 or 6 hi-con Hibs in Alb frontier for a change last night (they all died sadly).

That would've been us :)
I love Sauvage and will spend more time there than emain. Ellyl spot is nice too, when you are neutral to them :)


Originally posted by Matinex

I love Sauvage and will spend more time there than emain. Ellyl spot is nice too, when you are neutral to them :)

Dammit !!! Can we work out a timeshare agreement on rp farming at the Ellys Mat? ;)


Originally posted by Subbiz

while you, the zergs, HAVE to make night time raids, to stand a fair chance? rofl!

cant you please stop ranting about this now? im a hibbie and *I* am tired of listening to you going on and on about the timing of their raids. the only thing you ever duck out to post is this thing over and over again.

not a sigle post goes by without you mentioning it.

please, give it a rest allready.



Cmon ppl Its summer FFS dont U think there are better things to do.

-Beer + Soccer (even better)
-Girls (they are out there) ;)

All these things adds to the low number of players atm Im sure this will change comes fall if the server is still alive (if it isnt its GOA's fault)

I still have hope that this server will become high and liveful again but as I said this is not a primetime computergameplaying season.


Ok, here it goes...I expect at least 50 flames due this post alone. Don't let me down moaners.

I don't want to hear 1 more word from sniffly nose little children about the time of relic raids untill at least 1 DEFENDED (yes, I said DEFENDED) relic is taken. Untill that day comes the time of the raid means nothing, it's always gonna be an NPC vs Alb/Mid/Hib battle if it's successfull.

Now, if you think you have been a member of a party taking a defended relic please note the time and date here and I will eat my shoe!

And just to mention it, the hibs who were SOOOOO close (but not close enough) to taking a defended relic, haven't been the main moaners here...instead they pulled together and tried to take the relics. So, if you're whinning about something shut up, stand up, call a friend, organize a raid. in other words put up or shut up.



can I interupt at this point and just say "polearm"?


Originally posted by old.Cruel Heart

Most of the mids r SCANDINAVIANS, and albs r brits, so that means that when the clock is 18:00 in england its 19:00-20:00 here (20:00 in here).:m00: :m00:

Actually the majority of the players I know well in Albion are not Brits but various other European nationalities including Swedish, Dutch and German. The idea that Albion is filled with Brits is a misconception


Originally posted by Javai

The idea that Albion is filled with Brits is a misconception

Cockney rhyming slang, perhaps ;)


OH FFS! I said don't let me down! Not one single flame from anyone on my last post? This is shamefull! We count on you children to be consistant in your flamming efforts at least. I must say, I am dreadfully disapointed in each and everyone of you.

*note sarcasm*

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