Ingafgrinn Macabre said:boat seats 24 peeps, read the walkthru. now as I said... 5.9 is part of the prereq's if you like it or not. don't wanna have to say it again
Good luck killing the snakes Ingafgrinn.Ingafgrinn Macabre said:Okay I'm down on my knees... 5.9 will be included on the raid, but please... atleast try it when doing the prereq's...
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:Okay I'm down on my knees... 5.9 will be included on the raid, but please... atleast try it when doing the prereq's...
Keeilb said:first a question
the ml xp does it only count when im on that ml ?
i mean if we do ml5.x and im ml3 does it give me ml xp ?
i have done whole ml1 - 6 , 8 ?
if it does give me ml xp sign me up plz as Bu5m4 shaman 47 aug 26 mend
Inca said:You have to be above the ML. For example if you help a friend do ML2 steps and are in BG, cause you are ML3 u will get ML XP, but if the ML is above you then it doesn't count.
I had all of ML5 steps done and yet was ML3 because of ML xp, still meant i only gained xp from 2 or below (until i rose the levels).
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:Can't be arsed to make groups at all this time,
Damon_D said:Not sure if I will be there anyway.. it has proven quit difficult to get the group steps done... Atleast in the hours I can play