Any rss avail in FH?
Clown Part of the furniture Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 4,292 May 12, 2007 #2
leggy Probably Scottish Joined Dec 23, 2003 Messages 3,838 May 12, 2007 #3 Is there any way of blocking all the MMO shite?
Deebs Chief Arsewipe Staff member Moderator FH Subscriber Joined Dec 11, 1997 Messages 9,077,000 May 12, 2007 #4 Hmm not sure to be honest. I can't even use a group for this as you will be looking at the RSS feed as a guest I guess? Let me look into this....
Hmm not sure to be honest. I can't even use a group for this as you will be looking at the RSS feed as a guest I guess? Let me look into this....
Clown Part of the furniture Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 4,292 May 12, 2007 #5 FORUM ID, SEPARATED BY COMMAS The forum ID can be found by hovering over whatever forum you need the RSS feed for. General forum would be 2. This is the one I use for the top half of the forum, minus the RPG forum -,3,13,16,66,67,71 I don't really know the point of RSS feeds for forums. View New Posts is just fine for me. Edit: Hmm table breakage ahoy! FORUM ID, SEPARATED BY COMMAS The forum ID can be found by hovering over whatever forum you need the RSS feed for. General forum would be 2. This is the one I use for the top half of the forum, minus the RPG forum -,3,13,16,66,67,71 I don't really know the point of RSS feeds for forums. View New Posts is just fine for me. Edit: Hmm table breakage ahoy!