RR and the Login Server



Originally posted by old.cHodAX
I am told anywhere from 120-160 which would tally with the numbers that the login client was showing. Where were those Mids because we saw 20 of them at most.

Kinda hard when ya cant log in yer alt.

Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
it was well planned and well executed, by the time we got spotted we were already at the relic keep with no resistance from guards... [/B]

Weaklings ... of course it was well executed and of course you wasnt spotted ... try again when we can log in.

Well anyway if GoA doesnt fix it ... we´ll just take them back again the REAL way with no server or login problems.


Originally posted by Thorulf
Weaklings ... of course it was well executed and of course you wasnt spotted ... try again when we can log in.

idiot, by the time people couldnt log in we already left apk, and we were spotted at relic keep, or are you saying that if you would have logged in the right way you would start patrolling jamtland?

weak excuse...


I was working on my crafter account (Making hinges what else :) ) when the alarm was sounded. Logged out and tried logging my rune master account in, who was logged in at Savsud. Not a million miles from the relic keep. I imagine alot of the crafters were in the same position.

Tried for 20 mins. Finally managed to log in, ran up to amg, and got a couple of alb stragglers. But really the fight had already been lost long before.

I do feel that router issue, did seriously effect midgards ability to defend the strength relics. I know of about 4 - 5 within my guild who couldn't log on during the crucial time period.

As some one said earlier, you will get one set in the near future, but at least give us a chance to fight for them.


I am amazed by albion confidence. There is no WAY in hell you can be sure that you would have taken the relics unless there was a login problem. No WAY you can know that. So stop boasting how god damn fast the doors went down etc. We could have made unless GOA denied us the possibility. That is the key question: We never got a fair chance to defend it.

And to Kemor and the rest of you at GOA. Read what you wrote: It's insane. The lamest excuse ever Everyone who was online was able to defend properly, the only problem was logging in, which is totally different from last sunday's problems."

What a joke! The ONLY problem was logging on....weeee. That was really GOOD news for us that TRIED TO LOG IN FFS!!!!!!!!!!

Guess GOA are sick with their jobs since things like this has a tendancy to put companys into ruins, and i hope it does once and for all. This is pure crap, service sucks, ignorant support, crappy servers, etc etc....the list goes on.

Finally, this really sucks!


> there are conflicting reports on the number of mids
> already logged on but I am told anywhere from 120-160
> which would tally with the numbers that the login client
> was showing. Where were those Mids because we saw
> 20 of them at most.

About the time 1st relic ran through AMGO with SoS, there was 36 lvl 50 mids online. 24 people were in Odins.

I completely agree that even without router problems, we would have still lost the relics at that time. So no problem there.

All this illustrates once again that only sure-fire proven method of actually getting the damn relics is picking a time when there simply aint enough defenders. Dont have to like it but thats just the way it is.

The real problem is going to be with next patch. Albs have been keeping lvl 50 chars logged in Excal. We have relied more on spotting rr zergs in odins. Alot our folks there were shadowblades. If what happened on US servers is a good indicator, sb's will go extinct. So we lose much of our early warning system.



Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
idiot, by the time people couldnt log in we already left apk, and we were spotted at relic keep, or are you saying that if you would have logged in the right way you would start patrolling jamtland?

weak excuse...

Idiot ... hmmm ... you will taste steel for that ... but yer an Alb so you would have tasted it anyway.

And as answere to your question ... No ... I wouldnt start patrol Jamtland as soon as I logg in ... I hardly never get any patrol mission these days ... but even though you say Im an idiot I do think that if people (not only me) could log into the realm there would be a lot bigger chance that you meet people where ever you go ... give it a thought ... and die when WE meet.


Originally posted by Thorulf
Idiot ... hmmm ... you will taste steel for that ... but yer an Alb so you would have tasted it anyway.

And as answere to your question ... No ... I wouldnt start patrol Jamtland as soon as I logg in ... I hardly never get any patrol mission these days ... but even though you say Im an idiot I do think that if people (not only me) could log into the realm there would be a lot bigger chance that you meet people where ever you go ... give it a thought ... and die when WE meet.

did it also come to your mind that there would be alot more people in OUR force?

ofcourse not, you mids assume you would have just killed us...

be happy we didnt meet, it saved you a /release


But you are all saying that the problems started after the RR started? So you had no more ppl inc i'm sure. You can't have it both ways.

Nevertheless. This was a huge fuckup AGAIN by GOA. How sweet that it happened when their pets from Albion raided us.


Originally posted by mannschaft
But you are all saying that the problems started after the RR started? So you had no more ppl inc i'm sure. You can't have it both ways.

oh yes...

alot of people were late, not everyone could make it at 10 am (you mids were whining yourself that it was too fucking early)


Router trouble

At around 11 am a router to the entire EU DAoC platform went down, making connection to our patch server, website and rightnow impossible. Things are back to normal now but if you tried to patch while this problem was present, you will probably need to fix your update.dat file or your game will patch to the US version.

If you have this problem, you can find the fix in "patch problem" FAQ in the knowledge database.

We are sincerely sorry for the trouble.

Sounds to me like Goa is accepting responsibility for the connections. Even if it is just "acting up" it is still their responsibility.


Originally posted by old.Richius
It's shit having two accounts.. :)

I totally concur :D

It really not Albions problem that people lvled their BB account and needed to login to their main account when the login server fubar'ed.

Roo Stercogburn

Gratz Albs, well done :)

Mids: accept it with good grace.

After all, we're just going to come get them again :)



Originally posted by old.Morchaoron

alot of people were late, not everyone could make it at 10 am (you mids were whining yourself that it was too fucking early)

Lol. Who is whining about that? No whining here, we just pointing out the fact that thhe biased operator gave you the freaking relic. Sure you could have taken it sooner or later, but this way? Well, if you feel you earned it, fine. But you have not.

We blunder sometimes, but this was a GOA crap-o-tastic fiasco (again), therefor it sickens me.


want some cheese?

whats done is done and no amount of whineing will undo it. Do what you will to change the relics homes again, just for the love of god stop whining about it :)


We didn't want the servers to crash any more than you middies wanted it to happen... it just made our victory bittersweet...
GOA really seems to have a problem, at 90% of the raids some technical problem botches the attempt either partly or fully :/ This really is unacceptable for a game which is built for large scale battles. I'm sorry we had to take them during a technical problem, next time will be better :) (if you ever get them back :p)


this error made it alot better for albs then for middis.
i was told that your RR force had just left apk when login server got fucked up... so u where gonna try a RR with that force and did.. mids couldnt logg in or switch account if we would want to. to help secure adn defend relic. for witch realm was this error best for? albs... i think also u would have got 1 relic but that isnt the issue at all..


Originally posted by mannschaft
Well, if you feel you earned it, fine. But you have not.


YOU feel we haven't earned it, no one made you judge...


YOU feel we haven't earned it

And you feel that you did?

All I've seen is you bitching that "Just because Mids couldnt log in doesn't mean that Albs could" and that "Just because more Mids could have logged in doesnt mean more Albs wouldnt have either" but you neglect to realise that on a 1:1 scale in an even battle provided nothing goes wrong the defenders will win, simply because there will be guards making things worse, walls blocking the way and a shit load of organised troops in 1 closed spot.

It's the way of RvR, if there are 70 defenders inside a keep versus 70 attackers outside usually the odds favour the defenders. As it turned out, Mids had roughly 20 people and Albs had 70-80. That's 4x the amount and far from an even battle, so if you still feel that you "earned it" then hooray for you, congratulations for benefitting from a malfunction, a blatant 1-in-a-million fuckup, but remember that the next time this happens it may not necessarily be in Albion/Prydwens favour so don't come bitching saying that it wasn't fair if you lose your relics to the Middies or (heh, hey it can happen under this circumstance) the Hibbies.


ahhhh and still they believe they would have won....

we were spotted when we RUSHED up the relic keep, unless you mids had all your alts logged in there (and i seriously doubt that could have been much at that time of the day), so i dont think 'walls blocking the way and shit' as you say would happen...

and you severly underestimate our ability to trash keep defences, last time a bunch of you mids tried to log your alts in and you got killed one by one inside the keep (the raid before the raid that made the zone crash, and that was when prydwen had fucking 1800 people online, not 500).

just dont make it look like you would have won anyway, and yes its quite a shame we couldnt fight with our full forces, we had some fine ass quality fg's out there and were expecting the crauchon mids to show up, but it looked like they pissed their pants...

this is beginning to get really boring, the eternal whining :sleeping:


Kemor was kind enough to take the time to chat to me briefly in-game about the relics.



So no use crying about it now. Just get on with it.


Originally posted by -mk-
I totally concur :D

It really not Albions problem that people lvled their BB account and needed to login to their main account when the login server fubar'ed.

What a ridiculous response.
So now we arent allowed to have two accounts ?
Tell me, who is defending Excalibur ?
That's right, about 50 or so ae alts. But we cant do the same, now can we ?
Would be nice to see the roles reversed on this one to see the comments. Very likely to happen with current router/platform condition.

Enjoy the not so rightfully yours relics. I know you dont care how you get them.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Kemor was kind enough to take the time to chat to me briefly in-game about the relics.



So no use crying about it now. Just get on with it.

Easy to say when you're not the one getting screwed.


Originally posted by scarffs
Easy to say when you're not the one getting screwed.
no need to quote the screenshots :rolleyes:

and by the way, I'm a hib.. y'know? the ones who got screwed! Third time we've been harshly treated on relic raids but oh well..


Its a shame relics are taken under so much uncertainty BUT i think people should realise that like it or not Kemor and GOA make the decisions thats their job.

Secondly regardless of your realm of view point GOA are the only one with official statistics of what was going on and the only neutral party. Therefore based on their facts and the whole picture they made a decision. This time it appears to favour albion next time it may not either way they are the only ones who can see the whole picture. Albs can say oh yes more would have come mids can say you would have loged in etc But only Goa can judge this the rest is viewpoint not fact.

Like it or not they made the decision u dont have to like it but its made. You dont even have to agree, but imo a player can argue from hsi experience/viewpoint but will never have the full data available like GOA.

They have no reason to choose realms.

As i said nice we have relics wish it had been with no uncertainty.


As i said nice we have relics wish it had been with no uncertainty

Hurrah! That's the response I was looking for, not Morchaoron continuously claiming that everything was fair in love and war the way he has been.

/salute Scunner

This episode seriously hurt the Mids AND Albs in this case (Mids lost their relics, Albs took them in a less than savoury way) and while we Mids are whining and bitching - which we have the right to, after all we didnt even get the CHANCE to defend - it's the Albs that are claiming it as a "proper" victory of the raid which is making us mad.

We'd have probably let it go by now if Morchaoron would even slightly admit that the outcome COULD have been different if the sides had been more even.


I agree with Scunner, it's great we got the relics, damned shame that a login problem on the server maybe forced the outcome in Albion's favour.

I'm sure the Mids will give us plenty of opportunities to defend :)

(And the Hibs, cummon Hibbies, come and play for a change) :)


Originally posted by Wibbler2
(And the Hibs, cummon Hibbies, come and play for a change) :)

Hopefully Hib will be blessed with /level 30 and get an influx of good players to bolster numbers.

Hibs have the players, the attitude, the desire...just not the numbers to do an off-peak, let alone primetime raid.

As for the current situation. I personally don't feel like putting in the effort that a primetime raid requires when Albs will just raid back during working hours. We'll get them back in a sneak attack and the onus is then on Alb to set a standard and fight for them.


Pffft hibs has the numbers just there scared to come out unless its a full on RR sized zerg.

2am in the morning for the past 2 nights that ive played there`s been ~30-50 hibs in emain camping the mile gates compaired to barely 2fg of albs/mids :/

besides i think with the sudden drop in midgards main melee tank, mid could do with level /30 just to get a good batch of warriors/savages to compete again, hell some more runies and healers would help a tonne.

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