Rolling an SB



I was under the impression that regardless of whether the target loses hp due to the con debuff (ie a heavy attack negating the con debuff) - your DOT will tick for bigger numbers.

From this, my own conclusion is to always have a debuff on main hand and if you do manage to PA then you can simply swap out weapons and stick another poison on the target - while your DOT is hitting.

Either that or use crippling for the stun, then swap out and enervate/DOT.

My melon maybe getting twisted again so I maybe wrong. :)


Classic description of CONSTITUTION is that it effects your hitpoint pool AND yout sturdiness aka how much damage you take.

Mythic have described Consitution in this way but i have never seen any logs/proof that shows higher Con resulting in less damage taken per round.

If it did then their is justification for using Debuff MainHand and DoT on offhand else it makes little difference when you know you will Perf for more damage than the Debuff can take off.

Its still a good habit regardless and there is no downside to it that I can think of other than the lack of a tohit bonus on your offhand.

Anyway, main thing for a 2H critblade is they dont really NEED the debuff as the whole point is to have massive frontload and kill in 2 hits (maybe 3)

Perf+CD+SS should equal a dead soft target as a 2H critblade.

Backstab + BackPos chain is a nice opener from behind tho with less stun.

You will definately see more critblades about if the currrent LA change on Pendragon goes live as is however you wont see as many Critblades with CS above 39 as the styles are just not worth the point investiture.

In Melee combat Weaponskill is king, low weaponskill means you will hit much farther away from your damage caps and you will have a tendency to be blocked/parried/evaded more.

As a rogue with Str only weapons and Str rising as a tertiary stat (+15 from levels at 50) you need as high a weaponskill as possible, means getting your weaponspec to 44+.

I envisage a lot of CB specs becoming as follows:

50 Axe/Sword (for the styles and weaponskill
39 CS (PA+CD+SS)
34 (35) Env
34 (35) Stealth
1-9 LA

And depending on clasic styles + Hamstring-Leaper combo


atm im thinking of either

44 axe
44 cs
35 stealth/envo


50 axe
39 cs
34 stealth/envo

what you reckon is best?


Originally posted by Zii
atm im thinking of either

44 axe
44 cs
35 stealth/envo


50 axe
39 cs
34 stealth/envo

what you reckon is best?

would go Sword insted of axe for the 50 sword style since its kinda nice.. well would or would.. i did go 50 sword


50 sword
39 cs
34 stealth/envo

guess thats.... rr6 for lifebane aint it? :(


I find that the best way to roll a sb is to squish him into a little round ball first ;)


the 45DoT isn't that much worse than lifebane, what really matters is the 47debuff ;)

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