I think Nyd was the last true roleplaying guild left in midgard, but sadly we disbanded due to our members buggering off to Japan, real life, and so on. Three of the members of Nyd are in Savage Conclave now and we find roleplaying in there a pleasure, well accepted and even joined in by the other members.
Savage Conclave has no l33t players in and is a very polite and friendly guild and one I would reccomend to everyone. I have only been in a few weeks myself but have enjoyed every moment, and as people will tell you I am very fussy with my guilds <winks>
I hope you find something and there are other guilds like the Conclave (Amazons of Midgard and Enharjarna spring to mind) who welcome rather than just tolerate roleplayers. Nyd survived remarkably well I think, given it was often (usually?) down to 3-4 regular members. I'm very happy in the Conclave and the rplaying we do there. Feel free to get in touch if you want to talk about this kind of stuff.
Impossible to roleplay Roo because of things I'm involved in and commitments to other people when I've got him logged on, and anyway, he wouldn't exactly be very nice. To play him in-char there's too much danger it would be taken as real behaviour and I'd fall out with peeps, which I do not want.
Always in-char as Vinny Bones on the rare occasions I log him on. He's just a big friendly trollie that likes to sing
I'd have said Amazons were best bet for rp guild since the sad demise of Nyd.
Forgive me, I had heard that the Amazons were no longer a full roleplaying guild or I would have mentioned them instantly, and Addlicove does play a woman so well aswell
In that case, I would say there are no full roleplay guilds left in Midgard, as you first mentioned Cas.
Might be worth some of us sticking an odd toon in a jointly made guild then and using it only for roleplay purposes. At least then you'd be guaranteed if you log the char in that place you know you have fellow muppets around you
I'd be willing to do this with Vinny.
EDIT: but only if its a full roleplay guild. Otherwise any of my chars stay where they belong, in Fedaykin
The trouble with that though is, when you log on and nobody else is about its a little hard to roleplay alone. We had in Nyd, at the end, only Krill, Ayam, Trigali and myself as full time characters in Nyd while the rest of our members were alts of other people. Which meant they weren't around as often as commitments to their mains came into play. A seperate guild for roleplaying I can see going exactly the same way.
Why not see how much interest we can drum up on here? I must admit I've never roleplayed before, not been something that floats my boat, but I find watching others roleplay very entertaining and clever. All those interested post here imo.
I think you'd get a guild where you'd have people in all the time, though not always the same people - its just a question of getting enough of them together. If you got 20 peeps that were going to be roleplaying even semi-regularly, the chances are you'd have someone to talk to when you log on. Also, there's nothing to stop you having actual roleplay hunts and events, and for that you would get more people on. Its a question of how much you want to put into running it to make it work. Hmm. Just like any guild I guess
I'm afraid I see zero point in sticking a char in another guild outside of my primary guild when they don't roleplay all the time.
I'd say hunts or events for roleplaying would be more helpful than trying to form an alts roleplaying guild. As Casia said Nyd was partly that for a while and it got to be too lonelly a place. The fact is I find plenty of roleplayers around and lots of people who slip into roleplaying once it happens around them; there just doesn't seem to be a roleplaying guild.
Don't forget that if you have a good idea for a roleplay event (whether for a roleplay guild or otherwise) then Kemor will often try to help out with some of the finer details.
Roo lets set it up tonight can probably get some people interested into sticking an alt into the guild, having the guild first will in all likelyhood increase the interests
>The trouble with that though is, when you log on and nobody else is about its a little hard to roleplay alone. We had in Nyd, at the end, only Krill, Ayam, Trigali and myself as full time characters in Nyd while the rest of our members were alts of other people. Which meant they weren't around as often as commitments to their mains came into play.
Aye, you need to achieve a critical mass for it to work. My guild started out with RPG ambitions many moons ago, but from my experience you need at least 10 players online to the achieve the dynamic that drives the process. So we dropped the whole idea after a few months.
Though some remnants from that period can still pop out during my chatting
guild is formed as of last night, named Lloegyr Exiles
(Lloegyr being the part of UK the saxons controlled til arthur threw them out )
Lloegyr also closely resembles the welsh word Lloegr, which means england
so basicly our story goes about us being forced to leave Lloegyr by the albions..
(I am certain that more creative minds than mine will come up with stories relateing to our guild as we grow )
so far we´ve only established 2 "rules"
1) all /gu and /s, MUST be in-char, /g /t and /c can be used for ooc conversations.
2) you need to have a "proper" name, no skalds named speedy or hunters named critshot etc.
still working on a forum somewhere for the guild will add linkage to my sig once we get there
My rm would like to join .... Still dont have a decent background for her though, have one in another game where she is some kinda half-elf but doesent quite work in a midgardian guild, does it?
Well, but i made her kobbie kinda in this.... KObbie/lurikeen .... Lurikeen without a pet ... Very unlikely I actually have only met one lurikeen all my life without a pet, and that was only because he was invisible i think
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