ROFL @ hibs trying a relic raid


Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Khefru
Yet again herbal shows his maturity in the above post.

What a tool. Grow up boy. If u have nothing better to post than childish taunts, save them for the playground where u probably still get outwitted.

I wasn't there on the raid, but is it any wonder that nearly all Hibs laughed at your corpse? Any Hib that reads these boards will know that u are an imbecile worthy of contempt.

i couldnt give two shits what u think about me, what are these boards for other than taunting?
half the treads in the rvr forumn are tuants its all part of the game. And no i couldnt care less if i get laughed at it quite amuses me actually it means ive actually pissed alot of you off which makes me happy :D
true i was abit over the top in the past post but after spending 2 hours trying to retake benowyc form a bunch of loser hibs who exploited bugs such as hiding in the walls i was a little bit pissed off. Tbh i dont care what you think of me wont change my views one bit and all these ahh hes a litle boy posts u think that will get to me in anyway rofl
ahhhhhhhhh did the hibs get an ickle bit upset at getting flamed?
ahhhh did dums
:puke: :puke: :flame: :flame:


counter strike ?

is it just me or are more and more treads getting to be like "counter strike" :confused:
taunting is ok - but plz get a life ppl :) it's just a freaking game.

how about writting about some fun things u see in the RvR, instead of all i own u - u sux0r treads :(

ei. the other day i was hunting with my ranger in collory, and out of nowhere atrox pop to get killed by a patrol.. well i /laugh /wave and sit down to talk with the dead invader. and then "slam" ? wtf, he had a friend stealther with him :eek: so i sprint/speed buff and get away with 1/3 life, just to get aggro by a irewoods and die :rolleyes:

imo that's funny and worth writting on these boards, not the _lame_ realm spam posts


The funniest thing about last night was everyone standing around Herbal's corpse asking things like "Is this the Herbal from the forums?" and then proceeding to do everything from laugh at him to sit on him. Your popularity has reached new heights, Herbal :)

And don't get confused about Hibs saying that we're the best realm. Best, maybe, but strongest, no chance. No-one's gullible enough to believe that.


I believe someone said this in irc last night (could've been me ;)) Is Herbal actually as retarted as (s)he appears to be on the boards?


I was standing there with a m8 (Matje) and we watched those hibs rush in. And I was thinking huh? Did they forget the uber guards? And then the guards rushed in. I thought hmm we need to get more people here. (Was standing on the wall to have better view) But all of a sudden those Hibs start to drop... And I thought what the heck let's charge them with the few we have. And so we did. At the time I was outside to finish some hibs (which were still in combat with a lot of guards) I saw a lot of dead hibs. Nice try again m8s but I found it a bit silly that you forgot about those uber guards (they ain't pussies you know, they hit pretty hard sometimes).

After that attempt we went to Emain and we rushed those mids at the Alb wall. When we just about done with them Hibs came in large again. They rooted a lot of us (don't know with how much we were) but I got free pretty quickly and started ganking all those elves and lurikeens :) (man that were a lot of them.. not that many tanks btw...) Had 3 nice rejuv clerics in team and they kept me healed all the time (nice ones, hibs must have looked pretty weird when they saw that I didn't drop after so many nukes :rolleyes: ) Was my name a lot on the was just killed by messages? (just wondering because this was a nice battle for me to fight as a tank for a long time. This is where tanks are for I think :cool: )

Tanx for the nice RP all :clap: :clap:

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