ROFL @ hibs trying a relic raid


Herbal Remedy

at least u set up rams this time but ha hahahahahahahaha rofl lmao u truely suketh


another 13 year old kid who got killed in emain to much :)


nuff said wuren, besides I wasn't on that relic raid :p


Herbal you l33t /laugh spamming HealZ MastaH, wish i could He4L like you :rolleyes:

yep that raid sucked, we will do better next time, maybe we will not neglect a main ram group which had been hit by AFK disease!


ROFL @ albs trying to get crim each night!


There was about 50 of u and 3 of us...Me Congo and Erathius were on are way to Ellylls when we relised there were no gaurds run round road meet hib army and run back to keep...messaged the GMs of all majour guilds GoL, DVE(can't spell it :p ), Black Falcons, Dragon Knights etc etc...

You had about 10 min before the 1st alb arrived and u had 2 seige rams up on the door and it was only down like |-| this much dmg it wasn't the albs who killed u it was the NPCs

at least u attempted it and grats to u on that


but i think next time mb take the gaurds before the gate :)


Ignore laughing boy up there hibs, keep at it :p

As long as you don't come for ours of course, then we have to hand you your arse on a silver platter :)


Couldn't have been 50, we weren't 50 when going from our tele keep...
And it was so goodly organized that people dropped here and there to mobs on the way..
Our group again waited at our wall for an ld bard, next thing another one ld's.. and we get held up with maaany patrols, coming at us.. 5 in a row or so :p

Then we hear they are already bashing guards at the keep.. :(

Well, we decided to run there then, and what wouldn't you know it, dragons killed our group (brown drakes, whatever), must have huge aggro range cause we were far from them..

Well basically, if we'd make an... _organized_ attempt to take your stinking relics we would take them. :p

Herbal Remedy

im 20 actually and yes i die lots in emain but its always fun :D
im lauging becuase you cant seem to get a decent organised raid going it amuses me when some one sends to me relic raid half of albion turn up to find the hibs dead to guards every time, its a game ,this was a flame come get your arses in gear and make a seriour attempt and i wont laugh. All these half arsed ill organised raids just make me laugh nuff said

Nicky Nook

As long as you don't come for ours of course, then we have to hand you your arse on a silver platter

Yours will come.

Herbal ...Well we shall see not a good raid a Trial run if you will but i must say well done Matniex for even trying a raid...

Hibernia is the No 1 Realm on this Server be afraid very afraid...

Yours Nicky Nook.


Originally posted by Mirandalia

Well basically, if we'd make an... _organized_ attempt to take your stinking relics we would take them. :p


If this wasn't organised who just happened to be carrying the rams ?

Ok maybe there weren't 50 of you but couldn't have been far off.

Even if there were 100+ of u it wouldn't have worked cause me, Treniel and Erathius spotted you before you'd even killed the guards.

Xcalibur is a stupid place to try to get you 1st relic though :p and you must have realised you were spotted. Would have made more sense to withdraw and save the rams for the next time you didn't organise a go at a relic.

What did you think we'd do just watch you or call in 1/2 of Albion in ?


No. 1 realm on why every time sumthing goes wrong u make huge excuses

albs outnumber us with zerg forces ring a bell :)

still i say again grats for trying and grats to Matithingyobob for trying to organise it :)


u probably would of got it just unlucky with timing did well to get unoticed from hadrians to excal seeing as there were albs in pennines and even better to get to door threw all the gaurds :)


Herbal, we have one major problem, even if we tell like all of the ones we know, we cant get enough ppl to even kill the guards.

Kinda har dot organize something when you dont have anyone to organize.

but well, we had a series of misfortunate events. And if we do suck so much, then go take or fricken relics, mids have tried twice i think, failed both. Havent even seen albs try yet.

So if we DO suck so much, come take our relics.

Herbal Remedy

erm niljindil took 50 albs to take the 1st relic off the mids surely u have enough people for that? i mean i see at least 50 blue /yellow cons in emain everyday


Well im gonna put it short and hard (almost like U albs :p )

Practice makes perfect, and when we hit perfect U can forget seeing ur relic ever again ;)

Tank Init

well we aint got 50 lvl 50 players yet but when we do have em it good bye alb relics and we wont do it at 4-6 in the morning either like a certain other realm i wont mention


Originally posted by Herbal remedy
it amuses me when some one sends to me relic raid half of albion turn up to find the hibs dead to guards every time

happens every day at crim... albs die to guards before anyone but expers who is closeby get there... and i thought normal keeps were easy? doesnt look like that for u albs...



I really did meet you tonight at crauch, veeshan was there with you - defenders = miss and I, you killed me - wd, was I worth an RP? ...
but your entire party sorta got the smackdown from 2 bards, was quite it hurt ;)


You laughing at Hibernia's failed relic attampts? Can you comprehend the irony? Exactly how many successful Hib relic raids have you masterminded, partaken in, accomplished?



Originally posted by Niljindil
Herbal, we have one major problem, even if we tell like all of the ones we know, we cant get enough ppl to even kill the guards.

Kinda har dot organize something when you dont have anyone to organize.

but well, we had a series of misfortunate events. And if we do suck so much, then go take or fricken relics, mids have tried twice i think, failed both. Havent even seen albs try yet.

So if we DO suck so much, come take our relics.

Sure mids have tried twice, but you've been there twice to defend it..... as far as I heard there was only 3 there to defend ours at that moment, and still you failed...... ? :rolleyes:
And sure you have enough to organize - just for the GM's to set up an alliance, can't be that hard :cool:
But hey - cheers for trying, nice with a few attempts from your side of the realm as well :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


U guys tried relic-raid, thats cool. U didnt succeed, so what, but stop making these bad excuses BOTH albs and hibs - just play the game and enjoy it ;)

And yes, crimmy was a disaster


yes it diddint turn out so good, but it was a nice try and great job from matinex.

I think no-one was ready for uber guards to spawn so quick again, ½ our ppl rushed to the sides to try to stop the albs from getting inside. But from now on i at least know the way to the keep :p


Originally posted by Niljindil
Herbal, we have one major problem, even if we tell like all of the ones we know, we cant get enough ppl to even kill the guards.

Kinda har dot organize something when you dont have anyone to organize.

but well, we had a series of misfortunate events. And if we do suck so much, then go take or fricken relics, mids have tried twice i think, failed both. Havent even seen albs try yet.

So if we DO suck so much, come take our relics.

I doubt that 50 is enough for a Guarded relic, and I doubt that Hibs do Nightraids..


hibs relics will be the hardest to take . thats a fact . but oits got nothing to do with your defense of them . its the fact that emain is ALWAYS full of hibs/mids/albs so getting a relic force through emain UNSPOTTED is virtually impossible .. as we all know a defended relic is virtually impossible to take .... as for the guy above that said hib is #1 realm all i gotta say is LMAO ..
hibs HAVENT taken relic . both mid and alb have taken relics on more than 1 occasion .
everytime hibs fails at somthing "which is reguler" you ALWAYS make exscuses , wether it be our zerg army . somebody ld . zone crash etc etc . you all f.o.s .... i cant even recall u ever taking a middy keep . maybe thats because u alied with them :p or you to scared to attempt theres :) .. IF anybody succesfully takes the relics from excaliber ALL albion will prolly give u full props and gratz cos the way albion defends/gets to excal when its being attacked is a credit to albion ,
as for zerg albs always outnumbering mids/hibs maybe you should check emain more . cos the last few days i been there is always been the hibs outnumbering folks in emain . "no im not complaining cos u still get ganked" .. also the guy above that said we can only take relics early morning . what time was your attempt ? . cos i logged just before midnight and afaik u hadnt started the raid then . "no im not complaining f time" .. i just think its about time u his stoppped being lamers and makin exscuses for your 1/2 hearted raids .as for your numbers you must of thought u hada chance with -50 folks or you wouldnt of tried a relic raid .if you went there knowing full well you wouldnt of been able totake it then you must be dumb to take the time and effort to travel there just to die :p ... hibs RELICS will be taken soon . and hopefully you wont even know about it till you check /realm :) .


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
"also the guy above that said we can only take relics early morning . what time was your attempt ? .

I guess thats me u mean..
I didnt say that you only can take it during nights/mornings, I replied on some1 saying " we Only had 50 ppl when we took our first relic"
and that was a Undefended relic, in the morning.
Im not complaining about it, thou Im glad that it hasnt been much of it lately.


Well we tried, was fun, even for those of us in the wood-carrying group who never even made it as far as the relic keep :p Getting ganked by two patrols at once on the way there (the 2nd time... first time we got er.. found... by some huge drakes hehe) was kinda unfortunate :)

Next time we'll do it better, and the time after that a bit better still, and who knows, we may even manage to suceed eventually :clap:

Whatever though, least we'll enjoy ourselves each time :m00:


hibs RELICS will be taken soon . and hopefully you wont even know about it till you check /realm

I think this part is really funny... albs have said that for months and still no attempts...


Originally posted by Gahldir

I think this part is really funny... albs have said that for months and still no attempts...

atleast we have taken a relic, u have not

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