I can understand things being more expensive over here than in the US, but the difference between the two is beyond a joke.
Is it really worth £180? I doubt any retailer selling it at that price is going to get many sales.
So prices are on works webby,
£119.99 for the hardware, then £40 for the game.
Buy Rock Band - Band In A Box - Microsoft XBOX 360 Game from Woolworths.co.uk online shop
If you can't buy it due to your personal financial circumstances then fair enough but describing those who can buy it as 'having too much money' or 'people who can't be arsed shopping around' is silly.
As for me, there's no fucking way in hell I'll be paying twice the US price for the same fucking product. Not only that, but the fucking track downloads of XBLM are twice the fucking price as well! US gets them for an average 80 points, whereas us "peasants" are paying 160 points per track.
It's a fucking joke, and one that EA are having at Europe's expense.
I've been playing it over the weekend with some friends, and it's ace. I've learnt my voice isn't suited to singing, and my drum work is improving. Medium guitar/bass is too easy though, although the jump to hard may take a fair bit of practice.
Yeah the friend of mine who normally sings does that, claims he learn't it from singstar, feels like cheating to me though.
Not only that, but the fucking track downloads of XBLM are twice the fucking price as well! US gets them for an average 80 points, whereas us "peasants" are paying 160 points per track.
It's a fucking joke, and one that EA are having at Europe's expense.