Rock Band Farce.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
"EA has confirmed the price for Rock Band, following the European date announcement this morning.

Europe, unlike the US, will not get all of the instruments bundled together with the game.

Instead, you will have to fork out for an Instrument Edition at GBP 129.99 / EUR 169 - comprised of the drum kit, guitar and microphone - then buy the game separately for GBP 49.99 / EUR 69.99.

Anyone after the whole lot will be looking at a total of GBP 180 / EUR 240, then. That's rather more than in the US, where you can buy the game and all the instruments for USD 169 - equivalent to around GBP 85 / EUR 107.

Wireless guitars will be sold separately for GBP 59.99 / EUR 79.99, while the drum kit will be GBP 69.99 / EUR 89.99.

Hopefully retailers will be offering their own bundles.

Rock Band will be out in Europe exclusively for Xbox 360 on 23rd May. PS3, PS2 and Wii versions will follow later this summer."

Source: EA clarifies Rock Band pricing News // Xbox 360 /// Eurogamer

So... what a complete farce. I'm sure as shit not stumping up £180 to EA, they can quite honestly go fuck themselves. Not only are we fucked over once by the price, PS3 and Wii owners are extra-fucked over as they have to wait longer to have the pleasure of being anally raped of their money by EA.

Personally, I'm gonna buoycott purchase of this piece of shit until it's at the £130 mark. I'm sure the majority of european gamers who were looking forward to this as much as I was will be doing the same.

Get tae fuck EA, you greedy bunch of fanny baws.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
iud rather just buy a decent guitar for that much!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
import it then?

If I wanted to import it, I would have on release. Anyway, that's completely besides the point as if it's imported you have the large issue of no warranty considering that the peripherals are apparantly as robust as a wet piece of paper, stumping up customs + shipping charges, would take it to ~£130-140 to have it imported, not worth the hassle, especially when it could have been done 6 frickin months ago??

Not only that, but 360 owners don't have the option of importing do they... they just have to suck up the £180 bill.

Infact someone from overclockers forums offered to sell me it for £95. Really fucking wish I took them up on that now though tbh. It just pisses me off even more.

I'm still seething.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Personally, I'm gonna buoycott purchase of this piece of shit until it's at the £130 mark.
Chumpish statements like this are why our games cost more... "I'm really mad but I'll still pay more than an American!" *sigh*


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm guessing thats RRP. I wont worry about its price until I start seeing it on some shop websites.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
tbh the best way to theach ea a lesson if if eveyone didnt buy it for a month, a compleate europe wide boycott would be great


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
855 are offering it for £140 and using the experience08 promo code for a further 5% off. But I'd never buy this or any band game myself they hold no interest for me at all. But I would love to see this fall flat on EA's arse.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 20, 2004
£180 is alot of cash for most people
should just make it buy the full kit get game free
buy one instrument get game for 20 qu
after my holiday next week i am buying myself a set of drums anyhow so i'll just play those :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Chumpish statements like this are why our games cost more... "I'm really mad but I'll still pay more than an American!" *sigh*

Fact is, we're always going to pay for having a strong economy. £130 is the highest I'm willing to pay for it as I believe it's just about worth that much. By the time you factor in VAT on that price it's around £15 more than the US straight up conversion, which in all honesty isn't that horrific. £180 on the other hand... get tae fuck.

I'm glad to see that are leading the charge on pushing the price down. Just wish that the PS3 version was coming out at the same time, cause I bet there won't be any decent discounts when it does. :|


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
"EA has confirmed the price for Rock Band, following the European date announcement this morning.

Europe, unlike the US, will not get all of the instruments bundled together with the game.

Instead, you will have to fork out for an Instrument Edition at GBP 129.99 / EUR 169 - comprised of the drum kit, guitar and microphone - then buy the game separately for GBP 49.99 / EUR 69.99.

Anyone after the whole lot will be looking at a total of GBP 180 / EUR 240, then. That's rather more than in the US, where you can buy the game and all the instruments for USD 169 - equivalent to around GBP 85 / EUR 107.

Wireless guitars will be sold separately for GBP 59.99 / EUR 79.99, while the drum kit will be GBP 69.99 / EUR 89.99.

Hopefully retailers will be offering their own bundles.

Rock Band will be out in Europe exclusively for Xbox 360 on 23rd May. PS3, PS2 and Wii versions will follow later this summer."

Source: EA clarifies Rock Band pricing News // Xbox 360 /// Eurogamer

So... what a complete farce. I'm sure as shit not stumping up £180 to EA, they can quite honestly go fuck themselves. Not only are we fucked over once by the price, PS3 and Wii owners are extra-fucked over as they have to wait longer to have the pleasure of being anally raped of their money by EA.

Personally, I'm gonna buoycott purchase of this piece of shit until it's at the £130 mark. I'm sure the majority of european gamers who were looking forward to this as much as I was will be doing the same.

Get tae fuck EA, you greedy bunch of fanny baws.

Then don't buy it?

I'm getting it at release as RRP = a price I'm willing to pay for it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Then don't buy it?

I'm getting it at release as RRP = a price I'm willing to pay for it.

At RRP, I certainly won't buy it. I'm definately one of many that won't.

Buying it at RRP is ridiculously excessive, but tbh, anyone that buys at RRP either has too much money or can't be arsed shopping around. I think the package is worth £120-130, but certainly not £180.

If you look at guitar hero, you get guitar + game for £65 RRP. As GH set the pricing standard by virtue of the fact that it was the pioneer of the genre, Rock Band have decided to say fuck you to the customers and hike their pricing up.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I think GH3 looked dated and the Rock Band guitar looks better so theres an excuse to charge more than that game. Still, £100 for Rock Band guitar + game is still far too much :(


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
At RRP, I certainly won't buy it. I'm definately one of many that won't.

Buying it at RRP is ridiculously excessive, but tbh, anyone that buys at RRP either has too much money or can't be arsed shopping around. I think the package is worth £120-130, but certainly not £180.

How can you call it 'ridiculously excessive' just because YOU and some 'others' aren't going to pay the RRP. That game will sell.

I paid £2,000 for a TV that now costs £1,500. Do I feel like I was ripped off? No. Why? Well, at the time I felt that I wanted the TV more than I wanted £2,000.

So if someone wants Rock Band more than £180 is it their fault?

If you can't buy it due to your personal financial circumstances then fair enough but describing those who can buy it as 'having too much money' or 'people who can't be arsed shopping around' is silly.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
At RRP, I certainly won't buy it. I'm definately one of many that won't.

Buying it at RRP is ridiculously excessive, but tbh, anyone that buys at RRP either has too much money or can't be arsed shopping around. I think the package is worth £120-130, but certainly not £180.

That is your opinion, and definitely not even close to fact. I don't suppose it's possible you have too little money, rather than others having too much?

Stop making a fuss just because American cuntbag bloggers don't understand how things work over here.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
was actually looking foward to this, guess i'll forget about it now


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
For every person that buys it, three people get to play it for free, so it's pretty good value.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
How can you call it 'ridiculously excessive' just because YOU and some 'others' aren't going to pay the RRP. That game will sell.

I paid £2,000 for a TV that now costs £1,500. Do I feel like I was ripped off? No. Why? Well, at the time I felt that I wanted the TV more than I wanted £2,000.

So if someone wants Rock Band more than £180 is it their fault?

If you can't buy it due to your personal financial circumstances then fair enough but describing those who can buy it as 'having too much money' or 'people who can't be arsed shopping around' is silly.


Fair enough, if you want to pay that much for it, crack on, at the end of the day fools and their money are often parted. :)

Your TV analogy would be more valid if you bought the TV for £2000 from 1 shop when you could have bought it for £1500 from another at the same time. I bet you would feel ripped off.

I can easily afford Rock Band at RRP, but that is completely and utterly besides the point, it's FACT that europeans have been screwed over by the massive delay in release, the exclusivity on day of release to xbox 360 and not only that, but they've massively increased the price you pay for the pleasure.

By the way, I could get personal and throw out insults too, but 1. It makes you look like an ass, and 2. It doesn't make your argument any more valid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
That is your opinion, and definitely not even close to fact. I don't suppose it's possible you have too little money, rather than others having too much?

Stop making a fuss just because American cuntbag bloggers don't understand how things work over here.

What exactly isn't even close to fact?

Fact 1: Converting UK cost of Rock Band to US = $328 - that is 94% more than the US RRP.

Fact 2: US Release date: November 20th 2007, UK Release Date for xbox 360: May 23rd

Fact 3: European PS3 and Wii owners have to wait until the end of the summer for release due to xbox exclusivity.

Fact 4: People are indeed up in arms about it, just go look at EA and Rock Band forums and you'll see petitions etc.

3 Facts for you right there. No opinion included there whatsoever.

Here comes the opinion: It's down to EA greed and the fact they don't give a fuck about their customers outside of North America.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
We are rip off Brittan for a reason we pay over the odds for everything compared to USA. Add to that if you import through UPS they charge you £20 for the pleasure and they are allowed to do it makes it worse. We get shafted on everything.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
I found that insulting.

Well you must be insulted pretty easily then tbh!

Fact is that even in the high street these days, you'd really have to be silly to buy something from somewhere at full retail price unless it was in great demand and that's all you can find. That's the only point that was being made there. I know that if I go into HMV, Game, Gamestation or Zavvi here in the UK after release, providing there is plenty stock to go around (which I have no doubt there will be at this price), I can guarantee that I would find it at least a little cheaper than full RRP.

I know of people that walk into one shop and pick up the game they want without even thinking about popping next door to see if it's cheaper, that just honestly makes my mind boggle! :eek7:

You still in Spain? What are highstreet retailers there like?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
What exactly isn't even close to fact?

Fact 1: Converting UK cost of Rock Band to US = $328 - that is 94% more than the US RRP.

Not even going to read another part of your post. If you think this is a reason to stop buying things, you may aswell stop buying everything. That means food, drink, clothes, and a place to live.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Well, whatever the hell the other arguments are about, it is a rip off.

I will have just finished my finals exams by then though.. so I might not care. I'm only after the drums and the game, so its not as bad.. still crap though :S

How much are new consoles these days? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
I was looking forward to rock band as they have a good song line up however i agree it's a rip off.

Good points are i own gh3 on 360 and yes it's the only guitar compatible with rock band :d

Most places are selling the game on it's own for £50, however gamestation have it pre-order for £40 so i guess it's not so bad.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
xbox 360 controllers are free? :rolleyes:

Halo + 3 controllers is half the price anyway :p

(no, let's not turn this into a halo discussion. I just thought the argument somewhere above was 'shallow')


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Good points are i own gh3 on 360 and yes it's the only guitar compatible with rock band :d

I think GH2 and GH3 guitars are compatible with Rockband - you just don't have the effects switch or something.

The rockband guitar isn't compatible with the GH games though :rolleyes:

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