RM - pointless ???



After retired my SB I finally finished my RM sc, respecced, new RAs...

48rc, 24dark..
All stats, skills, resists capped
Purge, MoC

Seems like getting any kinda RvR grp is total waste of time.
Is there any guild that uses RMs in groups?
Darkcarver + dark RM in same grp works nicely together. Tried that whit ralgedi today.

Seems like I'm forced to play SB again, since i don't have any of the following chars:

Why the hell Mythic won't delete all others classes than those four so all of us can get in grp RvR?

Carlos Bananos

pbt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..


>>>> cold debuff.

a runie without pbt is basically useless to a group. so he can do a little dmg...so can a savage.


After spellcraft and groupresist, it isn't funny to DD when opponents have 50+ resists, it's like

230 (-215)
and vs hibs even worse fully buffed.
So debuff is very needed.

You seen many RMs in emain groups lately?


wow grats einstein, you figured this out already?
caster only been whining for like the last 6months

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by salamurhaaja
After spellcraft and groupresist, it isn't funny to DD when opponents have 50+ resists, it's like

230 (-215)
and vs hibs even worse fully buffed.
So debuff is very needed.

You seen many RMs in emain groups lately?

a savage will do as much dmg as a runie, but will have 2x the hp, det, incredible evade, an a load of other overpowered stuff i cba to list.

the _only_ advantage a runie has over a savage is pbt.


So you think RMs have brightning future in rvr then?
Funny that you made savage instead of pbt RM then...

So my darkcarver has nothing to offer in groups in rvr then?
Gr8 !!


arent you the most intelligent person i have ever met? :great:


I feel your pain, i retired my this morning, its slowly become harder and harder to get grp's...even with PBT, i tried respecing for Debuffs and would advertise as a debuffer but no-one wants you.. so i started a Shammy this morning..yuck trolls a fugly!!


Tad slow to pick up on the no mages in mid groups thing aren't you?

Before savages it was zerks. Mages in mids rarely get groups - having been in the game so long thought you'd have noticed by now.

You simply aren't fotm enough to be accepted into a group :/


Originally posted by StormriderX
Tad slow to pick up on the no mages in mid groups thing aren't you?

Before savages it was zerks. Mages in mids rarely get groups - having been in the game so long thought you'd have noticed by now.

You simply aren't fotm enough to be accepted into a group :/
I think I've played too much my SB :(
But I have new RvR-shammy inc.
I don't really wanna roll savage, hopefully I'll get grp rvr whit my shammy then.

P.s. He is only 30 so far.. coming slow but steady.


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
After retired my SB I finally finished my RM sc, respecced, new RAs...

48rc, 24dark..
All stats, skills, resists capped
Purge, MoC

Seems like getting any kinda RvR grp is total waste of time.
Is there any guild that uses RMs in groups?
Darkcarver + dark RM in same grp works nicely together. Tried that whit ralgedi today.

Seems like I'm forced to play SB again, since i don't have any of the following chars:

Why the hell Mythic won't delete all others classes than those four so all of us can get in grp RvR?
Welcome to the world of thanes


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
After retired my SB I finally finished my RM sc, respecced, new RAs...

48rc, 24dark..
All stats, skills, resists capped
Purge, MoC

Seems like getting any kinda RvR grp is total waste of time.
Is there any guild that uses RMs in groups?
Darkcarver + dark RM in same grp works nicely together. Tried that whit ralgedi today.

Seems like I'm forced to play SB again, since i don't have any of the following chars:

Why the hell Mythic won't delete all others classes than those four so all of us can get in grp RvR?
there uber screen shots


Lots of issues are affecting all casters right now, but I doubt much will be done about it, going by the way Mythic normally patch. Usually the biggest whines on VNboards seem to get the attention. Sadly, right now on the Midgard boards the players there couldn't give a crap about any class but those four you mentioned. Why do I say this?

Read the thread titled Determination Discussion. There, the RvR team lead is looking at ways to improve a casters lot in RvR, alog with Hunters Thanes ect. One of the 'suggestions' he has made was to reduce Det, so that casters have a marginally better chance of participating in RvR - and then read all the flak, hatred and aggressive responses.

Most of the players who posted there probably have Savages or Healers, I think, and as you see, most think Casters are about where they should be - RP fodder. Some even suggest that casters are still too overpowered, and probably would still do if casters had 1hp 1mp and the ability to equip armour removed. I gave up in the end with non of them refusing to budge an inch or even follow the initial post properly (that RAs Resists ect concerns would be addressed blah blah), instead preferring to look big an clever before their peers by joining the TL bashing, turning it into a farcical thread.

And these are normally the players Mythic listen to.


Originally posted by Aussie-
wow grats einstein, you figured this out already?
caster only been whining for like the last 6months

i.... agree Oo


well im new to this game and i wont say anything about the savage nerfinging(probaly ok but dont know the game enough yet).
But still iff u look at like a RvR game u cant really be complaining about "useless" classes not getting grp ...
i couldn't care less aout whom i would get into grp with (when i hit the big magic 50 that is nessesaru top RvR), butt still.....
I'm one off your FOTM's ive rolled a savage for my first char, but hey if they get nerf in a manner that they get inplayable i would not keep whining about it -i would just keep playing if i found that fun, or just roll a new char.
sorry to say but ppl on this board whine way to much - and that goes for all the realms!!


Originally posted by TunFiskeMad
sorry to say but ppl on this board whine way to much - and that goes for all the realms!!
We know ;). But the whines just doesn't stop :p.


Embrace random groups or just accept you're not overpowered any more, eat your slice of humble pie and play your fucking shadowblade.


The last debuff aint a waste, combined with a supp rm and a dark rm in a group along with 2 healers 1 shammy 1 skald and a warrior.

You have a great Group, mabey not as good as a savage group but still its a group _worth_ playing.

yesterday we had this setup in Odin's and we did very nice aslong as people are assisting each other.. We died once to superior numbers but killede lots of FG's of both hibs and albs random groups and guild groups.

As a dark rm assisting a dark carver.. my nukes never goes under 500, and most of time they are around 700. Often make crits close to 1000 dmg. and the darkcarver does around same dmg but with more variance.

I know a group like this are pretty fucked if we get CC'ed but mids CC classes are nice so we avoided it and when we finally was CC'ed we mangede to survive anyway.

And we was a "random" group, no guild not alliance just some classes i thing works great together.

And most of all we had fun... :)

Anyway as a mid; I say NERF savages... To hell and back plz.


Just try and make your own groups, just because it's not the current standard doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Try and get some friends together and try different tactics.
For example my good friend Domain recently dinged rr10 and he managed to be in EVERY type of group, tank groups, mage groups just because he has proven time and again he's invaluable to the group. And he asks people who know this to group with him, no-one has ever complained about him being in a tank group afaik.

Just try and find your thing and build upon it with friends, try it out in non zergy places to get good at it. Try and avoid being the first target (which is usually the hardest part) and find a safe place to debuff nuke from, also try to get another mage to assist you and you'll see how fast you can get a tank down with those debuffs.

Mages are far from as useless as they say they are. Just because people find some classes more attractive doesn't mean you can't use them. People are starting to think wardens are less useful nowadays than a 2nd druid so it's up to wardens to prove that they can add more to the group than that 2nd druid could. (which usually constitutes as being a funnier groupmember :))

Play what you want, not what everyone thinks you should play, and show them why the hell the class is more useful than they think it is.


Originally posted by Aussie-
arent you the most intelligent person i have ever met? :great:
Thank god we aren't in same realm.
Originally posted by Gorb
Welcome to the world of thanes
Sinäkin brutukseni. Kai se silti on thane>rm?
Originally posted by loxleyhood
Embrace random groups or just accept you're not overpowered any more, eat your slice of humble pie and play your fucking shadowblade.
Didn't know that I was overpowered whit my RM when I played him last time like a year ago.
I standed 45minutes last night mtk emain trying to get in any random RvR group. Doesn't even help that I have buffbot to buff up people.

I thought all infils/scouts would be happy to see me retire my sb.
Lately lots of you wanted to see me back in RvR :)


ralg, humakt and all you other closet-casters: lets make a semi-perma rm group imo :)


Originally posted by Arnor
ralg, humakt and all you other closet-casters: lets make a semi-perma rm group imo :)

Would Love that more then anything :)

I know that Kalba probaly will like to be our shammy :)


Originally posted by arrakeen
The last debuff aint a waste, combined with a supp rm and a dark rm in a group along with 2 healers 1 shammy 1 skald and a warrior.

You have a great Group, mabey not as good as a savage group but still its a group _worth_ playing.

yesterday we had this setup in Odin's and we did very nice aslong as people are assisting each other.. We died once to superior numbers but killede lots of FG's of both hibs and albs random groups and guild groups.

As a dark rm assisting a dark carver.. my nukes never goes under 500, and most of time they are around 700. Often make crits close to 1000 dmg. and the darkcarver does around same dmg but with more variance.

I know a group like this are pretty fucked if we get CC'ed but mids CC classes are nice so we avoided it and when we finally was CC'ed we mangede to survive anyway.

And we was a "random" group, no guild not alliance just some classes i thing works great together.

And most of all we had fun... :)

Anyway as a mid; I say NERF savages... To hell and back plz.


we had very fun last night Ralgedi, too bad the TB group spotted us when we tried to hide from them in the last battle, i think that if we had taken em from behind we would have stand a fair chance to gank all of em.

But then again as TB are very high RR it's quite much to expect from our group at that time, but as u said It was really fun to perform as good as we did.




Originally posted by Arnor
ralg, humakt and all you other closet-casters: lets make a semi-perma rm group imo :)

Give me a shout then lads.


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