Ritual lays off EF2 team



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Only two days after it was announced that Star Trek Elite Force II had gone gold, GameSpy has found out that the majority of the Elite Force II team was laid off at Ritual. Sources alerted GameSpy to the layoffs and Tom Mustaine, vice president and director of development at Ritual, confirmed it:

"As most people know, Ritual Entertainment recently finished Star Trek: Elite Force II, a game we are all tremendously proud to have developed. We had three very engaging projects lined up for the team, but unfortunately, none of them came to actual fruition. We found ourselves unable to maintain multiple AAA teams and were forced to release some of the most gifted game developers back into the industry's talent pool.
Ritual continues to focus on our other two AAA titles: Counter-Strike for the Xbox and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero for the PC, both due out later this year."

All those people who made the sequel to my favo game.... gone, we wont even have a chance to thank the complete team when we have played the game... :sex: It also looks like they kinda got ´dumped´ by the management, dont know if they will ever be on ritualistic boards again .... Wish them Good luck in the future .... I am sure they all did a great job and its a bloody shame it had to end like this

What will happen when patches are needed? If a big part of the team is gone... that can take ages (maybe they even need specific information of the people who left) :wall:
What will happen with the ´community support´ you promised, if there are only a few left... :wall:


Well I suppose they finished the game and that's all ritual hired them for, alough it sucks monkey nutz thats the way it goes.

I agree, ritual may have shot themselves in the foot over this one. But noone releases a game expecting a patch so they probably dont think so :(



They always patch PC games very soon as they come out. Cos MP problems only show up after many thousands of players use it. So does this look as the MP side of the game is just a tack on? So we can just bugger off then. I'm getting it just for MP, SP games don't interest me. So no Unreal2 or Doom3 for me.

Not feeling very good

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