Ripped off - Bracer of Sight



Not gonna name any names.. oh go on then! (Sulthak - Legion of Darkness) just wondered if any of you had been in a situation like i was yesterday.

Anyway, i had a message from a necromancer in lyonesse asking if i would like to buy a rare bracer.

So he told me the stats,

Deathsight Perfection Bracer. LvL 41

Cold 8%
Deathsight 8
Power 1

He told me - and i wish i had logged this tbh - that i would never find another bracer like it, and its being sold for 1 Platinum.

I told him no thanks and continued to exp. He sent me another message assuring me that i wouldnt find another necro bracer like this - but he said it was my choice.

About 5 minutes later i messaged him back and told him i would buy it for 1 platinum. He said i could also buy the Painworking Bracer with the Deathsight Bracer for 1.5 platinum. I told him id just like to buy the Deathsight Bracer... so i did, met him at the pikes and exchanged coin for item. I asked him what mobs they dropped off, and said if he told me he would have to kill me - he had swore to secrecey. Didnt bother me, didnt think anything of it. I got the rare bracer and was happy.

Doing alittle research online today about these bracers, and it seems these bracers drop off the Telemons... And they aint rare, they drop like any normal drop. So, i logged on, went into lyonesse and in 20 minutes i got 2 bracer drops, same stats, same quality, exactly the same.

So, have i been ripped off?

I messaged him today and confronted him with my findings..

He says he never found the drop in Lyonesse, he says they are still rare, and will not refund my 1 plat. Seemed to get very defense about it all. Anyway, thats 1 plat of my hard earned money down the shitter on 1 lousy bracer that drops like bird muck.

So, just a warning... be careful who you do dealings with eh?


yes you where ripped off

no there not rare ( have 2 pain 1 sight myself ) just very good for a necro.


I just feel like if this is the attitude that players use in game when trading items, we are going to get no where. Were supposed to support eachother as a realm, and help eachother out. If theres a bracer or a ring and someone asks you where you got it i think people should just tell them, egg em on to get the best items they can for there classes, it all helps in them RvR raids.

Its a damn shame he did this. Please be careful when trading, take this as a warning :(


Yep sounds like you where ripped off.
Sorry for you, 1 plat is alot.

Ofcourse, its not to smart to buy an item that you dont know here it drops for 1 plat from a guy you dont know.
Next time you might wanne check with your guild/alliance or the web before paying.


well, someone got too nerf that bracer imo.


Tut tut.

Shall we all badmouth LoD now? :D

OMG...LoD suck! Fucking...suckers! Always sucking.

Carry on!



That's indeed lame. That's why I don't like it when people post their drops here just for sale (of sometimes insane amounts) while they are huntable (and some even very common)


i understand it sux being ripped off, but take a look at it this way, he wanted to make money and he offered it to you. It was 100% your choice whether or not to accept his offer so in a way it's kinda your fault.

they just show you the basket of candy, putting your hand in to get it is a totally different story


yes i understand that it was my choice to trade with im. i understand that i made a huge mistake.

Hit ^_^

Originally posted by gunZ-
i understand it sux being ripped off, but take a look at it this way, he wanted to make money and he offered it to you. It was 100% your choice whether or not to accept his offer so in a way it's kinda your fault.

they just show you the basket of candy, putting your hand in to get it is a totally different story
my words exactly. sometimes you lose sometimes you dont :)


unless its from a dragon/legion/sidi no drop in this game is worth more than 500g and only then if its something you have been chasing for awhile...

i remember vile trying to sell me a ring for 1plat recently, its just not worth it...



Please contact me ingame (I'll be on later this evening). If I am not on, then please contact Kirennia/Kirenni,Filthius or Addums. I'm sorry if you feel you have been ripped off, but this matter could have been dealt with in game if you'd taken the time to contact one of the LoD officers. I've not heard Sulthak's side of events so Im not going to comment here. All I will say is that if it turns out you have been ripped off then I can assure you you will get your money returned or a fair deal struck.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yes you were ripped off, yes it was your fault for falling for it, yes you should have discussed it with an officer from LoD. But I for one am glad of the info so I can stick this guy on my list of ppl to avoid :)



Grrrr! Start slagging LoD! Use BW for it's purpose...baseless flaming and mudslinging!



I am in no way slagging off LoD. The people that i have met from the LoD guild have all been very nice. Grouped with a few at times.

I posted this because i wanted feedback on if i had been ripped off, and i wanted to warn people of this person, and other people that will go to any length to do the same.

Please stop posting 'your fault blah blah'

That was the first thing that came into my head when i read up about this bracer.


Under no circumstances must anyone post a reply on this thread offering Kan some Pygmy Death Beads for 1plat.

Aule Valar

o f course not that would be wrong, by the way got an uber rare drop, oversized pygmy xbow, 1.5 plat
you'll have to give me 10 mins to go to lyon and kill a few gobbos before its ready though ;)


Sorry you're out of luck. I sold all my Death Beads to members of GoL for 750g a pop. :)


It wouldn't take you that long to log out and check the item up on any of the sites listing them all, might want to consider that first in future.

Very few drops sell for that sort of money, specially with SC now, only drops from epic mobs usually sell for a plat or more.


Pygmy death beads av been selling for that much ? WOW :p i sell mine to merchant i got 2-4gp's "cant remember"

as for the necro bracer thing.. yes you got a bad deal . but as many have said , you didnt have to buy it , and tbh if i had a item i would obviously try get as much as i can for it . if the buyer is willing to part with his gold then so be it . its not as if i would be forcing him to buy it :9,

the guy is question is a v nice guy "Many of you guys know him well" , he just tried get a good amount of cash for an item . you cant blame him for getting the best deal he could .if people posted on here everytime they well overpaid on items. the forums would be full ,

but anyways., you jokin about the pygmy death beads prices ? cos i gonna go farm em if they sell for that much :p they got bad mods imo

Cap'n Sissyfoo

LoD SUCK ASS! Royally so! They suck ass like a big...ass sucking...thing! ~suck suck suckity suck suck~

They suck so much that black holes get sucked into THEM!

Urm...why am I flaming them again?

Apathy's minion!



rofl i sold those bracers for 200g. and actually took money since i got like 60 gold left on kroll at the certain point.

Qte Eth

uve got item ,he got money ,u both agreed for a deal ,so i think its only your fault in accepting such deal, altho a mistake is quite big
but if i trade for smth which cost noticeble money for me ill find out it price before a trade from different ppl


Originally posted by Jiggs
i remember vile trying to sell me a ring for 1plat recently, its just not worth it...

Knowing Vile, it was propably Slith's Tail ;)


Always hard pricing drops when they are brand new, and no doubt alot of insanely high (& low) prices are set and traded for during the initial period of uncertainty. Soon enough market value, rarity, stats and just habit will set a price-region for fixed drops.

Until then unless you want to stick your neck out my advice is to not buy anything for any larger amounts, its possible it is extremely rare and underestimated by it's owner but being fairly new it's more likely something he picked up randomly/luckily/easily. Even if he won't tell where it tends to be deductable or common info eventually.

No doubt did you pay too much, but as of his intentions of "conning" you? Well maybe a bit suspicious that he chose to PM you instead of auction it publically, but the stats are very good and based on them strictly the price isn't entirely insane as you obviously agreed to it.


i sold tilda the mammal necro cloak for 100g

hehe maybe i should have stuck out for more!

(but the dam things are stuffing up my vault)

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