*Ring Ring* whats that noise?

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Yes Ardamels you are hypocrite.... we all know that and im enjoying so much pointing it out...

Quote Ardamels :
"The reason we haven't come is that we want to have some nice keep battles in albion before we take it back. But it seems albs are already weary with keep defense... Albs often fail to grab keeps in Midgard, we rarely ever fail to grab keeps in alb. In short, you dont deserve to have any relics We don't do half-arsed like you, when we come we come prepared and yes it will definitely be prime time."
Quote end.

Prime time 8:00 AM Cet time
63bs online in all server shows 551 online in all
all i can say is PRIME TIME.


This wasn't Ardamels raid, as he stated only raiding on primetime raids.. so?


Originally posted by brommix
Yes Ardamels you are hypocrite.... we all know that and im enjoying so much pointing it out...

Quote Ardamels :
"The reason we haven't come is that we want to have some nice keep battles in albion before we take it back. But it seems albs are already weary with keep defense... Albs often fail to grab keeps in Midgard, we rarely ever fail to grab keeps in alb. In short, you dont deserve to have any relics We don't do half-arsed like you, when we come we come prepared and yes it will definitely be prime time."
Quote end.

Prime time 8:00 AM Cet time
63bs online in all server shows 551 online in all
all i can say is PRIME TIME.

I sense much anger in you, young padawan :)

P.S I lub you too :wub:


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
Rather be a zergling than having no honor

to each his own.

but how does honor correlates with gimpness?

Jarahl Valinor

Honor means all, one might not be very good at what he does, but as long as people think it, who would know then?



if all Albs were as honorable as you, Alb RvR population would be lower by 22% of current number, to be equal with Mid one.

and i wont even speak about Hib RvR population....

42% alb
33% mid
25% hib

Jarahl Valinor

Originally posted by Haldar

if all Albs were as honorable as you, Alb RvR population would be lower by 22% of current number, to be equal with Mid one.

and i wont even speak about Hib RvR population....

42% alb
33% mid
25% hib

Where did you get those numbers anyways? You said Duskwave, but I was under the impression that Duskwave was broken atm? Anyways, Im not a zerger, KoP cant hardly muster 2fgs anyways ;)


Originally posted by Jarahl Valinor
Where did you get those numbers anyways? You said Duskwave, but I was under the impression that Duskwave was broken atm? Anyways, Im not a zerger, KoP cant hardly muster 2fgs anyways ;)

seen it on duskwave when it was online...it was before install of 1.63 here, ~2 months ago, when i still had my BB :(

i doubt those figures have changed much.

Jarahl Valinor

Prolly not, well anyways, time for mids to be paranoia every weekend, watch out, cus those Str relics will be back at albion hands where they belong :D


42% alb
33% mid
25% hib

So.. does that mean that, until all servers are exactly 33,333%, it´s the perfect excuse for alarm clock raids? :)
And if numbers are that important when it comes to taking and defending relics, why on earth are the crappy 25% of Hib´s able to defend 50% of all available relics? I know, Albs and Mids don´t bother taking them because they can´t defend them, but if they did, I`m sure Hibs would take them back, even with inferior numbers.

Get me right here, I`m not complaining about this raid. It´s ok to RR at 7 AM because this is a 24/7 game bla bla bla. And of course it´s ok to ignore inter realm treaties because "I didn´t sign anything" bla bla bla. And it´s ok to point at Duskwave numbers. So, well done Mids, grats on this raid.

However... the interesting question is: What´s the point of taking and defending relics if - apparently - it´s possible for every side to take them back whenever they want? Realm population is nobody´s fault. Everybody is free to chose the realm he wants to play. But the fact, that taking relics at any time and without any resistance is, in my opinion, a major flaw in the gamedesign and - in the long run - is spoiling the entire RvR aspect. Because why should we bother taking relics or defending them, when they´re most probably will be gone tomorrow morning anyways? "Mise well farm RP´s in Emain, am I right?"
You get the idea :)

Jarahl Valinor

Originally posted by thorwyntf
So.. does that mean that, until all servers are exactly 33,333%, it´s the perfect excuse for alarm clock raids? :)
And if numbers are that important when it comes to taking and defending relics, why on earth are the crappy 25% of Hib´s able to defend 50% of all available relics? I know, Albs and Mids don´t bother taking them because they can´t defend them, but if they did, I`m sure Hibs would take them back, even with inferior numbers.

Get me right here, I`m not complaining about this raid. It´s ok to RR at 7 AM because this is a 24/7 game bla bla bla. And of course it´s ok to ignore inter realm treaties because "I didn´t sign anything" bla bla bla. And it´s ok to point at Duskwave numbers. So, well done Mids, grats on this raid.

However... the interesting question is: What´s the point of taking and defending relics if - apparently - it´s possible for every side to take them back whenever they want? Realm population is nobody´s fault. Everybody is free to chose the realm he wants to play. But the fact, that taking relics at any time and without any resistance is, in my opinion, a major flaw in the gamedesign and - in the long run - is spoiling the entire RvR aspect. Because why should we bother taking relics or defending them, when they´re most probably will be gone tomorrow morning anyways? "Mise well farm RP´s in Emain, am I right?"
You get the idea :)

Cracking my head atm to remember who actually come up with a pretty decent idea, something with having the guard amount rising along with fewer people online in the realm... Whow as that ffs :( Kagato or something?

Molten Lava


Omg I guess we will have those 10% mids that recently left Midgard now going back to Middyland......good it got to crowded in Albion lately anyway....

Really pathetic of mids do to do, luckily I got an alarm-clock for X-mas so I will be taking the relics solo next week on 05.30 (according to the stats the time with least people online)

Mids - Fu! :)


Cracking my head atm to remember who actually come up with a pretty decent idea, something with having the guard amount rising along with fewer people online in the realm... Whow as that ffs Kagato or something?

Yeah, this has been discussed before. It would certainly be a step into the right direction, although I doubt that you can "emulate" proper defence with NPC`s. A mob is a mob and will die like a mob, even at 4 AM. :)


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Yeah, this has been discussed before. It would certainly be a step into the right direction, although I doubt that you can "emulate" proper defence with NPC`s. A mob is a mob and will die like a mob, even at 4 AM. :)

Just get like x5 cuuldurachs + "normal" guard spawn at 4 AM, should prove challenging ^^


To the complete and utter idiots who say albs have more population and use that as an excuse for morning raids:

ALBION CAN DO MORNING RAIDS TOO... and guess what happens then, 250 albs in mjollnir and only 3 savages in mid online.

But i guess we'll try keep our dignity.

However, today midgard lost the right to whine.

Never ever shall any midgard player whine about login raids again.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
Never ever shall any midgard player whine about login raids again.


You think that, the rest of us knows they will indeed whine when it comes to it ^^


cba readin all whines .

all i gotta say is you wont be keeping them for long . you know it . and hibs know it . Albs are commin for your relics .

you mids RE-STARTED alarm clock raids so dont whinge when we take them back regardless of wether it be primetime or early/late night .

i dont even think mids were doing to bad without relics.. but o well back to the dark ages of the server when ALARM clock raids are gonna be a weekly/daily/fortnightly occurance.

and tbh imo a well planned well executed raid can pwn any population.

/em waits for influx of mids who return to game now they got relics back... and as soon as they lose em again (which will be soon) they all leave game again :)

mids suck plain n simple starting the alarm clock raids again

as for somebody saying above about alb spys in mid. i can name at least 2 V HIGH RR mids in prominant mid rvr guilds whome STILL play alb excal also.

if albs had spys in mid dont ya think we would to been ready n waiting with a zerg for you at excal ?


To Middy's

Get readdy to be zerged like hell allover

To Hibbies

See you guys again when we have taken relics back


cus those Str relics will be back at albion hands where they belong

imo with such numbers u dont need them :p

27% more Albs than Mids is still more than +20% to damage for mids :p

So.. does that mean that, until all servers are exactly 33,333%, it´s the perfect excuse for alarm clock raids?

dont care about all servers, excal is enough for me.

and if there were 40% Mids on Excal, i'd surely promore prime-time only RRs too :p as in primetime raids realm with most manpower has the advantage

and i already told about power ones. They are more use to hibs than mids or albs, due to more powerful mage class(es) of Hibernia (read: ench). So it is natural that Mid and Alb cares more about melee than magic.

Cracking my head atm to remember who actually come up with a pretty decent idea, something with having the guard amount rising along with fewer people online in the realm...

good idea!

a mob is a mob, but a tough mob is a tough mob nevertheless.

1 uberguard (they are 73-76 lvl afaik) for 1 extra enemy 8-10 ppl would be fine imo.


Haldar, get it through your thick skull that albion can do non-primetime raids too, mkay?

Population numbers are totally irrelevant, midgard has more than enough numbers to do a primetime raid.

Take a lesson what Kilgorde did, it's easy to wear down a realm's defense by raiding them over and over again and forcing them to defend... albs did it to mid and we WILL do the same thing again, until you *again* see 150 albs on bled and all mid alliances say "it's just albs farming RP's"...


Radar, window dragging, Savages, this isn't a Fuggen Wierd Eastern european holy War, we are ciivillised people here. U ALL SUK, we don't give a shit about how many Midds, how many ALbs in prime-time, we Worked thru MANY raids, most LD raids and it took us 6 months to get those relics. Grrrrrr

Who organised this raid, And who Set there Alarms ? Do me a favour, goto Work on Monday, when your mates ask you what you did at the weekend, I Want u to say:

"Well Friday nite, I went to bed early and set the alarm for mmm 4am, So I could be a ghey geek, and raid some virtual relic in our enemies land. Then I was fucked all day Saturday, because Woke up at 4 am."

Gooseneck Vigilante MOFO guerilla pricks.


Haldar, get it through your thick skull that albion can do non-primetime raids too, mkay?

i understand perfectly that u can do morning raid too. i dont give a flying fart 'bout it, k? try it. pingpong is better than complete albion dominance.

Population numbers are totally irrelevant, midgard has more than enough numbers to do a primetime raid.

brilliant..u are so clever...skull doesnt hurt?

Take a lesson what Kilgorde did, it's easy to wear down a realm's defense by raiding them over and over again and forcing them to defend... albs did it to mid and we WILL do the same thing again, until you *again* see 150 albs on bled and all mid alliances say "it's just albs farming RP's"...

good tactic too.

but i beleive that _any_ tactic is justified. period.


Originally posted by Haldar

but i beleive that _any_ tactic is justified. period.

You came into our house and burgled it while we were asleep, you should all be arrested. I pity the fool sharing a cell with ZZang!!!
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