"right to die" card


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
just been reading this (beeb)

and i honestly cant work out if its a good or bad thing, wasnt sure if anyone had any thoughts, and i know its a very prickly issue, as can be seen by the comments on the page.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'd carry that, but I'd want to have a list of very specific circumstances on the back; e.g. Persistent Vegitative State, gonna end up like Christopher Reeve etc.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
I think the right to go out/die on your own terms is something that should be at least an option, agree with DaGaffer about specific circumstances though.

It is unlikely to ever happen here though, too many bible bashers are happy to keep playing the 'you will go to hell' as its considered suicide :(


Dec 22, 2003
Its actually very misleading how this has been done in the press.

We have ALWAYS had the right to refuse medical treatment. That said, often in the situations such as PVS you may not get a chance to refuse treatment before it happens, so this card just makes your wishes clear so that if that happens, you've effectivly already refused treatment.

its not all a good thing though, if you're in a coma and have a refused treatment card, this includes artificial nutrition, so basically you end up starving to death.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
My mother died back in '92, she collapsed at work and was conscious for 2 days, and then she was 'asleep' for 5 weeks b4 she died, in which time she was subjected to various 'life saving' operations that as a consequence, if she had survived would have left her needing 24/7 care. She was a strong believer in 'quality of life' and had always remarked that if ever she was going to be in a vegetative condition that she would want us to switch the machines off, we never had to make that decision for her, but although she was in a coma, I felt she was aware of the conversations going on around her and I felt she let her self go, knowing what she would probably have to look forward to

It is a very tricky subject, and i probably would carry one too, but as DaGaffer has pointed out, there would be a list of specific's, but how long would that list have to be for you to be sure its what you want. Lots of 'if's' and 'but's' me thinks.......


Dec 26, 2003
We have ALWAYS had the right to refuse medical treatment.

Not really - medical staff tend to override the patients wishes if they dont see them as a good idea for them medically in emergency situations - the card would be useless without someone there to threaten them with legal action.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'd carry that, but I'd want to have a list of very specific circumstances on the back; e.g. Persistent Vegitative State, gonna end up like Christopher Reeve etc.

"Carrying the card alerts anyone who finds it that the patient has made decisions about treatment, and there is a detailed statement to be found with named relatives or friends and, ideally, their GP"


Dec 22, 2003
Not really - medical staff tend to override the patients wishes if they dont see them as a good idea for them medically in emergency situations - the card would be useless without someone there to threaten them with legal action.

Thats not strictly true, there are many occasions where people refuse, while you're right that its harder to figure out if someones refusing if you're doing CPR, once you figure out they're refusing they should stop.
Having said that, I get the impression this card is far more aimed at the people who for whatever reason end up in a coma/PVS etc where the card would be very important and I am certain Dr's would that that on board.
It might not stop people doing cpr on you, but I think it certainly would make them switch the machines off


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
About time tbfh.

Although what's kind of annoying is how some people have found it offensive when i've said that i'd rather kick the bucket than be a vegetable.

I seriously think that not only will I be costing the NHS more cash to support someone who can only sit there and drool and plus I would never ever want to have myself in that position.

Last person I said that to completely flipped out saying how i'm an ignorant **** for it - It's not like I said "Oh let's kill all of these people", I simply said i'd rather die than be like that, so somehow this translates into wanting to kill the rest of these people? Oo

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