Rezzing people conditionally is not good.



Last night I was playing DAOC on Albion.

I was helping some guy with an Epic quest (actually I helped 2 people with epic quests last night)

anyway, there was 8 of us and were pulling mobs and everything went well.

Then we went for the boss and a bunch of other mobs came and wiped out the whole group.

So, we were lying there dead..
This other character comes up and says that she'll rezz us IF we give her the special drop that the boss has.

Of course we all released, as that was a ridiculous thing to say.

MY cleric will rezz anyone he sees that is dead, I'll even msg the rest of the grp to hold a pull so I can rezz someone nearby.

I certainly don't expect some reward, nor would I ask for it.

IMO, this is not very friendly behaviour.

Hell, we may of even helped her get what she wanted if she asked after, but putting a coindition on a rezz is just out of order.


Originally posted by greenfingers
what was the clerics name ?

I didn't get it, but one of the other peeps in the group did.
He also said he'd report her to her guild.

I hope he does, I'll ask him tonight when I go online.

It wasn't a cleric tho.


In BG0 i've ran to this too many times. People rez only those who are grouped with them, and saying "Well i don't see the dead guy right under my nose" isn't quite kosher.

One time i managed to get inside CK and died of a nasty DoT..damn you albs and your doubledots...

So i proceed the well learned path of getting my ass of the tundra:

/who aber(or whatever the name is)

Hmm..there's a healer.

/send booboo "Near CK?"

Booboo sends: "Yes actually."

/send booboo: "Mind running inside and giving me a rez?"

Booboo sends: "Not at all."

2 mins pass and poof, i'm up and sitting(after know..har)

I give Booboo 2g.

There are good healers around, there are selfish bastards around so wheneveri meet a brave soul i reward it.

EDIT: No..the guy wasn't named booboo :p


In bgs i have the attitude only to rez/heal/buff those in my group and ignore everyone else. Healers dont exactly have lots of power during and after fights, so i only rez those in my group, and perhaps another rezzer or 2 outside. But in pve thats stupid, good thing i play in mid, where people are friendly.


Originally posted by Tasans
But in pve thats stupid, good thing i play in mid, where people are friendly.

Well, after saying that.
This is the first time this has happened to me since I started playing last year around May.
So it's not like it's a common occurence.

But it was such a surprise to me when it DID happen, I decided to whine about it here.


Originally posted by Tasans
In bgs i have the attitude only to rez/heal/buff those in my group and ignore everyone else.

Just a quick question, not judging your choices even if i find it to be bitchassslap to a preverbial face when healers don't ress..but...

If you have full pow, you see someone (caster, fighter) dead by himself on the ground on your way to the CK(par example) you rez then?


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Just a quick question, not judging your choices even if i find it to be bitchassslap to a preverbial face when healers don't ress..but...

If you have full pow, you see someone (caster, fighter) dead by himself on the ground on your way to the CK(par example) you rez then?

Healers dont exactly have lots of power during and after fights, so i only rez those in my group, and perhaps another rezzer or 2 outside

So when i see the random wtfpwnd sb or rm spamming me with heals plz or pom plz, they get instantly ignored. Or someone who just charged a zerg and is now spamming with rez. With full pow i rez when someone dies in front of me, or even better i give them a small heal, or cure poison so that they dont die, but thats rare since i find myself in front of the mids trying to mez anyone who comes near.


Ah, ok. Was just wondering was it more of the spammage that bothered you or were you just being a selfish group-bitch. Nevermind then :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Ah, ok. Was just wondering was it more of the spammage that bothered you or were you just being a selfish group-bitch. Nevermind then :p

Ignoring healers bothers me the most, since we dont get anything when outside of a group. And then when the persons who said "no, solo" spam me with heal/rez/buff requests tends to piss me off.


Actually, I remember a long time ago, we were fighting boulderlings near prydwen bridge.

We were trying to get a tank to join our group.
This merc said he would join us if we paid him 10 gp.

Naturally we refused.

So, it's not just rezzers that are guilty of this sort of thing.
But as I said earlier, it is very rare.


Originally posted by Tasans
Ignoring healers bothers me the most, since we dont get anything when outside of a group. And then when the persons who said "no, solo" spam me with heal/rez/buff requests tends to piss me off.

That's is also true..


Lol the same thing happened to me at alb/pryd, we asked a merc to join and he wanted to get payed. Some people take roleplaying way to seriously.
The funny part is that later we made a kickass group, killing those undead things at the broken bridge at salis, and the merc asked to join. We refused him instantly :p


Originally posted by baphomet
Actually, I remember a long time ago, we were fighting boulderlings near prydwen bridge.

We were trying to get a tank to join our group.
This merc said he would join us if we paid him 10 gp.

Naturally we refused.

So, it's not just rezzers that are guilty of this sort of thing.
But as I said earlier, it is very rare.

There's the possiblity that the merc may have been roleplaying as such, if this was the case then he did as a mercenary should.

Unless of course he answered with "only if u gifv 10g", then um, he probably wasn't, then again, he mighta been roleplaying an illiterate mercenary, and 10 gold at boulderlings? piffle, the going rate is only 50 silver for pre-level 10 mercs :eek:

edit, Although Prydwen not being a true roleplaying server I'd probably have sent a pm just to mention about payment being roleplayed etc if they didn't want to actually pay, Quite a crude way of dealing with things ooc but if it's the only way to get groups and maintain the merc persona, so be it i suppose.

Gerta Ugbash

I'm blown away by that kind of attitude. If I see a man Down I immediately begin with the rezzin. If I run out of mana there goes the MCL, and if that ain't enough I park my butt and wait for mana. If I have ever left a man down and there has been no-risk to myself I appologise, but if I can rez and Frigg and if I can spare, buff.
This sums me up as a whole though, if I can help a fellow gamer I will.


Originally posted by baphomet
That's is also true..
Clerics can leech rps with smite, it doesnt make any difference how much you do to the other guy, since you always get 1 rp if you have damaged him. Healers cant leech.
My best bg experience was with a cleric in pryd, since i was the only cleric there, i was treated nicely,and always got a group when asked. Being rejuv/enh helped too :)


Originally posted by Tasans
Clerics can leech rps with smite, it doesnt make any difference how much you do to the other guy, since you always get 1 rp if you have damaged him. Healers cant leech.
My best bg experience was with a cleric in pryd, since i was the only cleric there, i was treated nicely,and always got a group when asked. Being rejuv/enh helped too :)

Well, I'm also a REjuv cleric (with a little smite and a pretty good Enhanc)
Whilst it's true if I go with my guild or previously organise to join a group, no problem.
But it's tough to get a group otherwise.
I realise it's because I'm lvl 46..but really...I think it's pretty crap you gotta max out your lvls to be able to get a group, especially when you're a cleric.
Especially since everyone is whining about how few clerics play RvR.


If they are whining ,maybe they should stop running with a bot stuck up their arse and help them xp. I have a bot, i use him extensively with my non-group friendly chars (read sb and hunter), but i drop him if i find a group. Also the bot has become a life saver in guild hunts, being the only rezzer standing :)


Tohtori is evil. She is trying to establish a pay for rezz system.

2g today, 1 Mithril tommorow.



Originally posted by Tasans
Also the bot has become a life saver in guild hunts, being the only rezzer standing :)

FFS well if the FFS tanks would FFS protect the FFS healers then the FFS buffbot wouldn't be FFS needed.


Ahem. :p


Regarding the original situation, give some thought to this. The Cleric comes along to get a drop from a named mob, and if he rezzes you then that means you will kill it and he won't get the drop. So he'd in fact be shooting himself in the foot. Yes that could very well be considered a coldhearted way of looking at things, but no more so then "we were here first, our mob, you sit here and wait 1hr for repop". Now him demanding the drop might be the wrong way about it, but surely the deal sounds pretty ok to me, he gets what he is after and you get what you are after.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by baphomet
Actually, I remember a long time ago, we were fighting boulderlings near prydwen bridge.

We were trying to get a tank to join our group.
This merc said he would join us if we paid him 10 gp.

Naturally we refused.

So, it's not just rezzers that are guilty of this sort of thing.
But as I said earlier, it is very rare.

Maybe he was role playing a merc. :p


Originally posted by old.Osy
Tohtori is evil. She is trying to establish a pay for rezz system.

2g today, 1 Mithril tommorow.


Wha..the...huh?! She? Who? :eek7:

But thanks for calling me evul :p

Aule Valar

they are mainly talking about something called pve jiggs, without mids and hibs, and generally not zerging :p


Personaly in BG I prefer to just relase, than get a rezz (unless i die at TK) I find it easier to release and sit on pad waiting for port, than to stand about in bg with rezz sick and about 10hp unable to do anything...

Though all my shaman alts always rezzed any dead i saw, even though they were full cave speced..


Originally posted by Vell
FFS well if the FFS tanks would FFS protect the FFS healers then the FFS buffbot wouldn't be FFS needed.

Ahem. :p

Awwww you miss me


Of course we miss you Yaruar dear, now stop being such a lazy fat dwarf and get to 50!


Originally posted by Vell
Of course we miss you Yaruar dear, now stop being such a lazy fat dwarf and get to 50!

heh like that's ever going to happen...

I must be the only player who's been playing since 1st day full release who hasn't got a lvl 50 yet :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.yaruar
heh like that's ever going to happen...

I must be the only player who's been playing since 1st day full release who hasn't got a lvl 50 yet :rolleyes:

sorry to disapoint you, I don´t have a 50 yet either ;)
(been playing since 7th of jan 2002 ;)) so way before retail also ;)

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