Returning to Alb...



Try a saracen Cleric, if nice RA's u might be able to heal when ganked on. If you are going rejuv that is :).


Roll a rejuv friar and play in groups with it. A good healer and with the resistbuffs u will be popular :). Only use staff when not healing. To many melee friars out the there now :eek:.


Originally posted by Danamyr

4. Caster: This is the biggie. I definately want to roll a caster. I was chatting with a friend yesterday who suggested that a Briton caster was the favoured choice now, and virtually no-one rolls Avalonians anymore. Are Britons viable as casters? I'd prefer a straight nuker/bolter to be honest, rather than a Cabbie/Theurg etc. Which is the way to go? Earth/Ice or Fire?

Fgs, just don´t make a tall aveloninan ! my wiz was my first char, Tall avelninan.... but if u think RvR wise.... make a short briton they don´t get taget first ! ;P my wiz always have 3 zergers on his arse running for his life !


Originally posted by skile
Try a saracen Cleric, if nice RA's u might be able to heal when ganked on. If you are going rejuv that is :).

Cleric = brit/high/ava
As has been said at least twice in this very thread.

Originally posted by skile
Roll a rejuv friar and play in groups with it. A good healer and with the resistbuffs u will be popular :). Only use staff when not healing. To many melee friars out the there now :eek:.

Except rejuv healers are still crappy healers in RvR because they only have one goddamn spell. I'd honestly rather have a 43smite/rest-rejuv cleric and a melee friar than a 42rejuv friar. And I might add that most melee friars have the top resist buffs anyway, being 47/44. Well, top heat buff at any rate.


Originally posted by Pin

... and there is no cap at all on it from the next patch.

they changing the caps on buffs, not sc etc or whatever you wanna call it.

ie if you have capped con with your sc suit, it will still be capped after the patch


You miss the point ...

IMHO casters should be Avalonian, and be as tall as they can be with the tallest silliest hat you can find, that's why they made the race! :D My Theurg (amazingly lvl 39 now) is a tall as can be and wears a pointy Merlin type hat, not magic ... just tall! :D

They made a highlander to be the laughing stock of the game, I mean men in skirts ... I ask you.

They made Briton to be the jack of all trades. I noticed when I made Ashgen that everyone made Armsmen as Highlander tall 'toons, or at best tall Britons ... so I have a small Briton!

I even know someone who made an tiny Inconnu Reaver, and he/she looks very very silly, but I think it is great ... flying in the face of convention! :p

It's a game, lighten up and be a personality not a sheep! :cheers:

It doesn't matter what race, class or size you are in RvR, play well as a group and you win, play crap as a group and you lose?

This is just my opinion and does not represent the views of any guild or other person in game which this post may appear to refer too! :rolleyes:

have fun.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Flimgoblin
I know what you mean about midgard - it's very dull and depressing imho... (the landscape I mean) and note the IMHO - i.e. in my opinion :) I'm sure if I ever get to malmohus or whatever I'll see the vast differences in terrain but I dunno if I'll make it there :)

Never felt that, although alot of players say it. The old world is a bit boring but Vanern and Raum are really fun zones.

Gripklosa Mountains has to be the best zone I have played in. I love the steep, snow filled valleys and hidden areas. Not to mention the level 55 bird that picks you up and drops you into it's nest as a snack for it's orange con youngsters.

As for Malmohus. I will never (famous last words) go there again. I swore that none of my Alb chars would ever go within spitting distance of a tree group and neither Merc or Reaver spilt witherwoode sap. Same applies to my Middie chars. Levelling 1 in malm is probably the most mindless and miserable few days I have ever spent online.

I never want to hear 'Pull faster! Pull faster! We must pull faster!' again.

Or, the best one I have ever heard: From a zerker to an SB... 'Can you stay dead for the next pull? We are getting better xp!'


1 - briton with 10 dex/con/pie... 40 rejuv 36 enhance 4 smite (most common rejuv/enh spec i think) gives best rez, nice heals and good buffs

2 - only briton with 10 dex/con/qui... lots of different ways to spec friars - common spec is 39 staff 48 enhance 15 rejuv 16 parry gives nice dmg, last cold/heat resist buffs, last self haste buff and 2nd rez
another spec i read that a lot of friars use on US servers (and the one i'm using ^^) is 39 staff 46 enhance 25 rejuv 8 parry which gives the lvl 25 spec heal (a lot less downtime when soloing for cash/seals etc) but you sacrifice last cold resist buff and self haste
so i guess it depends on your playing style ^^

3 - plz don't roll a necro they are real irritating, camping everywhere and PL-ing everyone's alts T.T

4 - "prefer a straight nuker/bolter to be honest, rather than a Cabbie/Theurg"
dunno why you don't wanna roll a theurg - their lvl 45 air nuke delves for 210DD and fire wizzies lvl 47 fire nuke delves for 220DD so there's only about a 5% difference.. in addition theurgs get 10s PBT, backup speed and AE mez to boot
unless you wanna roll a ice wizzie they rock ^^



I have to say that hitting 40 in Midd killed my interest in the Middy (for now).

It seems that Malmo is the only option after 40, especially on Pryd due to population. That filled me with horror.

It does not appear that AC created an Avalon City equivalent, so groups are ad hoc and largely reliant in chance outside Malmo.

It’s a real shame. I like the bleakness of Midgard, it’s a change from the green and finery of Albion. The classes are different and melee biased (melee at heart). I had hoped the population of Pryd would have increased as people join the game after AC or start to swap servers for a change of scenery, but this does seem to have happened.

I even played Hippy for a while, great classes, but strange place and a very low population on Pryd.


Originally posted by villageidiot
they changing the caps on buffs, not sc etc or whatever you wanna call it.

ie if you have capped con with your sc suit, it will still be capped after the patch

I think you really need to re-read. Not once did I say anything about SC suits or anything changing there and indeed it would be rediculous to talk about these caps here because it's entirely irrelevant to everything.

Two things change with regards to caps next patch, the first is caps on buffs (1*level for base and 1.5*level for spec) is raised, the second is the cap on the attribute totals (you don't gain anything for going over 300) is removed. It's the second one of these that I was referring to, as it's the only one that is relevant in the context of any discussion in this thread.

And my comment about this was that Con will not be capped for a caster unless you are Briton with +Con at creation, max Con from items, max buffs and at least Aug Con 4.


Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

In regards to the choice of a caster, I'd just like to point out that an air theurgist is one of the best nukers in Alb. :)
Originally posted by Ekydus
Britons are the "Jack of all trade" they are not meant to excell in any area. However they have a higher dex then Avalonians.
No. Both Britons and Avalonians have 60 starting dexterity.

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