Returning to Alb...



Despite some brilliant classes, I just have not taken to Mid at all. I find myself reflecting fondly upon my time in Alb, and have decided to return.

I want to roll a couple of characters, so need some quick advise just to confirm my thoughts.

1. Rejuv/Enh Cleric: Highlander still best race for this class, or should I consider Saracen (Higher base Dex) or Briton? I was going to go with 10 Pie/Con/Str. Any advice greatly appreciated.

2. Friar: Never played one - may roll one instead of Cleric above. Need advise as to race and starting spec, and best template if possible.

3. Necro: Had one of these last time, cannot decide whether to re-roll or not. I recall they level pretty darn fast solo. Deathsight still the way to go? Also need starting specs if possible, because I cannot remember.

4. Caster: This is the biggie. I definately want to roll a caster. I was chatting with a friend yesterday who suggested that a Briton caster was the favoured choice now, and virtually no-one rolls Avalonians anymore. Are Britons viable as casters? I'd prefer a straight nuker/bolter to be honest, rather than a Cabbie/Theurg etc. Which is the way to go? Earth/Ice or Fire?

That's all for now - please help out if you can, and perhaps I'll catch you all soon ;)


Originally posted by Danamyr
2. Friar: Never played one - may roll one instead of Cleric above. Need advise as to race and starting spec, and best template if possible.

Only race that Friars can be is Briton.

1. Highlander or Briton.

2. Briton.

3. Necromancer uses deathsight to kill things fast. I don't think stating spec matters because they are class dependant.

4. For nukes and bolts - Fire. For PBAoE - Ice. For GTAoE - Earth.
4a. Avalonians are for power, based on intelligence. Britons are the "Jack of all trade" they are not meant to excell in any area. However they have a higher dex then Avalonians.


Originally posted by Danamyr

1. Rejuv/Enh Cleric: Highlander still best race for this class, or should I consider Saracen (Higher base Dex) or Briton? I was going to go with 10 Pie/Con/Str. Any advice greatly appreciated.

I have a rejuv/enh cleric and I chose Briton, mostly because I didn't want any bad stats and I was willing to accept not getting any very high stats.

2. Friar: Never played one - may roll one instead of Cleric above. Need advise as to race and starting spec, and best template if possible.

I like Friars in a grp, When there's my CLeric and a Friar in a grp, they're all buffed really well.
Also the Friar does great damage and is a good backup healer if necessary.
Can't help you with race suggestions though.

3. Necro: Had one of these last time, cannot decide whether to re-roll or not. I recall they level pretty darn fast solo. Deathsight still the way to go? Also need starting specs if possible, because I cannot remember.
I played a necro for a bit, but didn't like it.
But they ARE popular in grps for their power transfer.

4. Caster: This is the biggie. I definately want to roll a caster. I was chatting with a friend yesterday who suggested that a Briton caster was the favoured choice now, and virtually no-one rolls Avalonians anymore. Are Britons viable as casters? I'd prefer a straight nuker/bolter to be honest, rather than a Cabbie/Theurg etc. Which is the way to go? Earth/Ice or Fire?
I also have a sorc (an Avalonian I think)
I really like it for solo. But they are popular in groups as well.


Originally posted by Danamyr
Despite some brilliant classes, I just have not taken to Mid at all.

*Midgard Excalibur*
Dern Ironfist Lvl 21 Zerker (500+ AC)
Pip Thistletoe Lvl 21 Shaman
Chiisai Hoshi Lvl 16 Shadow Zerker
Moodiness Lvl 10 Healer

got nothing to do with the LA nerf then? :p


Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Ekydus
4. For nukes and bolts - Fire. For PBAoE - Ice. For GTAoE - Earth.
4a. Avalonians are for power, based on intelligence. Britons are the "Jack of all trade" they are not meant to excell in any area. However they have a higher dex then Avalonians.

Just a quick question on the reply here.

If I chose Briton, I'll have higher base con, so I can last a little longer in melee. If I increase Int with my 30 spec points at start (Perhaps add 10 or 15 points), will that be sufficent to ensure I still have a decent power pool?

I'd imagine with +items I may be able to close the defecit slightly as well, although I accept that as a Briton caster, my power pool would never be as large as an Avalonains.


Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Pin
got nothing to do with the LA nerf then? :p

No mate - honestly. I've not played in Mid for about 2-3 months now. I have concentrated on my characters in Hib/Pryd.

I just have not really taken to the realm. It's completely different to Albion, but I never really knew exactly where to go to level or whatever, whereas the opposite is true of Alb. I know exactly where to go at what level.

Additionally, the LA nerf would make little difference to me, as I have two accounts, so could play the Shaman at the same time as one of the others. The buffs alone are mental, but when you add in the Dmg Add and End Regen, LA nerf is not an issue IMO. In PvE anyway...never went RvR so I wouldn't know about that.

I would just ask that you not be so cynical - I am coming back because I miss the realm, not because something has been nerfed that I have not used ;)


I think the whole briton caster thing is a bit daft, u have 20 less intel which is your main casting stat and more points in things like strength and con, ok con is nice but personaly as a caster i would prefer intel. I think the main reason ppl would choose a briton is so ppl dont think u are a caster. But at the end of the day, u die because u r the one standing at the back in wizard robes, holding a big staff and making a big light show, not because they click on u and it says "briton" as opposed to "avalonian", i know ppl who r briton casters and they die just as quick as i do and i am avalonian. I would advise avalonian m8 but thats just my opinion.

As for friars u can only choose briton and i would go for a staff/enhanc friar, dont go along with any of this rejuv rubbish :) if u want to heal be a cleric.

PS sorry about any bad spelling ;)


anyway... don't roll an avalonian caster. the powerpool difference over briton is about half a spell, the damage difference is also negligable.

make a short briton, with points in con/dex/int. you'll have ~50 more hp than an avalonian (not a very big difference), but you'll live longer just by not being targetted first in every fight.


Originally posted by Merl
I think the whole briton caster thing is a bit daft, u have 20 less intel which is your main casting stat

avalonians also have those wonderful extra points in Qui, which is terribly useful for a wizard ;)

Originally posted by Merl
u die because u r the one standing at the back in wizard robes, holding a big staff and making a big light show

well stop playing a gimp-spec wizard then.

go ice, and go kamikaze. people will take the extra 2 seconds to pick you out as a caster rather than e.g. a friar, or an unstealthed inf (if you play without a staff).

(and 2 seconds = a lot of pbae damage)


Re: Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Aussie-

I give up - accept or don' mature at least :(


i tend to chose my targ... if i see...

celt-elf-luri... all caster...

luri will be the first... than the elf ecc

n think im not the only one doin a selection by race/class ...

still think bout a saracen caster... cabby r good but.. what bout a nuker with that much dex mmm


Re: Re: Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Danamyr
I give up - accept or don' mature at least :(

chars too low level to be worried about the nerf :)
this fellow's an alt-addict :D

I know what you mean about midgard - it's very dull and depressing imho... (the landscape I mean) and note the IMHO - i.e. in my opinion :) I'm sure if I ever get to malmohus or whatever I'll see the vast differences in terrain but I dunno if I'll make it there :)


Er, Malmo is not the place to go to avoid dismal and depressing landscapes ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Returning to Alb...

Originally posted by Flimgoblin
chars too low level to be worried about the nerf :)
this fellow's an alt-addict :D

I think the chars are low level because he deleted alb and re-rolled mid (rolled a zerker, sb and buffbot, it seems ;) )

Now he's decided to re-roll alb again, for whatever reason (I don't care either way, do what you like ;) )


Originally posted by Danamyr
1. Rejuv/Enh Cleric: Highlander still best race for this class, or should I consider Saracen (Higher base Dex) or Briton? I was going to go with 10 Pie/Con/Str. Any advice greatly appreciated./

10Dex/Pie/Con is better. Beyond carrying siege gear, str only helps your leet unspecced mace melee. Saracens can't be cleric. Highlander has extra con/str and less dex/qui. Qui is not something you give a damn about, but the dex lost into str isn't that great. I'd go briton...

2. Friar: Never played one - may roll one instead of Cleric above. Need advise as to race and starting spec, and best template if possible.

Briton (no choice), dex/qui/con, keep your rejuv up at early levels because friars are very poor tanks until higher lvls - your evade is crap, you don't have the enhance spec to get good abs/dexqui/AF/haste buffs, so stick to grouping and healer-ing.

3. Necro: Had one of these last time, cannot decide whether to re-roll or not. I recall they level pretty darn fast solo. Deathsight still the way to go? Also need starting specs if possible, because I cannot remember.

Deathsight still the only way to go for the renowned stupidly-fast soloing. Bear in mind necros are the most annoying pile of pap it has ever been my misfortune to play, in RvR, due to bugs, chain-mezzable pet, LOS-related crap and poor damage output due to pet being blue-con to 50.

4. Caster: This is the biggie. I definately want to roll a caster. I was chatting with a friend yesterday who suggested that a Briton caster was the favoured choice now, and virtually no-one rolls Avalonians anymore. Are Britons viable as casters? I'd prefer a straight nuker/bolter to be honest, rather than a Cabbie/Theurg etc. Which is the way to go? Earth/Ice or Fire?


There's no reason to roll an avalonian caster, other than wishing to be targetted first. As pin said, short briton, dex/int/con. Air theurgs have a spec nuke, the chain-stunning 2000range pets (ultra power-hungry mind you, and little actual damage unless there's 10 of them on you) and 10sec PBT. Earth theurgists are still useless outside PvE. Cold theurgists will just end up using the baseline nuke because you can't spec for 10sec PBT + top spec nuke... dunno, ice seems to have no advantages over air, to me. Wizards... been covered, but we need more PBAE dammit! Fire still has the highest value spec DD in the game, and the hardest bolt, but it's a total one-trick pony. Earth has the nicest (i.e. rarest) damage-type in the game, matter, but lacks in the punch department :>

That's all for now - please help out if you can, and perhaps I'll catch you all soon ;)



1. Rejuv/Enh Cleric: Personally I went with highlander for my cleric cos hibs/mids look for the briton tag first. It may only buy you an extra fraction of a second before they notice you're a bit different, but you may get lucky.

2. Friar: Briton is the only race available and mine's only lvl 9 so i cant really say which spec is best :p full staff and the rest in enh at low levels tho.

3. Necro: NO NO NO NO NO. They level fast yes, but they are BORING and really not much good for RvR.

4. Caster: This is the biggie. Briton fire/ice wiz or an inconnu mind sorc. Believe me, bolt range mezz is very satisfying.


Full staff/enh is what you do if you don't mind sucking at all aspects of the game until level 45 :p


If I should make a new char in Alb, I would make an Iconnu Body/Mind Sorcerer. 45 Body, rest mind, for lvl 40 pets, oke mezz + root. Super debuffs! Excelent body nuke, and powerfull MoC lifedrains in RvR. Best caster in the game imho.


Originally posted by Pin

well stop playing a gimp-spec wizard then.

go ice, and go kamikaze. people will take the extra 2 seconds to pick you out as a caster rather than e.g. a friar, or an unstealthed inf (if you play without a staff).

(and 2 seconds = a lot of pbae damage) [/B]

Just shows how little u know Pin since basically every nuking caster is gimped these days since SC and resists, specing in Ice is no different. Being Briton or Avalonian makes very little difference unless of course u r Ice spec in which case yes i agree that it would be harder for them to pick u out amongst a load of tanks.


Originally posted by Merl
Just shows how little u know Pin since basically every nuking caster is gimped these days since SC and resists, specing in Ice is no different. Being Briton or Avalonian makes very little difference unless of course u r Ice spec in which case yes i agree that it would be harder for them to pick u out amongst a load of tanks.

Waaa, waaa, yet another caster cries about how useless they are...

If I agreed with you in the slightest I wouldn't be levelling one up now (or contemplating levelling another one after).


Originally posted by Pin
Waaa, waaa, yet another caster cries about how useless they are...

If I agreed with you in the slightest I wouldn't be levelling one up now (or contemplating levelling another one after).

Well i am an Ice wizard so by your definition i am not gimped.

And i think it was u who was complaining about gimped casters, i was simply saying that they all suffer with the same problems.


Originally posted by Merl
Well i am an Ice wizard so by your definition i am not gimped.

And i think it was u who was complaining about gimped casters, i was simply saying that they all suffer with the same problems.

I wasn't really saying that all casters who aren't ice wizards are gimped. I was jokingly making a point that if you don't want to be targetted first, be briton.

And while I agree that resists have reduced damage (oh no, casters can no longer 2-3 shot everything they meet) they are certainly not gimped because of it.


Originally posted by Pin
I wasn't really saying that all casters who aren't ice wizards are gimped. I was jokingly making a point that if you don't want to be targetted first, be briton.

And while I agree that resists have reduced damage (oh no, casters can no longer 2-3 shot everything they meet) they are certainly not gimped because of it.

Fair do.


On the caster point...

I am currently lvl'ing an Air / Earth spec'd Avalonian Theurgist... (lvl 44 atm) Since I started this char, I completely dropped my lvl 43 Armsman, which wasn’t intended, the only time I’ve really logged him in the past 2 months since I’ve started my theurg is to 'borrow' Gold for new theurgist items :D. My opinions on the caster starting race thing... To be honest, you’re gonna need to find fairly dumb opponent to figure out if you’re a caster or not... I supposed you may be mistaken for a friar at some stages, but unless you plan to make an Ice wiz, I don’t think the mana pool sacrifice is really worth it, and if u plan to have SC'd gear by the time your 50, Con will always be capped anyway...

In my opinion, an Air / Earth Theurgist or a Body / Mind Sorc would be your best option. I chose the theurgist for the simple reason that you get PBT, as well as having enough points for the last air nuke, which you get at 45 spec, so by 50, the nuke wont be so power hungry even thought it deals quite a lot of dmg (spirit dmg, which seems a lot nicers v's Mids than hibs)...

Also, for lvling in PvE, the spirit dmg air nuke has a nice advantage v's undead mobs, which albion is full of, at lvl 35/36 I was able to solo red/purp daneon clerks in lyon, simply by throwing out about 4 chain stunning air pets and nuking away, about 1 in 5 times the mob would get to me, but he would usually have low enough hits for me to run back a bit and apply the finishing nuke...

Hope this has helped and welcome back !


Originally posted by chinook

My opinions on the caster starting race thing... To be honest, you’re gonna need to find fairly dumb opponent to figure out if you’re a caster or not...

It's not a question of whether they will figure it out. It's a question of how fast they figure it out. A Briton can basically be anything, whereas (unless you are a complete gimp) an Avalonian will be a caster. So, do you target the one you are sure is a caster, or the one you don't know is a caster until he starts waving his arms about?

Originally posted by chinook
I supposed you may be mistaken for a friar at some stages, but unless you plan to make an Ice wiz, I don’t think the mana pool sacrifice is really worth it

The powerpool difference from 20 base int is less than 1 spec nuke at level 50. NOT going to make a big difference! The extra int also gives you more damage on your nukes, but again, this is a small difference.

Originally posted by chinook
and if u plan to have SC'd gear by the time your 50, Con will always be capped anyway...

How will Con be capped? You think there are casters out there with over 300 Con? This is possible for Inconnu/Briton, but certainly not for Avalonian/Saracen - and there is no cap at all on it from the next patch.

Also add that Base Con below 50 counts as double hp compared to Con over 50, so with 45 Con you are losing more hp.


Originally posted by Pin
It's not a question of whether they will figure it out. It's a question of how fast they figure it out. A Briton can basically be anything, whereas (unless you are a complete gimp) an Avalonian will be a caster. So, do you target the one you are sure is a caster, or the one you don't know is a caster until he starts waving his arms about?

Fair point i guess...

Originally posted by Pin
The powerpool difference from 20 base int is less than 1 spec nuke at level 50. NOT going to make a big difference! The extra int also gives you more damage on your nukes, but again, this is a small difference.

Well is the extra CON going to mean you’re going to survive so much longer? I guess it’s a matter of opinion but I would rather have the minor extra mana and extra dmg...

Originally posted by Pin
How will Con be capped? You think there are casters out there with over 300 Con? This is possible for Inconnu/Briton, but certainly not for Avalonian/Saracen - and there is no cap at all on it from the next patch.

I meant on the SC'd suit, so by the time you that lvl, with a SC'd suit, you’ll have both INT and CON capped on you suit, I guess it's the same argument as before, whether you have that small amount of extra Hits or extra Int, personal Preference, i go for INT as a caster wont last long when targeted anyway, is this extra CON at the start going to give him a much bigger chance of survival ?


The con will very rarely save you - but then raw hp rarely saves anyone apart from heavy tanks who double it with IP etc etc.... not being targetted for a second longer - for example, by being a short briton wearing a black vest and not wielding a staff when you charge in to PBAE, is going to do a lot more good.
Extra dmg = you do extra dmg to one target.
Being a potentially confusing and definitely far less obvious target applies to everyone that could potentially be attacking you. In a fight if even one person chooses another target over you, you've saved hundreds of HP.


In the end if you're gonna screw it all up and wear epic armour... you're going to get really lucky to stop people thinking you are a caster right away.

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