Monsta reloaded his DAOC...because he found he had much time to play such a game.
He loaded the game and found that he last played in ...errrr...2002?
Now monsta never actually played longer than his free time due to the fear that at the time he was very busy and realised that the game would require much work/play.
So he visits the sites and sees ADD ONs etc...
Monsta would like to ask some questions and hopes the kind people here can help a little,
1) Can Monsta still play with original CD or does he need the ADD ON (s)
2) Has there been any major changes that may cause Monsta's PC to cry in pain thus making the game hard to play (e.g. waste of money.p.s. my PC is slightly better than it was but not top grade..however more thna enough concerning the specs on original cd cover))
3) Monsta ran around Excalibur (Albion) and managed to get to lvl 25 (or there abouts) this area still up and do as many people still play the original without ADD ON (s)
4) Will somebody please hold Monsta's hand and help him cross the payment road.
5) Will Monsta be selling his sould to the Lord of Gaming if he starts to play again.
thank you for your time...hope you can help a complete noob with some answers..expect many more questions mind uke:
He loaded the game and found that he last played in ...errrr...2002?
Now monsta never actually played longer than his free time due to the fear that at the time he was very busy and realised that the game would require much work/play.
So he visits the sites and sees ADD ONs etc...
Monsta would like to ask some questions and hopes the kind people here can help a little,
1) Can Monsta still play with original CD or does he need the ADD ON (s)
2) Has there been any major changes that may cause Monsta's PC to cry in pain thus making the game hard to play (e.g. waste of money.p.s. my PC is slightly better than it was but not top grade..however more thna enough concerning the specs on original cd cover))
3) Monsta ran around Excalibur (Albion) and managed to get to lvl 25 (or there abouts) this area still up and do as many people still play the original without ADD ON (s)
4) Will somebody please hold Monsta's hand and help him cross the payment road.
5) Will Monsta be selling his sould to the Lord of Gaming if he starts to play again.
thank you for your time...hope you can help a complete noob with some answers..expect many more questions mind uke: