Return to Prydwen or Excalibur?



Greetings good folk

Last winter I jumped on the band-wagon of Dark Age of Camelot with high hopes. Overall my impressions with the game differ little from the average critique. It was loads of fun until level 30-something - and it might have held me longer if I had played on a European server in my own general timezone (I live in Denmark) so that I might have gotten more enjoyment from the RvR battles.

I parted with my Midgard healer on the US server Guinevere in march 2002. As it were I simply didn't have the stamina for playing till 9 in the morning in order to join the RvR lag-fest, and the time spent questing and hunting began feeling more and more like an excursion to the backyard rather that some grand adventure. I mean the worlds are simply way to small.

Now I hear that Dark Age of Camelot is going to be enhanced with the Shrouded Isle expansion pack in february 2003. Plus a lot of new content seems to have been added since I left.
So what's the state of things: Are people leaving for other games or does DaoC warrent a second chance on British server?

I hear that Prydwen is the unofficial roleplaying server whereas Excalibur has more people. Could you please expand upon the differences between the two servers. I'd like to play a Hibernian character or possibly an Albion.

I hope you'll help steer me on the path to a enjoyable and fullfilling winter of online gaming. Thanks in advance.


Prydwen for Hibernia or Albion. We do have roleplaying guilds but does Excalibur. The only difference is the non-roleplaying guilds are far more tolerant of the roleplaying guilds.

We're a friendly server and the overall tone of it all is far more grown up and relaxed.

Hope you make the right decision.


Prydwen has a generally more mature population due to it being chosen as the unofficial roleplaying server (doesn't mean there's huge amounts of Ropeplaying but there's a lot less 1337 speak).
Populations and realm points are fairly balanced between Alb and Mid (Mid edge ahead on RP's but Alb are doing better at the moment). Hib is 3rd in population and RP's but not by that much.

Alb 35% Pop, Mid 37%, Hib 28%

Excalibur has a reputation for being far more 1337. The albs have 45% of the population there with mid and hib with 28 and 27%. Based on current RP's Alb unsuprisingly have the most. Mid have more than Hib but current figures show Alb gaining far less Rp's than their population suggests.

Excal has a larger overall population but this diesn't mean that Prydwen is empty!

old.Trine Aquavit

Hi there.

Prydwen isn't really the 'unofficial role-playing server'. It's generally considered to have a few less d00ds, but there isn't a whole lot of role-playing going on (at least in Midgard) The player base is generally mature and friendly, though, and there's a decent sense of community. Hib/Prydwen is known to have a couple of decent sized role-playing guilds, so if you want to play Hib then that would be a good place to go (as much as it pains me to direct an experienced player to a rival realm ;)).

A bit of info about Prydwen server balance:

Alb has greatest number of players
Mid has greatest number of level 50s
Hib has the most powerful classes

Balance is pretty good and liable to stay that way.

Hope you decide to join us - it's always good to get new blood.

Generic Poster

Prydwen isn't a roleplaying server. It was meant to be, but the roleplayers are scarce and shadowed by the regular players.

Every server has it's 'doodz' and Prydwen is no exception.

Excalibur will have a longer lifespan then Prydwen, something you should consider if you're starting fresh.


Trine, just because Midgard doesnt have roleplay to a degree where you would notice it, doesnt mean alb and hib doesnt.

Hib has several Roleplaying guilds, and albion has the biggest.

apart from that, Albion and Hibernia (starting up) has PARP, the Prydwen Association of Roleplayers, which is a group of people dedicated to host events of various roleplaying nature (Most famous being the Ludlow Bazaar).

Quite alot of Role playing, i'd say :)


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Prydwen isn't a roleplaying server. It was meant to be, but the roleplayers are scarce and shadowed by the regular players.

Not true - no servers are officially roleplay servers. Prydwen simply has more roleplay guilds than Excalibur (in fact there are virtually none on Excalibur). There are more 'regular' players than roleplayers, but if you want to roleplay you will not have a problem doing so on Prydwen, on Excalibur you will find it difficult and will be more likely to get abuse for doing so.

Every server has it's 'doodz' and Prydwen is no exception.

True - even more so now that Excalibur people are coming to Prydwen to try a different realm ;)
All realms/servers have good and bad people. Pick a realm with characters you fancy trying, then decide if you want to be a small fish in a big sea, or a big fish in a small sea and then go to the higher/lower populated server accordingly.
Excalibur/Albion and Prydwen/Midgard were seen as being the bigest 'dewd' populations, but then they have the biggest populations anyway, and these sorts of people tend to be attracted to the more popular place as they always want to be 'lewt'.

Excalibur will have a longer lifespan then Prydwen, something you should consider if you're starting fresh.

<Insert rude word here> What a stupid comment ! See above note.


I need to get myself a Concise Dictionary of Contemporary Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game Gibberish. What does it all mean? 1337, d00ds, dewd, lewt - and what not.

Thanks to <Wels> for the excellent Prydwen server statistic link and to <liste> for the link to the Prydwen Association of Roleplayers.

<Generic Poster> - Why is it that Excalibur will have a greater lifespan than Prydwen?

And to
  1. - Thanks for your objective advice on Hibernia/Prydwen. I appreciate your friendly gesture even when you are making an enemy out of me ;)

    You have swayed me towards the land of Hibernia on Prydwen. Now what class do you recommend when my primary interest lies in RvR - the aspect of DaoC that I never got around to really participate in when I was playing on the US server. Is RvR on Prydwen good?


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Hi there.

A bit of info about Prydwen server balance:

Alb has greatest number of players
Mid has greatest number of level 50s
Hib has the most powerful classes

Balance is pretty good and liable to stay that way.

Hope you decide to join us - it's always good to get new blood.

actually, mid gost greatest number of players aswell

Uncle Sick(tm)

What does it all mean? 1337, d00ds, dewd, lewt - and what not.

Brilliant question... uhm... PM kr0n - he knows eveything about being 1337, a d00d and how to properly "pwn" people.

he will ownz j00!!1


Prydwen/Hibernia is a nice place (unless you run into an Excal players alt - yes, I generalize...).

Prydwen rping guilds:

Friendly people, got rpers etc. ;)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

Brilliant question... uhm... PM kr0n - he knows eveything about being 1337, a d00d and how to properly "pwn" people.

he will ownz j00!!1

Maybe he'd like to be the editor of the Concise Dictionary? ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

He's busy writing a 'How to properly pwn ppl by hacking their account' manual. I don't think he has the time to begin another work of art.


Good hib classes in rvr =

Enchanter - has a good pbaoe, good pet, speed spell... however it's a very popular class and quite over-powered at the moment, so will probably be nerfed at a later stage

Ranger - the best archer class in many people's opinion, can beat off assassins with dual wield

Mentalist - if you spec light it has the best nuke in hibernia, possibly in the game. Also gets heal, charm... good overall class.

Hero - "Spearo" specced heroes are supposed to be the hardest class to kill in the game - that is, spec 42 shield, cap Spear, use the 42 shield style to stun your opponent then whip out your spear to finish them off. Heroes can become a moose too, +50% hps I believe.

Any one of these Hib classes is a good choice, although if I was you I'd roll a minstrel on albion ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by the_chimera

Enchanter - has a good pbaoe, good pet, speed spell... however it's a very popular class and quite over-powered at the moment, so will probably be nerfed at a later stage

... *coughs* ...
PBAoE - yes, if keep defending is one of your hobbies, spec in mana like 95% of Enchanters aka cookie cutter characters.
Also be prepared to look for a proper PBAoE group for hours and hours... oh, and die alot if the tanks can't get the aggro off you.
Nice to rack up xp but otherwise boring (in my opinion).

If you want to enjoy a powerful DD, spec in light.
I hit red weeweres for about 350 dam with one nuke.
- respecced to full light and love it. :)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
He's busy writing a 'How to properly pwn ppl by hacking their account' manual. I don't think he has the time to begin another work of art.

That's volume 1.

Volume 2 will be 'How not to get caught when doing it', but he has to do a whole lot of research on this topic.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Tealeaf

That's volume 1.

Volume 2 will be 'How not to get caught when doing it', but he has to do a whole lot of research on this topic.

Hehe - good one. :D

Nishar Sunee

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

... *coughs* ...
PBAoE - yes, if keep defending is one of your hobbies, spec in mana like 95% of Enchanters aka cookie cutter characters.
Also be prepared to look for a proper PBAoE group for hours and hours... oh, and die alot if the tanks can't get the aggro off you.
Nice to rack up xp but otherwise boring (in my opinion).

hours and hours to finda proper pbaoe group?

maybe not, ive found so far that all level 40+ groups look for mana chanters over light chanters, in fact, quite a few groups ive been invited to have laughed at light chanters and told them to get lost.

maybe i've just been unlucky, or maybe not, but that is how it generally seems to me.


Albion is a nice realm but it has its problems like all realms I suppose. I have been on Albion for almost 9 months now.

mainly that many people according to the class they choose find it hard to get groups for xp.

So it depends on whether or not you are prepared to struggle to level up or want to choose a class that finds groups easily and levels up fast. So choice of class is quite important.

In the main though a lot of people are very nice on prydwen Albion. I tried excal and also found them to be friendly and very helpful (I must go back soon and continue there)

As for the roleplay, we do have guilds who do roleplay and they are very nice people although that doesnt really appeal to me.

So I guess it's down to what aspects of the game are most important to you.

Hope you make the right choice for you:)


Originally posted by dareanen

actually, mid gost greatest number of players aswell

Actually, we don't know for sure either way. That is because we can only see the number of characters, not players (at least I'm pretty sure it's that way, if someone knows otherwise feel free to correct me.). Would be great to know the number of players though.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Nishar Sunee

hours and hours to finda proper pbaoe group?

maybe not, ive found so far that all level 40+ groups look for mana chanters over light chanters, in fact, quite a few groups ive been invited to have laughed at light chanters and told them to get lost.

maybe i've just been unlucky, or maybe not, but that is how it generally seems to me.

Oh, all level 40+ groups do, eh? Just re-read my post and couldn't find any statement about 40+ group. Don't think I mentioned specific levels.

Are there levels below 40?
Did I rant about wannabe manabombs before?

Oh.. boo-hoo... people don't want light chanters in their group?

a) I get enough group requests to prove you wrong.
b) I only group with people I know anyway.
c) People wanting to group with cookie cutter chars only, are somewhat sad anyway.

Hope I could clarify my earlier statement for you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I'm allowed to get pissy once in awhile.


Excalibur's not all bad... some nice guilds around :)

A whole load of morons though... but I imagine the Tomb of Mithra on Prydwen is just as hideous....


seing as you're danish, I'd reccomend midgard prydwen... er sq så mange af os, det er helt utroligt :D

The only "all danish" guild these days is Danish Huscarls (Call of Heimdal merged with another guild), but it's hard not to find a dane while playing... and if they aren't danish, then 80% of the people you will encounter are from scandinavia, so they play in the same timezone as you, which means that grouping shouldn't be too difficult.


Hi there, Prydwen have the Borg so there resistance is futile.

British server
*warning warning*
*error honk*
Incorrect o_O
Tis the english language servers :p


So it depends on whether or not you are prepared to struggle to level up or want to choose a class that finds groups easily and levels up fast. So choice of class is quite important.

Of course your choice of class is important.
but it should Never be chosen based on whats uber in RvR, or what easy to level fast! It should be based on what you will find the most fun playing. End of story.

and Silverhood, i think theres a 40% Scandinavian population in all realms, mid aint 'special' :p


The only problem with Prydwen / Albion in RvR is that many of the regular lvl 50 RvR'ers are in Servants of the Lake, so whenever you do /who emain, you have to remember that everyone there is in two halves; the SoTL groups, which are seperate from everyone else. This often works to our advantage since we have eyes over different parts of the frontier, and SoTL are very efficient at keep-taking and such, but against a large force of enmies it can be disastrous as we get killing in two halves... kinda like Colonel (?) Custer ><. It's very rare to see an LoE zerg, since they tend to move with the rest of Albion. Put basically, you join SoTL and die whilst roaming, or join anyone else and die whilst MG camping.

But I would suggest coming here any day, its very rare you will genuinely find a nasty person playing here. RvR on Excal sucks anyway, I hear :p


I am quite overwhelmed by the amount of helpful response that I have gotten from all you good people. It warms the heart and assures me that I have indeed come to a friendly and very active player community. All hail to the British servers - be it Prydwen og Excalibur.


Originally posted by SFXman
Hi there, Prydwen have the Borg so there resistance is futile.

*warning warning*
*error honk*
Incorrect o_O
Tis the english language servers :p

What? You mean people actually speak English on the 'English speaking servers"?!

Could have fooled me :p

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