mckfly has been hideing within your mits
But i would like to say your guild is a true guild for all the main reasons ( i would ask questions and get answers )
the guys there are great most of all - get groups all the time-
and for once i have seen a guild take pride in what they do groups working as a team - as well as helping people out of guild not only this but they would have even given mckfly a 2nd chance (i respect that) but it was unfair for me to join as your guild dont need fly to reflect back on you like that
Talking to GK -GM- last night damn nice guy
and i have spoken to officers within the guild and there mautre and switched on this guild is well organised and fun
-Standing besides order of the knight's-
I would say to you guys out there that if you are fed up with your char - if you dont have a guild - try to get in with the griffons trust me (this is comeing from mckfly) you will have fun
as griffons said to me (its not about power leveling thats left to sotl. its about friends and fun things to do ect - and there aliance is always doing stuff too
what are other peoples views - good comments only please
I THINK ITS FANTASTIC - woooo big word for me
mckfly has been hideing within your mits
But i would like to say your guild is a true guild for all the main reasons ( i would ask questions and get answers )
the guys there are great most of all - get groups all the time-
and for once i have seen a guild take pride in what they do groups working as a team - as well as helping people out of guild not only this but they would have even given mckfly a 2nd chance (i respect that) but it was unfair for me to join as your guild dont need fly to reflect back on you like that
Talking to GK -GM- last night damn nice guy
and i have spoken to officers within the guild and there mautre and switched on this guild is well organised and fun
-Standing besides order of the knight's-
I would say to you guys out there that if you are fed up with your char - if you dont have a guild - try to get in with the griffons trust me (this is comeing from mckfly) you will have fun
as griffons said to me (its not about power leveling thats left to sotl. its about friends and fun things to do ect - and there aliance is always doing stuff too
what are other peoples views - good comments only please
I THINK ITS FANTASTIC - woooo big word for me